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Our Lives
The sun that shines then later sets…
it makes our love, for me never to forget. Even though you are miles away, you are here with me in spirit and you are here to stay. Sadness surrounds me as you are not here. The loneliness felt makes me shed every tear. You give me support and whisper, "I am there"… as you tell me on the phone that you do care. You say you love me and you always will. This I know as your love I can truly feel. I trust in you and have faith in us and the love and nurturing I give to you is a must. I care for you with all of my heart and would do everything I can to keep us from being apart. Someday is not far away, as we will be together soon… we will watch the sun set, the stars rise and the moon. We will feel the rain fall upon our face, look deeply into each others eyes and find that special place. We will walk on the beach, feeling the sand between our toes… and we will share ourselves and watch our love grow. The tears come back but, now they are tears of joy. We cry together as you give birth to our girl and boy. Our family is here and lucky we are. All along the distance between us was not that far. Before I met you, my life was unfair. It was filled with emptiness and no one cared. You may never understand what you have given me… a chance to love and care for you and to start our family tree. You are the answer my love… you are my best friend. The answer I have waited for and I will love you through the very end. Even after I am gone, the love in our children will shine. They will have our deepest hearts… both yours and mine. Until that time comes for me to leave this earth… we will enjoy our lives without any hurt. We will share our beauty and ongoing love and remember to thank the one above. I also thank your parents too… because they gave you to me. They see the love that I have for you… which is for eternity. Our lives are now one as we go through this life… I love you and thank you forever for being my wife. Marcas B. Sterling June 7, 2003 |
Whisper From Afar
Every moment that goes by
I hear your voice next to me. It whispers softly in my ear... telling me, "I am always with you". Sometimes my tears flow like that of a rolling river or waterfall. They flow because my heart loves you so and I cannot be with you to show you. Deep down inside, somehow you know... you know what to say to me... what to whisper to me and you... only you... you know how to just love me. Your whispers of love pull me through the times of sadness when we are apart. Never have I known such a powerful love like the love you and I share together. When I hurt, you hurt too... even though I never want to tell you the discomfort of loneliness I have when you are not around. You are beside me though and I don't ever want you to be sad. You want to feel my pain and go through my happy moments as well. Sometimes you ask for me to share my deepest thoughts and feelings because you care and you want us to always be bonded. Your whispering of support, the reassuring of our love and all of your comforting words help me get by day by day. At night I fall asleep with you and wake with you in the morning... even though you are miles away- we both continue to whisper our love to each other. Our love is very genuine... very real. As I whispered to you before- we are what others will read about someday and they will sing songs, write stories and poems about our love. Marcas B. Sterling May 27, 2003 |
Your Amazing Eyes
When I first saw you, I was hypnotized
by your silky brown skin and your amazing eyes... and I longed to run my fingers through your hair. I noticed your cute cheeks when you smiled and I know that by meeting you it would be worthwhile... One of my strongest feelings for you is wishing I was there. I'm very glad you said 'yes' (even though I would not have guessed) to wanting to get to know me better. You have made a huge impact in my life and I hope that someday you will be my wife... as it was time for me to send you this poetic letter. I never want you to feel lonely or depressed because I will always be here for you and I would be blessed to be in your life; so someday you will see. I apologize from the bottom of my heart for not meeting you sooner... but I hope we can start a life together where you will get to know the real me. You'll see that my words are as true as I am and as I will finally meet you... I hope you will understand that patience is something you taught me more of. I know that we will have our chance to laugh in the rain and slowly dance in a life together as we fall deeply in love. Your beauty and gentleness pulled me in and I felt your blown kiss that came with the wind... because of who you are- I am still mesmerized. As I long to be yours very faithfully and to be with you for eternity... I want to love you forever and always look into your amazing eyes. Marcas B. Sterling May 9, 2003 |
A Longing
Homeland left… another home to find.
