how to search id?
Go to google and in search bar type name |
sick joke.
Dated a person who pretended to be the person I would be interested in until after they moved in as a long term relationship... Shortly after moving in they said ... Now I can be who I really am... That's how things are always have-been and always will be. |
Good & Evil are subjective and relative to the observer. Misfortune is based on an assumption. Only people are good or evil and none are 100% good or evil. Everyone has the capacity to feel love or hate. Its a choice. I agree with you 100% |
Signs of Life at Venus
It is good but it is not life like human or dogs or anything only some microbs that are living in oxygen free environment.
For Tom4Uhere I apologize for my bad english. I want to say that a person does not live after death. He lies in the grave and cannot speak, breathe, think ... He died. They don't die they only change the body, like if you have very old car not working, too many problem. you get rid of it and get another car, remember body is not you something else is there which doesn't die. Body is always changing getting old one day it has to go. There are meditation that can make you realize of your past lives. |
The team of scientists from New York’s Stony Brook University of Medicine, looked at patients with cardiac arrests in Europe and the US. They noted that those of the patients who were successfully resuscitated after their heart had stopped beating could recall the conversations around them between the healthcare personnel and were aware of their surroundings. Study leader Dr. Sam Parnia said that the patients could describe in details what happened around them. He explained that the time death is declared is the one when the heart stops beating. As the heart stops beating, it stops pumping blood to the brain and slowly the brain begins to shut down, he explains. He added that this process of the brain shutting down slowly may take hours and the person may be dead during this time but aware of their surroundings. The viewpoint of theologians Dr. Mahmoud, one of the scholars of Al-Azhar, said: It is narrated that the Messenger Muhamed, used to call the dead by their names: Have you found what your Lord truly promised? The Muslims said: O Messenger of God, do you call upon a people who have died? He said: They hear, but they cannot answer me. The doctor believes that this is not the privacy of the Prophet, as the deceased is happy to visit his family to his grave. The death of the prophets Religious scholars unanimously agree that the bodies of all prophets don't disintegrate or wear out. Untrue, a body is a body even of an enlightened, they also get cold, fever, fire will burn their bodies too. Don't listen to this false stories, what they mean is something else not body. But mind mind remains alive but mind has no body it will take new birth. There are ways for you to know who you were in past lives through hypnosis or meditation that is what he meant. |
The brain and nerve cells require a constant supply of oxygen and will die within a few minutes, once you stop breathing. The next to go will be the heart, followed by the liver, then the kidneys and pancreas, which can last for about an hour. Skin, tendons, heart valves and corneas will still be alive after a day. White blood cells, which are more independent, can keep going for almost three days. During this time period, oxygenated blood, which normally exchanges carbon dioxide with oxygen, is not circulating. Thus, cell respiration—which uses oxygen to make cellular energy while creating carbon dioxide as a by-product—creates carbon dioxide that is not transported out of the cell. This lowers the pH of the cell, resulting in an acidic intracellular environment. This acidic environment causes intracellular membranes to rupture—including those around the cell's lysosome, which contains enzymes for digesting everything from proteins to fats and nucleic acids. Once the membranes have burst, these enzymes are released and begin to digest the cell from the inside out. This process is known as autolysis (or self-digestion). The rate of autolytic spread throughout the body is dependent on the quantity of enzymes present—the dispersion in liver tissue, which is rich in these proteins, would take place much more rapidly than it would in lung tissue, which has a smaller reserve. This progression also depends on the amount of water present in a tissue. (The brain, being very high in water content, would degrade faster than, say, muscle tissue.)[\b] Autolytic spread, however, is most intimately tied to environmental temperature. In cold surroundings, the autolytic process slows down, while warm conditions speed up the progression. This is why people who have drowned in very cold water and are not recovered for an hour or so can, in some circumstances, be completely revived. The cold temperatures have slowed down the autolytic process to the point that no permanent damage has occurred in the tissues. Why posting this again and again? |
Should I?
And New Zealand is not a long distance?
Do all of you experience that? When you send message or anything it takes like forever.
my needs are as follows. emailing, web searching, online chatting with camera, some gaming. My buget is from $350 to $700. Not clear on operating systems ram and all that. any good suggestions? thanks Buy dell, i3 processor, notebook, with 4GB ram, 500gig hd, 17inch, and run linux. With good built in Cam. |
When you live on the coast, surrounded by an ocean and a Bay, you do not expect to have to evacuate due to forest fires miles away. Then my town started catching on fire, post office burned down, golf course set afire, hospital shut own and evacuated and suddenly we are put on alert to flee, and only one way to go and a 2-lane route south, toward more go it on. Then they have to turn off all power (imagine, by choice) because the heat was causing transformers to explode, so they preclude this by cutting off all power. So you are either sealed inside your house in 90* weather with no way of cooling or you crack a window and all the smoke pours in.. or you evacuate. They draw a line on the map and at a certain point they will force you to go, and if you go the wrong way, you will be arrested as a terrorist (a policeman told us this.) Anyway, we sheltered in place and the cutoff line is up the street. The air smells fresh, the wind has changed direction, the temperatures have dropped 20 degrees, looks good. Power back on..for now. They have not yet allowed evacuees back. Lincoln City, Oregon 9/10/2020 So sad to hear that. |
Thank you for your humor! Bill is right, I don't know if God created us or not but we certainly created God. |
new blood lady's.
Edited by
Wed 09/09/20 07:45 AM
Welcome ,are you looking for ladies who have recently had a blood transfusion ? In 31 years he has forgotten what to say. |
CSRF Verification
Because of scammers and spammers who use automated answering software. This is the only way to weed them out. To make sure you are human.
Edited by
Thu 09/03/20 08:23 AM
But you are in HongKong, too far, how will you find someone too far. |
Drunk woman
A drunken woman fell asleep on the lawn of a synagogue,when she woke in the morning there was a heavy dew on her What else can be on her? |
Anyone understand what this means? May be he means all Men here, no women. |
Good luck, I am sure you can. If having trouble quiting? Try reducing a little bit and than more and more, go slow.