If tomorrow
I'd like to crawl inside the mind of my dog or cats. Just for a day. To see what it is really like. See what I would change. I have to assume that you take such wonderful care of your animals that I can't see them asking for you to change much if anything. Funny you didn't add crawling inside the mind of your man...LOL He seems like a straight shooter. Guess you two are making any needed changes without mind reading. |
If tomorrow
I would want to spend the day exploring Paris or Rome or Venice or some where exotic. I would want to take my best friend with me. :) Let's live large and say your 'gift' was tickets for a month - really take your friend on the trip of a lifetime! |
If tomorrow
Old Coke songs never die. ![]() I couldn't help but think of it as the coke song too and hope it didn't get stuck in my head. It is a nice wish though... |
Scorpio thread
Sexy, don't forget Scorpios are very sensual, sexual and curious...nice combo!
And yes I am a Scorpio, two of my sisters are too but I think I got their share of the good stuff! ![]() |
If tomorrow
you were given the chance or choice to have or do something new, what would it be and what would you do with it?
What puts you in the mood?
Company coming motivates me to do more than the usual dust and vac run through. Just today and my last day off I did all my windows, curtains, shampooed the carpets, washed all my winter blankets, dust ruffles and mowed the grass. Haven't dusted yet...Yes I am expecting company but don't know exactly when so am doing the jobs that stay done a while unlike dusting.
I also clean when I want to relax, just can't unwind in a room full of clutter although living alone my clutter piles don't travel all over the house like they used to. I don't need a spotless room to relax just some order and not enough dust to write myself notes in. Does anyone else need a tidy space in order to relax in it? |
any advice
Well not sure about where to go but am pretty sure that most single women want to meet single men which from what you say, you are not. Try ending one relationship before trying to begin another, even someone separated for years carries a lot of baggage which can get in the way of a new relationship in a hurry.
You might make some friends here if you keep posting. There are many decent, kind and funny folks here. Good luck to you. |
You are imprtant
I am totally important to the people who love me - as they are to me. I must be at least a little important at work cause they sure get unhappy when I call off. We are all important in some ways, many more ways than most of us think about. Being important doesn't necessarily mean being good at something or things but having skills we can use and share does count for self esteem, giving back and paying it forward.
Well sure! Hi and welcome, hope to see you posting often so you get to know us and we get to know you. Good luck in whatever you are searching for.
Gotta get through my 10 plus hour shift tomorrow....then a great weekend!
Stay strong Mikey. ![]() ![]() |
Mikey my dearest, got your return phone message, going out just now but will call you this evening about 8:30 - 8:45. You know you are always in my heart and thoughts. Talk soon, love ya so much. Damn cancer, damn damn damn.
the next step....get a job.
Hey krupa! I could a/would a told you you'd get the job...didn't see your post till now. Case of better late than never...Congratulations!!!
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Just got
A gun in the house for protection makes me very nervous. Something about shooting someone by mistake just because they knew they were welcome to visit without knocking or killing someone who wanted only to steal some food or other replaceable things or because I heard a 'bump' in the night and my fears got the better of me....can't shoot if you don't have a gun handy. Have had hunting guns of all types in my home, locked and with ammo locked separately. Just my opinion of course but it seems to me that people who have a gun for protection are, on some level, waiting to use it. I personally know three people who were killed in their homes by 'empty' guns or guns meant to protect, all three were killed by loved ones, accidentally. Three to many and not a chance I am willing to take or allow to be taken in my home.
Mutual Match
Wishing you the best finding someone special. I know of several people now in serious relationships that met in the forums, none (that I know of) who met via Mutual Match. Guess maybe using both is your best bet and in the forums even if you don't meet that special person you might have some fun.