Rapid growth endured, adapted heart longing to be loved. Tiny are the hands- like that of a child. Deep are the eyes- proving that the sea is shallow. Tiny hands hold back the sea. Smiles are overwhelming; cheeks rise up and impress. Whispers like a soft feather floating. Words enlighten another; supportiveness is encouragement. Mysterious is the dark hair- the Asian skin smooth as silk. An emotion now found… a singing begins- which carries the heart that longs. Happiness is now found; care comes into play. Joy is also returned. Searching for hope ceases… as well as the self-destructing and weakening. Mind favors the path- one takes a look. Hearts with patience eventually come together… even without ever searching. Ears left opened connect with the sea. Opinions not raised; judgment not an option… love and understanding settle in. Souls become one; bodies are nurtured. Families are made. Sadness and violence ends forever. Peace and kindness remain endless. Marcas B. Sterling Oct. 11, 1999 |
When you struggle your whole life
to become what you want to, you continue to know who you are. One may set their mind on a goal and how they see their own self - as the image others may focus on is off by far. When you remain in the presence of those holding you back, the others continue to see what they want to see. All the thoughts- not on the same track. The others may stereotype you in a place where you don’t belong and a being you are not. Do the others stereotype you with a name you are labeled by? Remaining in their presence, you’ll continue to rot. For they have not accepted you for anymore than the positive things you have achieved. Nor, the accomplishment of goals in store; nor the thoughts you have believed. Some learn from their past mistakes; forgiving themselves from within- they move on... putting their past to rest. While others continue to see what you forgave, they bring up your past amongst others- which is really not for the best. See not what you want to see; hear not what you want to hear. Grow with the precious being who loves you, and neither of you will live in fear. Fear of losing a friend- to each will be a loss. But, more to the one only wanting to see. Then, the one looks again, and you are not there. Now, you live your life to your own expectations. Continuing to be yourself, you realize you are free. Marcas B. Sterling Feb. 4, 1992 |
The "True" Poem
Once a young miss-
my poem, she had read; mentioned I wrote negatively about what I had said. Telling her only, that my writings are ‘true’ and that I write positive poems, not one- but, a few. But, when everyone writes as if they’re ‘tickled pink’ that would be odd if you stop and think. Maybe I shouldn’t write about the sick, or ones that hurt, or the rich being small. I say to any reader who takes offense, let this one (of my poems), be the last of them all. For, I will not bow down to Satan or man! Nor, stop writing poems that people understand. I write about a world full of joy, and a ‘stabbed’ world that can bleed. My poems- you can learn from & enjoy- they’re ones you should read. Perhaps one may say or read, ‘life’s a bed of roses’ or, everything seems to be ‘gift-wrapped’- knowing sometimes good and bad are equally overlapped. And while the world continues to manipulate our youth, my poems about life will be telling the truth Marcas B. Sterling Feb. 12, 1992 |
Tongues of Denial
Sometimes the world contradicts itself-
what is a person to do? Understanding there are some flaws in life, only follow that which truly believes in you. People say that rules are to be followed; others say they’re to be broken. When others ask if they could be bent, it’s usually the violators that have spoken. While others are punished for their wrong-doing, as it’s the same as the others that did wrong: The judge may pull a few strings, if the right amount of money comes along. High officials talk of feeding the poor- yet they never drop money into a transient’s hat. While they think politically to ‘con’ the economy, their wallets continue to grow more fat. Environmentalists say to “save the earth” - when our oceans... the oil spills will defeat. And, some take care and feed the oil-covered birds, while hungry people have nothing to eat. Some people in the world are still very ignorant, as they say to stop racism... they only try. For example, they put a ‘Help Wanted’ ad in the news, stating, “People of color are encouraged to apply.” Sometimes when the world contradicts itself, it shows its true self with its shame. Should you live a life of total honesty, you’ll not be the one to blame. Marcas B. Sterling Feb. 12, 1992 |
The Storm
A child’s life has been like a storm-
changing directions constantly: Where is a child to gain strength? Usually, from those who can lead. When those who lead are unable to give strength- they are usually surrounded by the storm also. And, in response to the child obtaining strength from them- it would be a weakness to follow. So, that child’s loved ones are wrapped in the storm as well. The mind of the child is focused on peace. Even though the child, who is in the eye of the storm, is often pulled away- into the danger. Still, a clear mind is what the child keeps. And, matures while emotions grow positive. Though trying, the child cannot remove the loved ones from the storm. The child thinks, believes, then knows- that the loved ones do not want to leave the storm. For the storm of the loved ones is their serenity. As they continue to believe that the storm does not become any calmer than the perimeter. Yet, the child is left alone. The only strength there is to gain is the strength of the child within (to grow) - mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. The child moves with the storm. After several struggles the child has fought over through the past, the loved ones let the ‘different’ one pass through... or, the storm has died and is no longer in site. Still, the child will not dwell on what has happened in the storm or how the child was destined to leave. Only, that the serenity the child grew accustom to will remain the rest of the child’s life- now that the child is free from the storm. Marcas B. Sterling Feb. 4, 1992 |
