Community > Posts By > KosmoJoe

KosmoJoe's photo
Tue 12/04/07 09:15 AM
Thank you.
I was thinking of someone special.

KosmoJoe's photo
Tue 12/04/07 09:10 AM
Roses are flowers w/ colors spectrum wide and thin.
Every silk petal I nibble, the rythym moans louder.
Grazing in your forest of hidden passion,nectar sweet
buzzing along, pollen nodes bursting, and the thorns
sweet pain clawing skin torn for more. No fold goes
unglazen like candy wet with every tortured breath.
From petal to root not torn from soil, I rise above
you glissened torned,nice,and gandered.

KosmoJoe's photo
Tue 12/04/07 08:34 AM
I knew this dude named snowman who blew up his bike down town
and lost his cool every x-mas. Cuz they called him frosty instead of snowman. Gotta love x-mas.

KosmoJoe's photo
Tue 12/04/07 05:57 AM
2 eyes made from cranberries
a carrot-stick for a nose
grape jelly for a smile
& ballz made from snow.

God only knows how the
Holiday's are gonna go.

Just don't light the tree on
fire as the season goes.

Ol' Saint Nick just don't ****
me w/ that Ol' carrot stick.

With that Jolly Ol' smile
I geuss you already have.

You silly Ol' mountain of snow,
you make me laugh when I have
the Holiday glow.

KosmoJoe's photo
Fri 06/15/07 02:10 AM
Watch the world you step on, don't lose your force within. Don't you
learn to fall,and make us use the form.. How many girlfriends can you
leave now that the your duty is done. Will. Faith , Pressed steel. Power
from the earth strums your thrills
Ice coated laughs and unreal echoes. Bye Jack, thanks for all the

KosmoJoe's photo
Fri 06/15/07 02:01 AM
Sorry I thought this was the Poems and such thinga majig. room thingy

KosmoJoe's photo
Fri 06/15/07 01:54 AM
I once was a little man,feeble slight and slow.
The man stepped on my toe,glanced mean and wipe his brow.
Silent as we my be to not let our petty little diferences,
be slight of hand,and the undertaker smiles not for the business but
service to the Man. How many times will you let yourself down, to lay
wrapped and strapped to the bed, steel piercing your artery,and yes to
every command. Awhile later
the test will be done. feeble slight and slow. No one is standing on
your toes. I will choose to leave this place,
the Man not like me. Here I'm just a joke , evereyone laughs,and lies.

KosmoJoe's photo
Fri 06/15/07 01:15 AM
Wow .. it puts a new meaning of smoking your house away.
You know the stereotypes of this kind of tragedy could only
get worst if we put ourselves to see in the mirror for better
or worst if it saves the environment(the earth). Its too bad.
Shame on us for letting earth down, because of a few social
habits go dysfunctional. We're Americans. We take it proudly
for the Man, but yet not earth and the future we leave behind.
Wow... pretty heavy.

P.s. I don't feel guilty anymore before God its the Roman side of the
coin that taxes me.

KosmoJoe's photo
Sun 06/03/07 11:35 PM
I know this stuff is unlawful,but our guilt in thinking
right or wrong is what stresses me out. I geuss stress isn't
healthy for anyone. I geuss if you were true to yourself and
felt comfortable with god knowing. Its not like I can hide from

KosmoJoe's photo
Sun 06/03/07 09:41 PM
Go girl Go. I love it to death. That is way cool!
I like the part about the Karmic lord. It made me feel
that theres more than just feeling good in the right place
and the right frame of mind to make it through this sum
*****. You got it going on. You definately got me working on
my next project in the sense. You may some day soon find that
totally satisfying sense of wisdom, that makes you motivated enough to
finish even the small thing in life without questioning your being.
Peace. Live long and prosper.
What a doll U R 2.

KosmoJoe's photo
Sun 06/03/07 09:23 PM
Wow That Was Awesome.
You Took something cold and negative. Then turn
it into the the great light. Thats creative turn-
around will definately get you e- mail from sensitive guy
who admires your inner will,and strong sense of persona.
You got it going girl. Don't stop and ask permission for
inspiration. Go girl Go! Awesome. BE Kind ,live long and prosper.

KosmoJoe's photo
Thu 05/24/07 02:02 PM
Alas The freedom.
Sometimes I feel
grateful for people such as yourselves
sharing divine and helpful wisdom. I write
alot during phases of my realization about
what I been through to have so little in
the real world verses the spiritual side.
Maybe perhaps the karmic side of me needs
to let out the coldness, And negative blah.


KosmoJoe's photo
Sat 05/19/07 05:50 AM
I welcome sorrow against my broken wings alittle less temper that
broke me free, insanity taking the reins. Let me sit in my sins and pray
it to one day stop. My life is gone now here I stoke the next journey
next, not a thrill but a joke. So staying and being broke, I lay my
head in my hands and staying drunk is the only way out and into the
fire. I seldom think of the curiousity of the slut that took my reality,
but in the time my prison for now is my being.

