Community > Posts By > denwil62

denwil62's photo
Sat 05/23/09 05:19 PM
Becuase of this crazy world we now live in filled with greed hate and lies. Plus the strong sexual drive of most males, gives nice guys like me a bad rap. I have met many many women who claim they no longer are able to love or trust men becuase of there past. THAT SUCKS. There is a few good men left in this world. Just beware of the men with a HIGH SEX DRIVE AND LOW SELF WORTH. Thanks D.W. P.S I am still looking for my UNIQUE life partner. Any takers?

denwil62's photo
Mon 02/16/09 04:09 PM
Where did time go? 46 years old and wanting to start a family. Yet LOVE comes rarely for a unique guy like myself. Did I wait to long to get my act together?. Dated many women the past three years in Yuma County Az ages 28 threw 54. Many broken hearts and jaded women with trust issues becuase of one or two bad men before me. IS THERE ANY GOOD MEN LEFT WOMEN ASK? Here i am!! Old fashion morals funny sarcastic with a unique and quick sense of humour, good health and plenty of money with good job. I truly love children and all of the animal world. Many types of music and sports. Dance very well. I try to keep my boyish teenage body in shape including biking daily. lol I think i am kind of sexy. Wheres my PRINCESS? Tired of MEANINGLESS one nite stands. looking for my best friend LIFE PARTNER and lover. 6 months celebate by choice with a killer handshake. Think I mey be going threw MAN O PAUSE? I feel a hot flash coming! I am not CRYING! I just got something in my eye! . Denis the MAN WHORE dead? Almost forgot,. passionet lover and very secure in my manhood. Lol D.W P.S I also will kill spiders cuddle a little and can fix cars! What else you want! LOL

denwil62's photo
Wed 01/14/09 01:55 PM
I am a very blessed and outgoing god fearing gemini who trully is looking to give love a second chance yet dating in this small border town at my age of 46 is limited. I miss Oakland California where I grew up. Very little culture here unless you like older very mature white women snow birds or spanish women. Even mention the words RAP MUSIC and they are hiding there children and locking the car doors. God bless this town. Four years living here while adopting a heathly spirtual lifestyle in 2004 . Great job offer starting in febuary. Sunny wheather, Cheap rent, Very few killing's or crime. Yet finding a mate is tuff in this small border town with few single women. Lovers are a dime a dozen. Never had a problem in that department. So for the first time in my life I am celebate by choice the past six months plus have a very Strong handshake. LOL ME? Funny easy going, smart ass, who is learning finaly not to be so freaking trusting in this now crazy world full of greed and hate plus choose my friends and lovers wisely. My passions are classic muscle cars, Sports, many types of music,animals, children,poker, volunteer work at local mens rescue mission, Job with county in rehab field HUMM Sexy honest blunt giving , good dancer, good listener. Blah blah I do miss the touch of a women. Yet respect and feeling's are what I need now before I get invloved into a sexual relationship at age 46? or was it 39? Chit . WHATS WRONG WITH ME? Am I going threw MAN O PAUSE or something?. Oh oh I feel a HOT FLASH coming..{ Man Whore} most of my life. Getting old? To much Bible studies? Or just tired of the meaningless one nite stands and need more stimulation of my mind. Could use a hug ? ::brickwall:: WHERES MY PRINCESS? Whaaaa I am not ctying! I got something on my eye! WhAAAA D.W>::signhelp

denwil62's photo
Sat 12/20/08 10:41 AM
Sometimes wonder. I loved my parents I loved my dog. yet 100% love for a women is rare in the crazy greedy paranoid days we now live in. Plus I have seen love turn into hate and get very ugly. How does that work?. LOVE is forever right?. I think that people need and want love to much. Plus get confuse with respect for one and another and great lovemaking for LOVE itself. I have broken a few hearts becuase of this one reason. respect and good sex. Yet never had mine ripped out yet. Is it better to have LOVED AND LOST Or to have NEVER LOVED AT ALL? I think never loved at all. I have met too too many many women who are scorne with broken hearts and trust issues who refuse to open there hearts again because of the past. Yet i still will never give up hope on finding my lifepartner. LOVE? how bout U like and respect my thoughts ALOT. I can live with that. ::signhelp::::signhelp:: D.W [e8]

denwil62's photo
Fri 12/19/08 01:02 PM
Try dating in yuma az ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

denwil62's photo
Fri 12/19/08 01:00 PM
Yes it's VERY true! . People lie on there profiles. Dated many women the past four years of many different ages and cultures. They must know that when we meet that indeed will find out the truth sooner or later. Old pics, bad habits,married, No job, ect ect . Case in point. Drinks a couple times a week? every day more then likely. Smokes once in a while? pack a day. I like to read and work out? T.V guide and walking to the fridge ! Yes I do read!. Racing forms, car mags. LOL Yes I do exersise daily. Only because my car in dead and i bike to work. Becuase of my UNIQUE personality and wanting children at my advanced years, Dating in this small town is limited. ONE GOOD MAN!. Here i am!. Clean and sober four years. Plenty of money, easygoing, funny, sensual sexy?. Secure in my skin, Honest to a fault. Wheres my soulmte!. I also can kill spiders tell great REAL jokes and fix cars. Plus a good listener. Is it just me? or is this a crazy world. WHAAAAAAAAA HEE HEE P.S plus great with kids!. [

denwil62's photo
Thu 12/04/08 03:07 PM
AM I TO PICKY? . I trully am blessed to be clean and sober 4 years and having my health and money dispite decades of foolishness. Fast cars many fast women drugs, booze gambling. Bla Bla. Now only looking to settle down. I would love to give love a second and god willing last chance. Yet now very picky on who my lovers friends are now. Even more when it comes to my lifetime partner. I only ask a few things. Smart, funny, sexy, super lover,, good dancer, good cook, must want children, femmy yet tuff, love animals, loves all types of music, rock and rap included, secure in her womenhood . not to much make up, GOD FEARING, eccentric, Aleast a seven in looks, tight ass. good job she likes, social, sports, sensual, likes to laugh, speaks her mind,not afraid to take control from time to time, tone fit body yet not to much muscle, Not greedy or the hater type, only takes a half hour to get ready, lets me hog the remote, no ADDICTION issues, loves her parents, does not stress out when things go bad, enjoys a lite spanking , ONE OF A KIND WHO DOES NOT FOLLOW THE CROWD!. AM I TO PICKY????????????? LOL D.W> Why not! I am perfect!

denwil62's photo
Sat 11/15/08 11:36 AM
Four years clean and sober off the drugs while living here in yuma since 2004. I volunteer 7 days a week at local mission in giving back for my many blessing's while looking to settle down with just ONE god fearing smart women, God willing starting a family?. I decided to do a little SINNING this weekend. GUILTY? yes!. Here's my delivish plan. Playing in poker tournament at 2 pm. Back to local motel for some sports on T.V and a swim. Clean up and off to local bar for some loud music and a couple stiff drinks tonite, 6 months 24 hours a day of spiritual and CHRISTIAN lifestyle. Need a little fun. Not looking for just a sexual partner!. Never had a problem finding lovers. EX MAN WHORE PARTY BOY Just some clean fun and laughs. ME? honest to a fault, funny easygoing very funny and move my body very well for a pastey white boy from oakland cally. Miss dancing! . D.W. YUMA DATING AT 46? ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ prove me wrong yumians D.W>