Quiet Parks
A day of rest in a quiet park
is a time of relaxed thoughts. Ease the mind of weariness- free from the world’s confusion and rage. Watching the leaves fall gently reminds us of our elderly ones; that we’re destined to fall as well- just as with any color, and at any age. You may hear a quiet sound of traffic. Or, a child’s laugh that’s pleasant. Remembering that life’s too short- we cherish that laugh of the child. Thinking that the world isn’t that bad- that’s the only moment we do. Hoping the world will be better for the young: No more wars- just an earth that’s mild. We come to the park to relax and grow weary even more. A ‘chance for peace’... there should be no test. For all the adults- we’re to be an example. Finally, when the world bonds together, the young in quiet parks will have their day of rest. Marcas B. Sterling Feb. 5, 1992 |
Love the country and the people…
Forget the flag- idle nothing. Feel the names on the wall… and make meaning out of nonsense. Be frank and speak to the ear that might be offended. To hell with the ‘side-takers’ And be ‘open-minded’ and stay in the middle. If one shouts at you – shout back and… bite their lips so hard so their lips become knotted. Complain when you don’t vote… you have that right. Down with the Pope and the so-called gospel preachers. Down with the churches – for they are temples built by the hands of man, and God doesn’t want you to worship there. Down with racism… the crosses must go too. Carry the cross in your heart and hate no one. If acts of violence must be carried out to defend yourself… or, your point of view, or the people who care about you… then do so… then, ask for forgiveness. Set a timer for the city to close. Close the gate and guard the boarders. Lock your doors and windows and just stay home. Marcas B. Sterling April 15, 1997 |
Why speak when you have been shouted at?
Why walk when some wish to knock you down? Why smile when hurt is all you feel? Why laugh when others make you frown? Writings on paper, or even in the sand, or carvings on a tree... for whatever God’s teachings shall be- let those who mock come to understand: One can speak in a different way without ever saying a word. One can walk with God without standing- for his love and compassion is never demanding... even if sadness has been felt or heard. God is our almighty protection and has been since we were born. One can smile and laugh in the good company of friends. With everyone including God... we should make amends- then He will protect our soul from ever being torn. Making our choice to accept God, a new conscience is what we’ll receive. Our writings can be expressed in our Truthful lives, as the Truth is protected and in Him we’ll always believe. Marcas B. Sterling Aug. 16, 2004 |
Overcoming Hate
I will no longer continue to be
in the presence of those who hate- too many crimes are committed already. I therefore will not give them reason to hate, understanding that pretenders are the lowest forms of it. To hold onto anger and resentfulness- your soul will follow the instincts of your enemies. To see yourself as a forgiver- you can and must forget (and forgive) that they ever hated. To continue to dispense the thoughts which may lead to arguments while discussing, you may have to come to terms in which words of your own shouldn’t be spoken. Remove yourself from the presence of your enemies- because they have contributed to your weariness. After you make amends on your part at least... then, those who refuse your amendment will be the ones you no longer see. Marcas B. Sterling March 21, 1992 |
Dreams of Faith (Song)
Dreams Of Faith
Verse 1: It’s time I let you know that my love for you will grow higher than the clouds that cover heaven’s sky. Each day I pretend that your love for me won’t end. So, tell me that you’ll be right by my side. Chorus: I dream of you- day and night... to keep us close and keep me in your life. I dream of you - oh yes it’s true... to keep us close- I always dream of you. Verse 2: With you I cannot hide all the love I feel inside- as we live the lives that lovers want to live. In the cold I’ll keep you warm, cover you throughout the storm- it’s a kind of love a lover wants to give. Repeat Chorus. Verse 3: As you look in my eyes I am taken by surprise You say, ‘I am here and I won’t let you go. Our faith’s not blind you see ’cause our love was meant to be- and there’s one more thing that I should let you know: (An she says...) Repeat Chorus above. Chorus 2: I dream of you- day and night... To keep us close and keep me in your life. I dream of you- now you see- to keep us close you’ll always dream of me. Our dreams of faith- are strong you know. They pull us close and don’t let us go. We’re living our dreams- they’re reality... I dream of you and you dream of me. I dream of you- everyday. There’s nothing like waking up from a dream- especially a dream of faith. I dream of you - I’m hear to stay... Come and share with me your dreams - wonderful, loving dreams of faith. … add lib…. Marcas B. Sterling April 10, 1992 |
Damaged Child
Damaged Child
Incest a child - Damage their growth. Older sister beware- Hurting siblings will only haunt you. Family of poverty- climb out of your ditch. Leave the violence alone, do not pass it on. Rebel against relatives- the ones that cause harm. They point the finger- as if you're to blame. Mistakes are made, amending is practiced. But, the family hand doesn't wave good-bye. You shame not your name- not your soul, or your pride. You look to the odd one- as if that person is evil. Women have the power- sometimes corrupted by men. A young woman's growth is now damaged. Was it her father that ruined her life? Pointing fingers again- but, not from a relative. How does one go through life with being honest yet not believed? Damaged child is now in mid-life. Older, but feels elderly. A time will be destined... to die by the child's own hands. All are children inside. Breaking free and enjoying life. Not everything is a rainbow. How damaged are you? Marcas B. Sterling May 12, 1998 |
A Common Quietness
Sometimes I wonder what has happened to life.
