Community > Posts By > leo0077

leo0077's photo
Sun 10/29/17 03:42 AM
Amen sister!!

leo0077's photo
Sun 10/29/17 03:40 AM
right on brother well said.

leo0077's photo
Sun 10/29/17 03:38 AM
am sorry my Islamic brother like you I believe in only one God.
but that is not the question.
we're discussing the day God picked to be observed as the day of worship.

leo0077's photo
Thu 05/07/15 05:39 AM
Yes you are right Jesus did not liyed. Men do that all be them selves,
taking Texts and forcing them to mean what they want not what the verse days.
Back in Constantine time the emperor of Rome forced the changed of this day
To punish the Jews who were observing the sabbad day back in those days.
This is history.

leo0077's photo
Wed 05/06/15 06:26 PM
Very good my good friend cheechako.
That is making a long story short.
If more people looked in the biblical details there wouldn't be so many
Different opinions we would just go with one tought.
For example. And not to put any one down. Just to make things clear, Sunday keeping not biblical all tho. It is also a good day for thanks giving nothing more.
Those that teach that it was changed from sabbath (Saturday) to Sunday because Jesus resurected on Sunday are not teaching are not going to find such teaching in the bible. Unless you force the text to say that.

The only entity given the power to change times according to prophecy is the 4rth beast in is where things get exited....but I runed out of time I got to go till next time. Everyone stay blessed.!!!surprised ill shocked slaphead what :laughing: think

leo0077's photo
Tue 05/05/15 06:38 PM

Have any one figure out the truth about the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
He did not died on Friday and resurrected on Sunday matematicaly it does not add up. He himself before the cruxifiction mentioned the day having 12hours and the night having 12hours one complete day =24hours.
He also mentioned as Jonah was in the belly of the great fish 3 days and 3 nights.
So is the son of man, will be beried for 3 days and 3nights. Total 72 hours.
If Jesus died Friday, was placed in the grave, (hell).
Friday at about 6:00pm to Saturday 6:00pm 24hours =to one day.
Saturday at 6:00pm to Sunday at 6:00pm =To 48hour two days.
Sunday 6:00pm to Monday at 6:00pm =to 72hours or =to three days and three nights.
If we go by this then Jesus did not resurrected on Sunday but late Monday.

If this is how we know it then we are wrong is a lie. The bible has no lies.
Jesus Christ did not lie to us God the father of all does not like lies.
So there must be a truth to this hmmmm?????? What will it be?frustrated tearsexplode :angry: madnoway grumblehuh indifferent pitchfork
what what what whatthink think think think

Nobody's lying about anything. Jesus never said he would be crucified on Friday and will resurrect Sunday. Just because that's how people celebrate it, it's for just that, the celebration. Jesus was in the Earth 3 days and 3 nights, whatever those days may have been eg., Monday night - Wednesday night, ect. Or any other combinations of the exact "days". As not sure, but don't think their calender was set up the same way ours is, so there would be no way to know again the exact "days" eg., Monday, Tuesday, ect.

Is funny how we can bring up details of idolatry, history, and other theology's but can't even know if we are following the truth God wants us to know.
Why is so many people in the dark about the fact that we are following a man made lie.
Remember that if a blind guides another blind both will fall in the same hole
This is why we need to know.
You may think we don't have ditails in the bible, my friend; but let me remind you that up to this point God had already established good time keeping down to the hours, days, and months.
We are talking about the first century about 30 years in to the common era as it came to be known.
Remember the Jews were keeping the seventh day holy to the lord. "Will came back latter"... Very one be bless till next time.

leo0077's photo
Tue 05/05/15 06:09 PM

Revelation 2

1Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks;

2I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars:

3And hast borne, and hast patience, and for my name's sake hast laboured, and hast not fainted.

4Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.

5Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.

Do you really know what this verses refer to or are you just bringing
Them up because they are there?...oops

leo0077's photo
Tue 05/05/15 08:30 AM
Have any one figure out the truth about the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
He did not died on Friday and resurrected on Sunday matematicaly it does not add up. He himself before the cruxifiction mentioned the day having 12hours and the night having 12hours one complete day =24hours.
He also mentioned as Jonah was in the belly of the great fish 3 days and 3 nights.
So is the son of man, will be beried for 3 days and 3nights. Total 72 hours.
If Jesus died Friday, was placed in the grave, (hell).
Friday at about 6:00pm to Saturday 6:00pm 24hours =to one day.
Saturday at 6:00pm to Sunday at 6:00pm =To 48hour two days.
Sunday 6:00pm to Monday at 6:00pm =to 72hours or =to three days and three nights.
If we go by this then Jesus did not resurrected on Sunday but late Monday.