KosmoJoe's photo
Mon 02/26/07 10:19 PM
Oh yeah. P.S. I'm wrong.
My daughter was never mind and always knew the real father.
I owe I owe , but Love ,Love her allways.
Her pregnent mother was without home she had no family
to goto but gave her my last name and showed her the love of Jesus. I
took insult from her mother and friends. have been stabbed and beaten.
And I still look after even though her mother left me to raise her
People call me crazy, but I'm a man.
I love very much and her mother lives with another man
that slaps and tortures her I don't understand.
I cry and cry sometimes for giving custody back with this man.
The kid does not know who what or understands who I am.
I'm her father who does understands. I'm a fool where I stand.
I just didn't want her to be left behind with no one at hand. It burns
me I'm the bad man as her mother says.
I'll burn in hell if I ever told her that I'm not her dad.
Fake as I may be. I love her Mad.
I don't talk to her much and she thinks I'm crazy which I can
understand. I just don't want her to kill her self because she has no
dad. So beat me up for being a man someday soon I'll
be a dad. I'll hurt her and she'll want to kill me.
I know she loves me , she has no food, I can't find her, and her mother
is a murderer sitting on her can. So fight me and I'll be a man. I might
not win and put me in the can.
I'm a dad who doesnot understand.

KosmoJoe's photo
Mon 02/26/07 09:19 PM
One morning I was walking to go get a cup of coffe and across the street
a women in her early twenties(she didn't look too bad). She was crying
saying the hospital kick her out when she woke up. She mentioned
something she didn't know where she was and I notice she just had
hospital pajammas on(no shoes either).
She was crying thinking she was raped. Immediately my heart just
dropped out of my chest and I stood up for her. Offered her a cup
coffee. She seemed really annoyed. Told me she didn't know how she was
gonna get back to where she thinks she started out at a party in some
motel. Its not my occupation to counsel young women in situations and i
don't where this leading to. But I've been raped too once or twice in my
life so I felt bad because I felt that the rapist thought they were the
Judge, jury, and the executioner. especially if they have hiv. This is
sad because they are nothing but perverted individuals with no remorse
for the outcome of any individuals but being turned on by helpless
victims. Needless to say why be the same way. I will shut up about
abortion because its unconstitutional and incorrect to voice for women
when I am not. Forcing the issue is the same as a rapist and bargaining
control for privacy in ones life is a breach of control by the
government to get in bed with you or whatever reality takes place behind
closed doors. Since this a topic about control I will continue this sad
I also immediatly felt wrong for kinda checking her out also.
It turned out she waited in the coffee shop for the police to show up
and keep warm. It was cold out. I couldn't even find myself sitting
there, watching as everybody but a lady behind the counter who made the
call for her actually cared. Like a inexperienced individual in the
matter I walked over and handed her some money to get what she wanted
there and to get were she was going.
Thinking later on, I was thinking what happened,and I was watching a
show on date rape drugs. Ghb was one of the drugs, but alcohol can do
the same damage. It just shows its tough being a women in this world.
The dating scene must be a weird scene not knowing who to trust and who
will hurt you. Plan ahead and have friends who care about you along or a
big brother. Even when you go to a bar. Do the same for your friends,
be a pal. As a man in this world I have seen some ill stuff I just don't
understand. Peace and plan ahead. I am not an animal or a monster but a
conserned child under God's careful eye.

KosmoJoe's photo
Sat 02/24/07 01:01 AM
I think the subject incest is just clearly a life line is
proof that Jesus was a real person.
Your have the right to worry that its a heavy price to pay
to work the religion.
If someone grows in theology in this subject and finally
does pass and finds out its the truth. Then I geuss the devil
got you. Be at peace for the catholics for once.
Jesus paid the price for us.

KosmoJoe's photo
Fri 02/23/07 11:36 PM
None they were all stolen.
Well I take it back .
A big green 78' Cordoba.
It was nicknamed "The Doby ****".
I lost it because of my mother screaming at
me for driving under the law.
Years later it was just. Aw she just loves you.

KosmoJoe's photo
Fri 02/23/07 11:30 PM
Same thing happened to me once.
This girl did about the same to me.
And then when I was there with my new girl
She like came out of nowhere and gave me a hug
and a kiss that didn't last long cause my new girl
Ripped her face off. Meow!

KosmoJoe's photo
Fri 02/23/07 11:13 PM
Sit too long and get battered from within

KosmoJoe's photo
Thu 02/22/07 04:22 PM
Cheer Up! Don't let the door close because your nuts.
Let it be that we all screw up. Its awesome to be that close to
your higher being and yet you deny his gift. Life. No one in the
other world is happy that I can tell. Your mother wants to grow
old and be in pain to remind of sacrifices we do for others.
and if your not there to help who will? I talk to the dead its very
common for me. They believed you when you did this, yet you
joke about it . Be wise for once and say no more. Look around you. You
won. Be a survivor and protest your fate for once in your life. Grow
the **** up! Talk to your mom and have her get back to me. Your friendly
local psychic.