When days used to be so very simple. Why did those times disappear? Times when quietness was common. Growing up with friends- a child’s dream is for it to last forever. And now, a friend is hard to find. Remember building a tree-house or fort? We skipped pebbles across a still pond and sometimes played ‘hide-&-seek’ with the other neighbor’s children. Lemonade stands and smiles on faces were common. A ‘puppy-love’ romance made a kid blush. We carved our love heart into a tree. Yes- so many good days to remember. Some say everyone is a child inside. Then, why do some adults behave so irrational? Now that we’ve grown up, we see that a confusing world is very common. You shouldn’t always hear what’s going on around you. Stay open-minded and please- keep in touch with the calmness around you. Escape with me to a common quietness. Love me like you used to when we were young. Hold me like there is no tomorrow... please. Touch my cheeks... and wipe away my tears. I don’t want to grow old alone. I only want you to know the real me, and I the real you- like the times when we were kids; when we both knew the real us. Then our lives together will continue to be common. Let’s not dwell on the bad in life. Let’s have our picnics in the park, or on the beach, or wherever. Let’s get drenched by a rainstorm sometime. Let’s engrave our names into every tree to symbolize the love we feel for each other. The smiles, we’ll keep having; and for the rest of our lives, enjoy our common peace. Marcas B. Sterling Feb. 13, 1992 |
Angel of Deception
If I could leave this world for awhile,
I would dig a grave more deep than a mile. In it, I would toss my guilt and shame; including the ones that built my name. Throwing in the times that I had swore, and even the enemies that I would never see no more. Resentments and jealousy would go in as well, and all my broken hearts that put me through hell. Finally, I would realize I was on the brink, and take time out to stop and think. Why not throw the world in to? Before I jump, first there’s you! I’d then add all the world’s sins- because no one tries to make amends. And, as I watch the last one jump, I would wait until I heard the sound of ‘thump’. To watch overhead- would be a nice role- but, not as much as filling the hole. Then, I would come back on earth for awhile, with the shovel in my hand, and my face with a smile. I’d report to my master, ‘That was sure fun!’ And, remind him that his will was done. Finally, I’d inform him that the world’s now a disaster… And come to realize that I had served the wrong master. Marcas B. Sterling Feb. 6, 1992 |
Angelic One
A world that was torn apart and a faith that was gone;
past words that were spoken would leave one to be alone. Deep in the sadness, a journey destined- a young man had always been questioned. A cry for help is heard by a sweet, angelic one. From out of nowhere- only heaven above, a woman enters into a man's life to give him love. A heavenly child- Christ sent her down to wipe away the sadness; to wipe away the frown. She is to bring life; like that of Noah's dove. All the pain and hurt she will lift from the man. She sheds a new light on his destiny for him to understand. Together they cry- for she had been hurt too… their worlds had been damaged; but their friendship became true. With arms wrapped around each other, for both the healing began. The man's life she brings back- for it was death that he was seeking- his mind on one track. Victims they were; but she had been touched by the Lord. She forgave many that hurt her; and everyone she adored. A new meaning for living- she gives him; a purpose was what he lacked. Today lies a new beginning for both to start anew. As gentle as a lamb; her words were like the wind that blew: Drifting into the man- she stayed with him; his heart is now healing. They are each other's destiny… and their love- more than a feeling. A bonding, they will forever possess; now that heaven's journey is in view. Marcas B. Sterling Jan. 24, 1999 |
The 21st Century Knight
The 21st Century Knight