If this is how we know it then we are wrong is a lie. The bible has no lies.
Jesus Christ did not lie to us God the father of all does not like lies.
So there must be a truth to this hmmmm?????? What will it be?frustrated tearsexplode :angry: madnoway grumblehuh indifferent pitchfork
what what what whatthink think think think

leo0077's photo
Mon 05/04/15 05:44 PM

Central figure in the mystery religion Babylon the Great
AKA Virgin queen of heaven, Wife of Baal, mother of Tammuz
Nimrod, her husband was King of Babel Genisis 10: 8-11
When her husband Nimrod died she claimed he was now the sungod Baal and reborn in her son Tammuz.

The religious system deified her and perpetuated the myth of worshiping both Queen of Heaven, and the mother and child.

Jeremiah 44 : 17-19
17- But we will do everything that we have vowed, burn incense to the Queen of Heaven and pour out libations to her
Judges 2:13
They forsook the lord and served the Baals and Ashtaroth

Known as Semiramus, Ashtaroth , Easter, Diana, and many other names the Queen of heaven has been worshipped through the ages.
The mother and child combination also, have many names .
Semiramus & tammuz isis & horus devaki & crishna isi & iswara cybele & deoius

Ezekiel 8:14 Then He brought me to the entrance of the gate of the Lord’s house which was toward the north; and behold, women were sitting there weeping for Tammuz.

Worshipping the “Queen of Heaven” predates Christianity and the Babylonian Empire. It goes right back to the tower of Babel. Babel means confusion. No wonder the religion is a “mystery” religion.
Nowhere in the Bible is there any dead woman or man who has special power. All who have died are still dead, except Christ who was resurrected.

26. John 3:13 No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven—the Son of Man.
1 corinthians 15:23
“ But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the first fruits of them that slept. For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. But every man in his own order: Christ the first fruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming”.

In other words this figure came to be, it evolved in to what we now know as the vigin marry in the catholic faith.
Idol worshiper's.think think think

leo0077's photo
Mon 05/04/15 05:34 PM

i don't get it, no guys from IL on here?

drinks flowerforyou there are men just too shi. Lol
Well here I am wanna chat?....

leo0077's photo
Mon 05/04/15 05:29 PM
Not catholic I have respect for all religions all I want is to meet a young lady that may wanna marry me after a good friendship. Get to know me... flowerforyou love drinks flowerswaving smile2 happy laugh

leo0077's photo
Mon 05/04/15 05:17 PM

Holy water is water that has been blessed by a member of the clergy or a religious figure. The use for cleansing prior to a baptism and spiritual cleansing is common in several religions, from Christianity to Sikhism.- Wikipedia

You mean, men that think they are more powerful (holy) than the creator. (God)!!!
Water as is just by being created by the hand of God is more holy in its natural form.
Created man thinks he can make it better by simply saying a few words over it holy ch..t.
Jhon the baptist baptized people in the Jordan river that is where baptisms came from for the forgiveness of sins.
Mature young and old people NOTE: (not babies) he buptized Jesus wen he was 30 years of age. Not wen he was a babie.
This is why I say water is more holy in its natural form.
Water doesn't need to be prayed over us the seamers do. Get it!!!oops oops...shocked shocked shocked shocked shocked

leo0077's photo
Mon 05/04/15 04:53 PM

what exactly is holy water? Is it normal water (H2O) or a different kind of liquid?

it's water that can apparently '' excorcise ones demons '' laugh oops

and quench your thirst at the same time.. its a miracle !!

Just like evrithing else on earth there is nothing holy on earth from the pope down.... Only God all mighty is three times holy.!!!
The word holy means to put a side "APART" ...surprised shocked frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated

leo0077's photo
Sun 04/26/15 10:37 AM
I just like to make clear that Jesus the messenger of his father God Elohim, Jehovah kept the sabbath and teach his disciples to observe it too.
If Elohim made one long day back in the day remember he hold the sun there fore time stopped wen the sun resumed its movement so did time so the sabath was never lost the people of God kept observing it mormaly to this day and so on till the end.
If time had changed Jesus would have teached his disciples the right time of sabbath keeping.

leo0077's photo
Sat 04/25/15 12:29 AM
Just remember:

Eclesiastic: 3-20; all go into one place; all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again.

