Community > Posts By > cgeo

cgeo's photo
Mon 04/27/09 09:37 PM
WOW! Taking a closer look...Hoo R U ? flowerforyou

cgeo's photo
Mon 04/27/09 09:34 PM
I know that in the present tense we are, do and have the things that we have consistently held in our minds. These tings may manifest either positive or negative depending on our motives, emotions, etc.What I do not understand fully are the laws of attraction. There is a saying that opposites attract and there is the expression that like attracts like.How can they both be true statements without being paridoxal? You look from your photo like you know a thing or two about a thing or to.I would welcome an exchange of ideas or some more of your wisdom.smokin

cgeo's photo
Mon 04/27/09 09:20 PM
if it's meant to be it will happen in some way, shape or form no matter what the starting point is.frustrated

cgeo's photo
Mon 04/27/09 04:13 PM
two things.without honesty there is no foundation for a relationship and 2 those dam ex-wives, they're everywhere and seems like everyone has one,,,or a ex-husband.drinker

cgeo's photo
Mon 04/27/09 04:09 PM
they say there is a perfect match for every one, does anyone know how many "soul mates" we each have, and where are they???sad

cgeo's photo
Mon 04/27/09 03:51 PM
there are several possabilities dear. I didn't realize there were others confronted with this painful and lonly dilema. For me the easy thing to do is blame god and ask him why there is enogh love for everyone else on this planet but not for me. I believe that is distorted thinking and that perhaps it is an issue of wether i love myself or not. And I still can't answer that one. or i may tend to fall for a woman and be so fearful of losing love that I in effect push love away. Ya know the feeling to want love so much, to be nearly desperate and to feel like there is just no hope. But, there has to be someone for everyone,right. I would welcome your advice as well on this subject as I have been struggling with this for awhile.I look for love, I want love and romance a quest that can surly drive a man crazy {a woman too}} no i don't have the answere and I ain't getting any younger. Good fortune to you.....

cgeo's photo
Sat 04/25/09 10:57 PM

cgeo's photo
Sat 04/25/09 10:55 PM
i like to write perhaps about unimportant stuff.Let me know now so I can change it.THANKS

cgeo's photo
Sat 04/25/09 10:52 PM
:banana: :banana: :banana: your profile is well done. I bet you get much interest.