No more will I draw my sword to fight for thee my only love. No more will I bow before thee, nor moisten thy hand with lips of mine. For thy heart seeks a love that half thy heart only wants. And, no more will I pretend that my love is cherished by thee. My ears drown in a confused state. Thy tongue doth speak differently than thy thoughts. Thy actions become as that of a hungry serpent; furtively- as I watch thee slither. If thou wish love, as if thou doth- why cast thyself of the star you wish upon? I know my writings of the love I feel for thee are not compared to those of Romeo and Juliet. I shall not marry thee if thou only seek gold. Why shallst I taketh thy hand to wed when thy intentions are to depart from me in the years to come? And, will thoust not taketh our descendents from my eyes as well? Thoust will then demand periodically- the gold from me in which my bone in my back doth break. Unless thy wisdom and heart are as one and thy love for me to grow eternally. For my hand is the hand that will lead, thy hand will support thy own. And, if I should break down at thy feet, thou will lead- remain at my side, and lift me up to lead again. I shall be your king, and you- my queen. A crown will not sit on neither of our heads. A feather will describe the love we have. And, the time we connect- will be more powerful than when the earth moves. Let our love cross the current in the stream. Thy passion has now grown stronger for my heart. Thou begin to knowest thyself better. We now doth join like a bridge to bring new lives before us. I will then support thee my love- as if thou art the bridge itself. I will not be swept away by the current no more. For, thy love thou givest will help me hold thee. Thy beauty has led me down a different path once again. I will moisten thy hand once more. My love- you now doth seeketh whole-heartedly. Our true love- we now knowest... and will live each day. Marcas B. Sterling Feb. 20, 1992 |
Three Sunny Demons
Three Sunny Demons
The sun fades- clouds darken the sky. Some souls are filled with demons. Others enjoy the darkness. Some souls bond the darkness with the evil. Happy faces are usually around- especially when the sun is out. People are distressed when it rains. Never a thought entering the minds of ‘happy’ people (when the sun is out) that others are ‘happy’ people when it rains. The others may be sad when the earth is bright. Vultures, seagulls, and politicians are all full of greed when the sun is out. Our peace should come when it rains. For only a few of us it does. We hope that peace would remain in the light a few days after the rain has stopped- because vultures, seagulls, and politicians are still wet and cannot ‘fly off the handle’. Nor, would they be able to have little ‘droppings’. Why compare vultures, seagulls, and politicians? What’s this have to do with ‘sunny’, happy people or ‘rainy’, sad people? Nothing to you or something to someone. Maybe you need to realize that for those ‘sunny’, happy people- their fear is the lightning bolt in the thunder storm. But to us ‘rainy’ people- we’re never sad. We’re only happy that we have no fears. No fear of the brightness on earth, nor being afraid of getting wet. We enjoy the sun and the rain because our actions are not those of vultures, seagulls, and politicians. Marcas B. Sterling March 31, 1992 |
The Sprinkle of Dust
Thank you all for supporting me as a poet.
I've been writing since I was 8 and a lot of poems I threw away. It must have been that "cleansing" and "pre-Burning Man stage" that I went through when I was younger, yet never knowing what Burning Man was until 1999. I guess if I had to go back and retrieve all the poems I threw away- I probably would. I will surely post more and will do my best to stay away from short-stories (uh-hem). Most the poems I do write are not your usual "love-dovey", romantic ones. Just when I'm in love and inspired, I write, write, write and write some more. That's because when I am in love- I give it my all... just like drumming, singing, loving, and dancing (as well as working- being a workaholic). Of course, even with all the pain and sorrow that I have experienced my entire life- and carry the world's pain on my shoulders, I still get inspired to write about controversial things that raise questions, anger, forgiveness, forgetfulness, love, friendship and more. So, I work hard, and play hard. That's what keeps me young. Thanks to all who has stopped by to check this one out and others. Much love and kindness to you all and I wish you all well. I should be posting more up soon, but I'm using a Mac (no floppy disk drive) and I have my poems on a disk for PC. Respecfully, Marcas B. Sterling |