Topic: wats the difference betwEen heaven and paradise | |
For a while have been quite confused about this iSsue.some will after death Christian go to heaven ,some would say they sleep till the day of ressurection while som e would say Christian join Jesus in someone help out
have you read the what the bible says and are confused about it...?
or are you relying on what people say without reading the source...? |
Edited by
Tue 03/31/15 05:15 AM
For a while have been quite confused about this iSsue.some will after death Christian go to heaven ,some would say they sleep till the day of ressurection while som e would say Christian join Jesus in someone help out Please do show me a verse(s) that states one goes straight to Heaven after death. This is excluding the theif on the cross next to Jesus where he states "Luke 23:43 And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise" Outside of that I know of no evidence we will immediately go to Heaven or be judged in any shape form or way. And only reason the thief was given that opportunity is because Jesus is our judge. So he already received his judgement when Jesus said such things. When we die, we will go to hell or in our language today the grave. And when Jesus returns for judgement hell will give up it's dead which are in them for judgement along with the rest of the people still alive come the time Jesus returns. Revelation 20:13 13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. |
For a while have been quite confused about this iSsue.some will after death Christian go to heaven ,some would say they sleep till the day of ressurection while som e would say Christian join Jesus in someone help out *I think maybe this should be under ' Christian Singles topic - since not all of the major 4-5 Faiths of the world believe in Heaven or Paradise or Hell* From a Christian stand point: ALL the dead are in Heaven. Jesus Christ is on the ' other side of the gulf ' with a FEW pre chosen. (Like Moses ). After 'judgement day ' in Heaven we will be sent to either Paradise or Hell. |
The word Paradise is taken from the Greek word Paradeisos, which literally means 'Royal Park'.
It is therefor an appropriate superlative for the Heavenly afterlife of those who will be rewarded for their devotion and righteousness before the Almighty God. Both the Bible and the Quran speak of a First Resurrection and a Second Resurrection. Those of the First Resurrection are received into the True God's presents immediately and are directed to this Paradise shortly after. Those of the Second Resurrection will either be stuck in a place of waiting called Sheol or will be escorted immediately to a place of fire by the Angels. Lastly, there-will-be a final day of judgement whereupon ALL SOULS will-be standing before the Great Almighty Allah Jehovah and all the Companions Of The Right-Hand (Moses, Jesus, Mohammad Among Them) will be there, too. On this day ALL SOULS will know everything that is pertinent for them to know, and ALL will receive their final judgement. |
The word Paradise is taken from the Greek word Paradeisos, which literally means 'Royal Park'. It is therefor an appropriate superlative for the Heavenly afterlife of those who will be rewarded for their devotion and righteousness before the Almighty God. Both the Bible and the Quran speak of a First Resurrection and a Second Resurrection. Those of the First Resurrection are received into the True God's presents immediately and are directed to this Paradise shortly after. Those of the Second Resurrection will either be stuck in a place of waiting called Sheol or will be escorted immediately to a place of fire by the Angels. Lastly, there-will-be a final day of judgement whereupon ALL SOULS will-be standing before the Great Almighty Allah Jehovah and all the Companions Of The Right-Hand (Moses, Jesus, Mohammad Among Them) will be there, too. On this day ALL SOULS will know everything that is pertinent for them to know, and ALL will receive their final judgement. If you have the inclination or time, would it be possible for you to rewrite your message, but with scriptures alongside your message? I think most people need biblical references to understand. If so, thank you. |
The word Paradise is taken from the Greek word Paradeisos, which literally means 'Royal Park'. It is therefor an appropriate superlative for the Heavenly afterlife of those who will be rewarded for their devotion and righteousness before the Almighty God. Both the Bible and the Quran speak of a First Resurrection and a Second Resurrection. Those of the First Resurrection are received into the True God's presents immediately and are directed to this Paradise shortly after. Those of the Second Resurrection will either be stuck in a place of waiting called Sheol or will be escorted immediately to a place of fire by the Angels. Lastly, there-will-be a final day of judgement whereupon ALL SOULS will-be standing before the Great Almighty Allah Jehovah and all the Companions Of The Right-Hand (Moses, Jesus, Mohammad Among Them) will be there, too. On this day ALL SOULS will know everything that is pertinent for them to know, and ALL will receive their final judgement. Those of the Second Resurrection will either be stuck in a place of waiting called Sheol or will be escorted immediately to a place of fire by the Angels. Exactly. And is why the dead shall rise from hell, shall rise from the grave, shall rise from Sheol. Aramaic Bible in Plain English And the Sea yielded the dead which were in it, and Death and Sheol yielded the dead which were with them, and they were judged, one by one, according to their works. GOD'S WORD� Translation The sea gave up its dead. Death and hell gave up their dead. People were judged based on what they had done. New Living Translation The sea gave up its dead, and death and the grave gave up their dead. And all were judged according to their deeds. We ALL will be stuck in Sheol, the grave, hell ect unless of course you happen to be breathing on Earth when Jesus returns. Outside of that, we shall all rise from the grave, from hell, from sheol. But God will rescue us from this place for our judgement, then it will be thrown into the lake of fire for it's destruction. Along with those that did not meet the criteria of God's righteous judgement. |
when I took History of the far East they had stories of "paradise" being in the earth somewhere and the story in the KJV Bible Jesus says there was a certain rich man, okay it happened then and he died and went to hell and could see across a great gulf from him paradise, then it was Abraham's bosom also cand Jesus emptied it out and now people can go direct to heaven.
