Topic: Thought to ponder | |
I have been thinking about doing the 3day Susan B. Komen 60 mile walk, so I was telling my daughter about my new venture. I was explaining that in order to walk, you must raise at least 2,300. She was silent for a moment, then said, "Mom, just think about all the women who walk ever year, and how long have they been doing this? And they havent' found a cure for breast cancer yet?" She sure got me to thinking, they probably have and just don't want to let the public know, there goes all the money going to the big pharma. I have read in plenty of publications where the "cure" has been found, but they won't release it. What do you think?
If that were ever to be found to be true I would say God help that company because the rath of the people would be frighening !Have someone close to you suffer and die from cancer once and then ask yourself what if I could have done something about it ?If you have the capability and did it I applaud you .If you did nothing that sucks
I have been thinking about doing the 3day Susan B. Komen 60 mile walk, so I was telling my daughter about my new venture. I was explaining that in order to walk, you must raise at least 2,300. She was silent for a moment, then said, "Mom, just think about all the women who walk ever year, and how long have they been doing this? And they havent' found a cure for breast cancer yet?" She sure got me to thinking, they probably have and just don't want to let the public know, there goes all the money going to the big pharma. I have read in plenty of publications where the "cure" has been found, but they won't release it. What do you think? I think it is always important to research any charity before you hand over money or time and energy. It looks like this is what you are doing and I too wonder were all that money is going. ![]() |
If that were ever to be found to be true I would say God help that company because the rath of the people would be frighening !Have someone close to you suffer and die from cancer once and then ask yourself what if I could have done something about it ?If you have the capability and did it I applaud you .If you did nothing that sucks I guess I am back to walking, and yes I did have family members die of cancer, not breast, lung, so I guess your right, thanks I needed that insight. |
Daytime is right though research first because charities are different .There are laws governing how much has to be given for qualification as a charity.So how much does get turned over .They are allowed so much for administrative costs and such .I know many people who have supported Susan G Kolmen foundation and they always go back again !My kneees wo'nt allow the walking for that distance so I do other things for them and the Hospice that took care of my Mom .
Cancer is big business.
Edited by
Thu 02/25/10 08:36 AM
Cancer is big business. That about sums it up. If they cure it, then they would all be out of work. Speaking from 1st hand experience. With my first Masct. they 'invited' me to particiapate. Everyone walking wore a yellow shirt. They gave me a bright pink one, and was told go stand under the tent. There were a few others. We were 'The Survivors'. Pissed me off, to be used like that, wasn't told and didn't like being a example for everyone to raise money. I left 1/2 way through, it hadn't even been 6 weeks and was still reeling from it all, hadn't even gone to chemo yet. Oh the joy of that, they didn't offer me anything, I had to chase them down- at that time it was a joke. |
hehe. Guess you struck a nerve, eh?
Cancer is big business. Last year 60 minutes did a report about a scientist who invented a cure for cancer. They had it independently tested and it DOES work. You don't see it being used though do you? ...... |
Because I don't believe they really want to cure anything. It would end their business if they cured all these diseases.
I also believe that cancer is just a normal cell that goes bad so there can be no cure for it unless you can predict which normal cells will go bad and remove them before hand. I don't participate in this kind of thing and do not want people to do it in my name for the MS walk either. |