9-5 for the living know that they shall died: but the dead know not nothing,
Neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.

1corinthians. 15:47 The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven.

Jhon 3:13 And no man hath acended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the son of man which is in heaven.

Revelation: 21-2 And I jhon saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

My personal views:
Paradise is just another word for hell, grave, seol. Hades,dead, and others that I can't remember at the moment, all Jesus told that man was that he was going to died with him that night, in a nice way.
Jesus did not say he was going to go to heaven or any other place on earth for ever Jesus didn't even forgave his sins. This man was gonna go trough the same process as the Lord, the Lord for 3 days and 3 nights. This man till resurrection in paradise in the grave, hell, seol. As stated in Ecclesiastes. 3:20.
No one can go to heaven simply because we weren't created in heaven we are not heavenly creatures not in this life or the next.
Jesus Christ, the Lord he came from heaven to save us not to take us there.
1Corinthians, 15:47;
Revelations, 21:2 clearly states the new Jerusalem coming down from heaven to be with the people on the new earth and the new heaven, we all, those that make it to that day will be the new rase of eternal beings close to God.

leo0077's photo
Wed 04/22/15 05:54 PM
To understand this you have to study it not just pickup from others opinion this is very dip not just a regular chat.
The spirit its selfe is a very complex issue to understand and define.

leo0077's photo
Wed 04/22/15 05:44 PM
What I understand about this in the bible the act of having sex that represented marriage in Gods eyes.
Later man set rules and regulations according to Gods laws given trough Moses.
And when government was established they implemented they're own laws and the church also implemented they're own laws.
But even he who has sex with a prostitute gets married to her.
This is just my opinion according to what I learned from the Bible.
Sorry had no time to read all coments and view points.

leo0077's photo
Fri 04/10/15 07:35 PM

Hi to all the friends here.
Now how much do we know about this are we obedient to the command of God or are we following the command of men?
Which is the true day of Godly worship?
Jews, Muslim's, worship God on sabbad, Catholic's and the rest worship on Sunday. There can only be one day for worship. According to the bible.set a side by God.?what what what what what

St John. 4:22 Jesus speaking "ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.

All tho we don't like some truths of the bible or the fact that Jesus is the only son of God is OK I don't think he has a problem if we consider him a massanger of God that was his role too. our teaching as children depending on where we are thought we have a mind set according to our seroundings and teachers. Still that is not a scuse not to seek the truth of God till we mature.
To worship in one day or another is part of sa!vation God made it very clear.
The messenger Jeus Christ made it very clear. There was no church established then, the messangerJesus did not changed it the disciples did not change it.
It was changed if I'm not mistaken by Constantine after the first century. According to history. So is it "valid" does God approve of this change?
According to biblical teaching the sabbath or (Saturday) starts at sun down Friday till sun down sabbath (Saturday).

Mery the mother of the messenger Jesus. Observed the sabbath (Saturday)
St Luc, 23:56 And they returned, and prepared spices and ointments; and rested on the sabbath day according to the commandment.
This verse is talking about the ladies and Merry the mother of Jesus with them.

The idea here as given by the teacher (Massanger) is that God chose a group of people in this case hebrws, Jews, Israelites, or whatever we call them or they call themselves, to be the example for the world. Now days we don't even have to fallow them we got the bible and other books related that teach us the truth so we have no excuse.
And yes every day we should worship God at least thank him for another bless day but he is going to hold us accountable specifically for observing the seventh day sabbath day. (Saturday) not Sunday.

St Mark. 2:27; And he said unto them, the sabbath was made for man. Not man for the sabbath. (Saturday)

frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated

leo0077's photo
Fri 04/10/15 04:30 PM
Hi to all the friends here.
Now how much do we know about this are we obedient to the command of God or are we following the command of men?
Which is the true day of Godly worship?
Jews, Muslim's, worship God on sabbad, Catholic's and the rest worship on Sunday. There can only be one day for worship. According to the bible.set a side by God.?what what what what what

leo0077's photo
Tue 04/07/15 11:05 AM
Chicago is dead for dating 6 months and nothing.

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