If you have the inclination or time, would it be possible for you to rewrite your message, but with scriptures alongside your message? I think most people need biblical references to understand. If so, thank you. Dear Ladywind7, There are a quite a few references from both the Bible and the Quran that can be mentioned, but the volume and broadly spaced quotes would defiantly take some time to compile. The good news is that even Cowboy GH seems to have a fairly good grasp of these events in some measure. While CowboyGH has managed to quote some very interesting verses at length, we'll yet need to give the actual Scriptural Numerical Quotes. Once more, Thank You...! Cowboy GH |
If you have the inclination or time, would it be possible for you to rewrite your message, but with scriptures alongside your message? I think most people need biblical references to understand. If so, thank you. Dear Ladywind7, There are a quite a few references from both the Bible and the Quran that can be mentioned, but the volume and broadly spaced quotes would defiantly take some time to compile. The good news is that even Cowboy GH seems to have a fairly good grasp of these events in some measure. While CowboyGH has managed to quote some very interesting verses at length, we'll yet need to give the actual Scriptural Numerical Quotes. Once more, Thank You...! Cowboy GH My dear Sheik, time is but a number is but a length of understanding. There is no time length to God. What is has happens and will be is yet to happen. Is that matters at the end of the day. The legth ago it happened has no real true baring on anything nor the time it is yet to come before it happens. God will come like a theif in the night. And who's to say the scripures themselves is written in numerical order? There are many things that happen later in the scripures that are in reference to thing earlier in the scriptures. |
![]() And, You happened to quote some verses at length, just means You said the verses from the Bible, fully. (This Was A Compliment) El comprehendo... ![]() |
The word Paradise is taken from the Greek word Paradeisos, which literally means 'Royal Park'. It is therefor an appropriate superlative for the Heavenly afterlife of those who will be rewarded for their devotion and righteousness before the Almighty God. Both the Bible and the Quran speak of a First Resurrection and a Second Resurrection. Those of the First Resurrection are received into the True God's presents immediately and are directed to this Paradise shortly after. Those of the Second Resurrection will either be stuck in a place of waiting called Sheol or will be escorted immediately to a place of fire by the Angels. Lastly, there-will-be a final day of judgement whereupon ALL SOULS will-be standing before the Great Almighty Allah Jehovah and all the Companions Of The Right-Hand (Moses, Jesus, Mohammad Among Them) will be there, too. On this day ALL SOULS will know everything that is pertinent for them to know, and ALL will receive their final judgement. Those of the Second Resurrection will either be stuck in a place of waiting called Sheol or will be escorted immediately to a place of fire by the Angels. Exactly. And is why the dead shall rise from hell, shall rise from the grave, shall rise from Sheol. Aramaic Bible in Plain English And the Sea yielded the dead which were in it, and Death and Sheol yielded the dead which were with them, and they were judged, one by one, according to their works. GOD'S WORD� Translation The sea gave up its dead. Death and hell gave up their dead. People were judged based on what they had done. New Living Translation The sea gave up its dead, and death and the grave gave up their dead. And all were judged according to their deeds. We ALL will be stuck in Sheol, the grave, hell ect unless of course you happen to be breathing on Earth when Jesus returns. Outside of that, we shall all rise from the grave, from hell, from sheol. But God will rescue us from this place for our judgement, then it will be thrown into the lake of fire for it's destruction. Along with those that did not meet the criteria of God's righteous judgement. yup.. sounds about right ![]() |
Our Creator’s purpose, then, was for humans to live and bear children in Paradise here on earth. They would live forever in an earthly garden with no need for any cemeteries. The earth was to become the permanent home for all mankind. No wonder the natural features of our planet bring us so much delight! We were created to live on a beautiful earth. Has God’s purpose changed? No. For God assures us: “So my word that goes forth from my mouth will prove to be. It will not return to me without results, but it will certainly do that in which I have delighted.” (Isaiah 55:11) Over 3,000 years after man’s creation, the Bible stated regarding “the Former of the earth and the Maker of it” that he “did not create it simply for nothing,” but he “formed it even to be inhabited.” (Isaiah 45:18) God’s will has not changed. The earth will yet be a paradise. Interestingly, many Bible passages about Paradise are simply descriptions of life on earth. For example, a prophecy of Isaiah states: “They will certainly build houses and have occupancy; and they will certainly plant vineyards and eat their fruitage.” (Isaiah 65:21) Where are houses built and vineyards planted? Where is fruit eaten? On the earth. Proverbs 2:21 explicitly states: “The upright are the ones that will reside in the earth.” Jesus too spoke about an earthly paradise. True, he also promised a heavenly paradise, but that was for a select few. (Luke 12:32) After death, these are resurrected to the heavenly Paradise and join Christ to rule over the earthly Paradise. (Revelation 5:10; 14:1-3) These heavenly corulers will ensure that Paradise on earth will be properly governed and maintained according to God’s standards. |
