Community > Posts By > KosmoJoe

KosmoJoe's photo
Thu 12/20/07 12:35 AM
Your right about survival and life. Its hard not to remember how far you can make it from destroying yourself. I was pretty close 10 times in the past six years. Its people,family, and friends that make it easier. I use to hate to be happy, because I wasn't sharing it w/ my deceased wife. Everything was her.
Now its just me putting a big bandage on my head and keep going.
Thank you
I'm alot stronger and take no sh it from no one.
Well unless it was someone I liked.

KosmoJoe's photo
Wed 12/19/07 11:32 PM
Nice intake, shiny chrome , and definately nice Tattoo of a poem. Must be the faith.

KosmoJoe's photo
Wed 12/19/07 11:24 PM
Rolled in a alley,left for dead,with my back to the trash.
I wandered in the bright light to find you my dear.
I wanted for so long to join you in the after,but never sober
enough to matter.
I know enough to laugh at fate, but its too late,with your sweet lips wrapped around blue steel,and the loud wonder that followed.
Never could I get back to cold blue mood you made me to.
Just to be knocked to the ground for the fifth time trying to
forget you, a punch,aknife,a gun.
Anything will do.
I lost my Angel to flower into a mean drunk,you earned your wings when things got mean and tough.
Don't let God see me like this swollen,still,smell of booze,and ass up in the alley.
Tragic as it seems, I actually thought I saw you above me crying for me to get up.
Your voice awaken me when You called the second time.
"Babies" She was gone,like she has for the past four years, now.
"Sorry I never did myself in like a real man,just goes to show that I am the Salley you always said I was".
Christ welcomes me into his arms"now child don't be late again".

I wrote this in my daily log years ago I don't feel as bad as I did then, and No Don't I'm not going to kill myself or anything harmful to myself. Just a weird poem/tale I wrote during X-mas past. When things made want to be in the ground. I'm like wow I can survive all this sh it.

KosmoJoe's photo
Wed 12/19/07 10:26 PM
I was going south, when I snapped out of it, and wrote this.

KosmoJoe's photo
Wed 12/19/07 10:14 PM
I really picked this one up at a bar in Lewiston, ME.
Not your thread, good joke though. Peace.

KosmoJoe's photo
Tue 12/04/07 11:07 AM
My great Uncle is gay and he says he started when he was in his late thirtys when he was swinging. All the girls were busy so you know any port in the storm kinda thing. I'm not gay. Butt amusing tellings here. I think we were born equal. Believe different, thats all.

KosmoJoe's photo
Tue 12/04/07 10:57 AM
Ok I better shut up.

KosmoJoe's photo
Tue 12/04/07 10:56 AM
I probly get pulled over by a female blonde cop this holiday and remember me.

KosmoJoe's photo
Tue 12/04/07 10:54 AM
I know my lawyer is blonde too. I might her someday.

KosmoJoe's photo
Tue 12/04/07 10:52 AM
Ok I surrender! I take it back. LOL

KosmoJoe's photo
Tue 12/04/07 10:50 AM
You have nice shoes UK! lol! Thats for real ****!
It happens to me all the time! So funny yet true as hell!

KosmoJoe's photo
Tue 12/04/07 10:44 AM
Ok to email away I will.

KosmoJoe's photo
Tue 12/04/07 10:42 AM
lmao! B george!

KosmoJoe's photo
Tue 12/04/07 10:39 AM
Thank you.
I heard that one at the bar the other day.
The others I can't put on here. Too rude.

KosmoJoe's photo
Tue 12/04/07 10:35 AM
There was this female blonde who was pulled over by a female blonde cop. So the Female blonde cop asks the female blonde driver who was pulled over for her I.d. and registration. So the female blonde driver digs through her purse , pulls out a make up mirror, and says " Here I am!" The female blonde driver hands over the make up mirror to the female blonde cop and the female blonde cop looks and says "so your a cop too!"

KosmoJoe's photo
Tue 12/04/07 10:21 AM
After the raven game Whoa that was close! Go DR. Brady and the boys! I'm Flipping. They are awesome! Quit your *****in,
change ya diaper, cuz because The New England hate train just arrived. Like a tank of steel and twisted muscles blood bone.
Start getting use to it, cause thy're gonna make it baby!

KosmoJoe's photo
Tue 12/04/07 10:09 AM
Sounds too real, probly is. So much like the crowd I use to run with. My wife died from an overdose and I'm always in pieces. My heart goes out to you, cause thats all I have left from drinking, blaming myself,and 10 visits to the nut ward. Live on and don't look back. God bless you. Good luck. Tragic.

KosmoJoe's photo
Tue 12/04/07 09:48 AM
I have not had a good x-mas since 2001 because of similar missing people in my life. She was there one moment then quick as it started it was over. Sucks big time. I'm trying to leave it all behind. Its not easy through the seasons to miss the best of them. God bless ya! I hope you have fun anyways.

KosmoJoe's photo
Tue 12/04/07 09:42 AM
Peaceful and full.
Life.......yes life.....
Scarey without having people reeling to remind us.
good work.

KosmoJoe's photo
Tue 12/04/07 09:35 AM
Aahh the libra moon. Moon of passion and fashion.
Say you must be a libra. You have both.