Dating and Intelligence
I have dated guys that have less education but I don't see that as a problem. I think we all are intelligent in our own way. I dated a man with a grade 8 education and met a guy with 4 degrees but the grade 8 man was much more fun to be around and was much more loving. I think no matter how much intelligence we have; we can always learn something new and I think this is why a person of lesser education is more attractive. He doesn't have the "I know it all" attitude and is a hell of a lot more useful around a house. I think talking about education vs intelligence are two very different things. Some people have both, some have one or the other. What you do with either (or both) is what makes you worth having as a friend or lover or neither! |
I don't date unless I have an interest..... If I date.....I have already seen a keen mind, a quick wit and something to catch my eye...... sooooooooooo....... Its always a difinate maybe........ This :-) And then that all important, very telling first kiss.... |
I think you said it just fine, msharmony But thanks! Perhaps we need to bring back dating guidelines? 1st date - public place, 2-3 hours maximum (leave em wanting more) 2nd date - public place, a few hours, maybe with mutual friends. 3rd date - holding hands and perhaps a goodbye kiss. 4th date - excited to see if that kiss holds it's promise. Three dates should take a minimum of three weeks to occur with one phone call in between for a short chat and to confirm date 2and 3 plans. Overly simple maybe (what do I know - not having had a date in a few years) but dating is a process that should be enjoyed and leave both people an easy way to say 'thanks but no thanks'. Since my husband died I have dated a little only to get the 'bums rush' each time. I am not rich, overly beautiful or easy, don't think I give off signs off wanting an instant roomie... Why the rush? It screams to me of neediness, desperateness, traits I do not find attractive and which send me home alone shaking my head about how grown supposedly mature men (people, I am sure this happens the other way around too) can get a simple date so wrong. Wow, so many rules! I'll be honest and say that if I didn't get a kiss by the second date, I'd probably assume he wasn't interested in more than friendship. And if I really like someone and want to see them again, I'd definitely want to do so before a week was up. I'd also probably talk to them more than once in between. But, that's why I made this topic. I was curious what others thought. I agree it is a lot of rules but I was just trying to make a point about dating being a time of trial and learning. Seems so many people are wanting to jump into bed (or the back seat etc) the first time they meet. There is a place and a word for that but it isn't 'dating'. Guess I just want a slower pace, time to consider and to feel. Rules are made to be broken, everyone has their own comfort level. Maybe too the anticipation of wanting the first kiss makes it sweeter, surely you know if a kiss is there for the asking....I thought my last first kiss was my last first kiss, perhaps I simple want to be a little more sure about what the kiss might mean, that said please spare me the No guarantees speeches - I know them, just that a little extra time might help avoid some potentially painful mistakes. |
I don't know if I would say no sexual contact but of course that is open to definition too. And developes by stages. How I would kiss a date to close a date that I really enjoyed would not be the peck on the cheek I give a friend at a birthday party or a mistletoe kiss. The guy I have dated most this last year I could probably kiss for extended periods and I very much like being physically close to him but I don't tease. There is a decided sexual contact to how we are attracted but he knows I don't do certain levels with out committment. I would not be surprised if he gave me a ring for New Years or maybe my birthday. He knows I am ready to go to the next level, or move on, and that he has competition. I think we will be meeting some of his family and coworkers during the holidays. Whoa Ho this is exciting!! Hope it goes how you both want it to...keep us posted! |
Dating and Intelligence
I think intelligence is much like other factors we all use when attracted to someone. Some traits, like looks are readily apparent, others like humor and intelligence might take a bit longer to know or appreciate. Many traits including physical appearance can grow on us if other traits are strong for us. We all decide based on (usually) many factors who we want to spend time with, date, have a relationship with. Deciding that a variance in intelligence between us is reason not to pursue a relationship seems as valid a reason to me as say, lack of chemistry or not being willing to raise his/her children. This is not to say we can't appreciate other things this person has to offer, just that a given degree of intelligence is one of our criteria, not a judgement on the whole person.
Having tried to explain this, it is a turn off if a potential 'date' can't write a simple sentence in literate manner. Spelling aside (to a point), I need a mate who can use our common language to say what he wants, needs or means. |
I have found myself hugging them in a sort of equivalent to patting them on the back sort of way while offering sound relationship advise so that the next time might be better....I am either that good or totally warped!!