When do you think people will be resurrected?— Think back to when Lazarus died and Jesus promised his sister Martha: “Your brother will rise.” Martha replied: “I know he will rise in the resurrection on the last day.” (John 11:23, 24) What did Martha mean when she said that Lazarus would rise on “the last day”?—
Well, Martha had heard about Jesus’ promise: ‘All those in the memorial tombs will come out.’ (John 5:28, 29) So “the last day” is when all those in God’s memory will be brought back to life. This last day is not a 24-hour day. It will be a thousand years long. On this day, the Bible says, ‘God will judge the people of the earth.’ The ones he judges will include those who have been resurrected.—Acts 17:31; 2 Peter 3:8. |
Who the hell would know that
if you study the bible and compare you will make the difference! About three hours before Jesus dies on a torture stake, he talks about Paradise to a man on a stake next to him. The man is being put to death for crimes he has committed. But as this criminal watches Jesus and hears what is said about Him, he begins to believe in Jesus. So the criminal says: “Remember me when you get into your kingdom.” Jesus answers: “Truly I tell you today, You will be with me in Paradise.”—Luke 23:42, 43. What does Jesus mean when he says this? Where is Paradise?— Think about it. Where was Paradise to begin with?— Remember, God gave the first man, Adam, and his wife a paradise to live in right here on this earth. It was called the garden of Eden. There were animals in that garden, but they didn’t hurt anyone. And there were trees with lots of delicious fruit on them, as well as a big river. It was a wonderful place to live!—Genesis 2:8-10. So when we read of that criminal being in Paradise, we should picture in our minds this earth made into a beautiful place to live. Will Jesus be right here on earth with the former criminal in Paradise?— No. Do you know why he won’t be here?— It is because Jesus will be in heaven ruling as King over the Paradise on earth. So Jesus will be with that man in the sense that Jesus will raise him from the dead and care for his needs. But why will Jesus let a former criminal live in Paradise?— Let’s see if we can figure that out. Before the criminal talked to Jesus, did he know about God’s purposes?— No, he didn’t. He did bad things because he didn’t know the truth about God. In Paradise he will be taught about God’s purposes. Then he will have the opportunity to prove that he really does love God by doing His will. Will everyone who is resurrected live in Paradise on earth?— No, they won’t. Do you know why not?— Because some will be resurrected to live with Jesus in heaven. They will rule with him as kings over the Paradise earth. Let’s see how we know this. The night before Jesus dies, he tells his apostles: ‘In the house of my Father in heaven, there are many places to live, and I am going my way to prepare a place for you.’ Then Jesus promises them: “I am coming again and will receive you home to myself, that where I am you also may be.”—John 14:2, 3. Where does Jesus go after he is resurrected?— Yes, back to heaven to be with his Father. (John 17:4, 5) So Jesus promises his apostles and other followers that he will resurrect them so that they can be with him in heaven. What will they do there with Jesus?— The Bible says that his disciples who have a part in “the first resurrection” will live in heaven and rule over the earth “as kings with him for the thousand years.”—Revelation 5:10; 20:6; 2 Timothy 2:12. How many will share in “the first resurrection” and rule with Jesus as kings?— Jesus told his disciples: “Have no fear, little flock, because your Father has approved of giving you the kingdom.” (Luke 12:32) This “little flock,” who are resurrected to be with Jesus in his heavenly Kingdom, are an exact number. The Bible shows that “a hundred and forty-four thousand” are resurrected from the earth.—Revelation 14:1, 3. Hope it will help you, plse take your bible open it, but take a version/ A TRANSLATION who respect the original text! rgds |
Years ago,
I was dating a woman, who tried mercilessly, to get me to convert and accept a certain someone as my personal lord and saviour. After several months of the attempts, I finally asked if there would be caffeine and sex in heaven. She said, no! No? I responded back, if there's no sex in heaven, why the hell would I wanna go there? Heaven = no sex/no caffeine. Paradise, must be where the caffeine and quim are. ![]() |
Hey RockGnome...
