Topic: The 21st Century Knight
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Wed 03/07/07 12:42 PM
The 21st Century Knight

No more will I draw my sword
to fight for thee my only love.
No more will I bow before thee,
nor moisten thy hand with lips of mine.

For thy heart seeks a love
that half thy heart only wants.
And, no more will I pretend
that my love is cherished by thee.

My ears drown in a confused state.
Thy tongue doth speak differently than thy thoughts.
Thy actions become as that of a hungry serpent;
furtively- as I watch thee slither.

If thou wish love, as if thou doth-
why cast thyself of the star you wish upon?
I know my writings of the love I feel for thee
are not compared to those of Romeo and Juliet.

I shall not marry thee if thou only seek gold.
Why shallst I taketh thy hand to wed when
thy intentions are to depart from me in the years to come?
And, will thoust not taketh our descendents from my eyes as well?

Thoust will then demand periodically-
the gold from me in which my bone in my back doth break.
Unless thy wisdom and heart are as one
and thy love for me to grow eternally.

For my hand is the hand that will lead,
thy hand will support thy own.
And, if I should break down at thy feet,
thou will lead- remain at my side, and lift me up to lead again.

I shall be your king, and you- my queen.
A crown will not sit on neither of our heads.
A feather will describe the love we have.
And, the time we connect- will be more powerful than when the earth

Let our love cross the current in the stream.
Thy passion has now grown stronger for my heart.
Thou begin to knowest thyself better.
We now doth join like a bridge to bring new lives before us.

I will then support thee my love-
as if thou art the bridge itself.
I will not be swept away by the current no more.
For, thy love thou givest will help me hold thee.

Thy beauty has led me down a different path once again.
I will moisten thy hand once more.
My love- you now doth seeketh whole-heartedly.
Our true love- we now knowest... and will live each day.

Marcas B. Sterling
Feb. 20, 1992