Maybe You should check-out what Paradise is like from what's written in the Quran. Basically, nobody suffers want for anything there. And as a Man... You wouldn't be exempt from Female company. ![]() |
hi if you study the bible and compare you will make the difference! About three hours before Jesus dies on a torture stake, he talks about Paradise to a man on a stake next to him. The man is being put to death for crimes he has committed. But as this criminal watches Jesus and hears what is said about Him, he begins to believe in Jesus. So the criminal says: “Remember me when you get into your kingdom.” Jesus answers: “Truly I tell you today, You will be with me in Paradise.”—Luke 23:42, 43. What does Jesus mean when he says this? Where is Paradise?— Think about it. Where was Paradise to begin with?— Remember, God gave the first man, Adam, and his wife a paradise to live in right here on this earth. It was called the garden of Eden. There were animals in that garden, but they didn’t hurt anyone. And there were trees with lots of delicious fruit on them, as well as a big river. It was a wonderful place to live!—Genesis 2:8-10. So when we read of that criminal being in Paradise, we should picture in our minds this earth made into a beautiful place to live. Will Jesus be right here on earth with the former criminal in Paradise?— No. Do you know why he won’t be here?— It is because Jesus will be in heaven ruling as King over the Paradise on earth. So Jesus will be with that man in the sense that Jesus will raise him from the dead and care for his needs. But why will Jesus let a former criminal live in Paradise?— Let’s see if we can figure that out. Before the criminal talked to Jesus, did he know about God’s purposes?— No, he didn’t. He did bad things because he didn’t know the truth about God. In Paradise he will be taught about God’s purposes. Then he will have the opportunity to prove that he really does love God by doing His will. Will everyone who is resurrected live in Paradise on earth?— No, they won’t. Do you know why not?— Because some will be resurrected to live with Jesus in heaven. They will rule with him as kings over the Paradise earth. Let’s see how we know this. The night before Jesus dies, he tells his apostles: ‘In the house of my Father in heaven, there are many places to live, and I am going my way to prepare a place for you.’ Then Jesus promises them: “I am coming again and will receive you home to myself, that where I am you also may be.”—John 14:2, 3. Where does Jesus go after he is resurrected?— Yes, back to heaven to be with his Father. (John 17:4, 5) So Jesus promises his apostles and other followers that he will resurrect them so that they can be with him in heaven. What will they do there with Jesus?— The Bible says that his disciples who have a part in “the first resurrection” will live in heaven and rule over the earth “as kings with him for the thousand years.”—Revelation 5:10; 20:6; 2 Timothy 2:12. How many will share in “the first resurrection” and rule with Jesus as kings?— Jesus told his disciples: “Have no fear, little flock, because your Father has approved of giving you the kingdom.” (Luke 12:32) This “little flock,” who are resurrected to be with Jesus in his heavenly Kingdom, are an exact number. The Bible shows that “a hundred and forty-four thousand” are resurrected from the earth.—Revelation 14:1, 3. Hope it will help you, plse take your bible open it, but take a version/ A TRANSLATION who respect the original text! rgds Shalom. Good to see someone who puts tradition aside and studies to show oneself approved. ![]() One question I have as in the Marriage supper. When speaking of the 144,000 ruling from heaven what do you see this verse saying as John saw? 1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. 2 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. 3 And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. Blessings |
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