Community > Posts By > johnnie173

johnnie173's photo
Tue 02/26/08 04:35 PM
Some people are very surly.

johnnie173's photo
Tue 02/26/08 04:33 PM
Sorry Jim, not riveting enough for you?laugh

johnnie173's photo
Tue 02/26/08 04:29 PM
So you check your account page and see that someone has viewed you.
The girl is a cutie, but didn't drop you an e-mail.
Do you send her an e-mail, or assume she took a look and wasn't interested?
Regardless, an e-mail wouldn't hurt, just wondering what y'all do.

johnnie173's photo
Sun 02/24/08 06:32 PM
This is sad, and I'm not proud of it, but since my divorce last year I go through women at an alarming rate.
I'm addicted to the chase, and when the chase is over, I lose interest.
So I guess you could say my weakness is commitment.
It's getting old...

johnnie173's photo
Sun 02/24/08 05:49 PM
Jr. is a hack who has had everything handed to him since he started racing, and he still isn't that great.
Put him in an under-funded, single car team and see if he finishes in the top 30 in points.
Jr.'s just a name and a pretty face, like 90% of the rest of NASCAR.
Gimme the days of Dale Sr., Bill Elliot, and hard asses like Jimmy Spencer.
These guys today remind me of the Backstreet Boys!

johnnie173's photo
Wed 02/20/08 04:28 PM
I've seen just as many women do it...
On yahoo! I saw a profile with a pic of Drew Barrymore.
I wish it was really herlaugh
My pics are unfortunatley the real deal:wink:

johnnie173's photo
Fri 02/15/08 07:01 PM
God I miss Jimmy Spencer... These little pussies today, all saying the same thing, all pretty robots towing the company line.
Jimmy was no champion that's for sure, but the day he retired, I stopped watching. The only few guys with any stones are Stewart, Harvick, Robby Gordon, and maybe one or two others...
I remember Jimmy passing Ernie Ervin on the last lap with an awesome move in the Firecracker 400 at Daytona in 1994 for the win.
To answer your question, I can give a **** less. NASCAR has become a bunch of primma donnas all "points racing" like a bunch of fags.

johnnie173's photo
Mon 02/11/08 04:39 PM
Very sorry to hear that...
I'm seperated/divorced for over a year, and am IN NO WAY comparing my situation to yours, but the holidays still hurt a lot. They say divorce is like a death in the family, but you still have to see the person.
I know on holidays I don't...
Go out, get drunk, and bang some tramp. Usually makes you feel worse.
I don't sit around and mope.
Get together with friends and keep yourself occupied.
Laugh as much as possible.

johnnie173's photo
Sun 01/27/08 03:08 PM
When I was 21 I had no ambition either. Your early twenties are kinda all about that. Do I want to go to college? Do I want to get a job? Do I want to get up before noon today?
Sounds to me like you're mature beyond your age, and that's something to be proud of. You have a good head on your shoulders. Don't let anybody pressure you into being something you're not. I know I never let my friends pressure me into drugs, ect. and today I own a house with a great job and two beautiful kids. My friends? let's just say they don't.
Keep your chin up and eventually you'll find some normal people. Don't be afraid to try new things or go to new places.
You'll be fine, chick-a-dee!

johnnie173's photo
Sun 01/27/08 02:40 PM
I'm definetley a fan of Pearts because I can barley play any of his stuff, and I'm a VERY good drummer...
Rush is "progressive rock". A nice way of saying "don't even try to play this".laugh
It's not my cup of tea, but I have huge respect for thee three of them as musicians.

johnnie173's photo
Sun 01/27/08 02:23 PM
"Scrambled Eggs" is the original title for "Yesterday". Motley Crue did arguably the worst cover of "Helter Skelter" next to U2's horrible cover of the song. Check out the original...

johnnie173's photo
Sun 01/27/08 02:21 PM
Can't say Ringo is the best rock drummer sorry guy ... Has to be Neil Peart from Rush ...
I was waiting for this one, and not looking to fight...
Neil Peart is an amazing technical drummer. Ridiculous drum solos and all. But most drummers agree that Peart totally overplays on every Rush song. He completley takes away from the rest of the song by throwing in unnecessary overblown drum fills in totally out of place places.
Ringo Starr had "Feel". He played what the song called for. And some of his drum lines are totally unimitable (check out "She Said, She Said"). He had an amazing groove. Phil Collins called it Ringo's "drag". He basically invented an approach to drumming. He couldn't carry Pearts sticks to a drummer solo-a-thon, but if I were starting a rock band--- give me Ringo.

johnnie173's photo
Sun 01/27/08 01:57 PM
I've been a drummer since I was five years old... Been in some great bands through the years and played and listened to it all. But I always come back to what I was raised on--- The Beatles, The Greatest.
What's your favorite Beatles song?
I have to go with "I'll Get You" (Early Period)
"She Said, She Said" (Middle Period)
"Helter Skelter" (Late Period)
Ringo Starr is the greatest rock drummer of all time, and Paul McCartney will go down as the greatest song writer of the 20th century... discuss.

johnnie173's photo
Sun 01/27/08 01:30 PM
Bubbles, I will gladly be your friend and despite the fact that you live about fifteen hours away, I'd never dis yalaugh

johnnie173's photo
Sat 01/26/08 03:27 PM
Would never hate on you baby... if you got it, put it out there!
Too bad you live across state or I might be stalking you right nowlaugh

johnnie173's photo
Sat 01/26/08 01:16 PM
But I'd bet our sex lives would improve dramaticallylaugh

johnnie173's photo
Sat 01/26/08 01:14 PM
Met a terrific gal... from Florida of course. We even talked on the phone, but after a while what's the point?
Funny how you can never meet someone within fifty miles of where you live...

johnnie173's photo
Thu 01/24/08 03:47 PM
I've always wanted to know my "ranking". I assume this would be pretty much looks only, as profiles don't tell much...
This should be good...
I can take it!

johnnie173's photo
Thu 01/24/08 12:43 PM
Actually, seven women over the course of a year...
I don't think even I could handle seven women in one monthlaugh
Actually, I met most of them on line--- one on, and three on Yahoo! personals.
The net is really weird though. Just recently I started talking to this girl for about a week and then PRESTO, she's nowhere to be found... The internet is very hit or miss.

johnnie173's photo
Wed 01/23/08 05:37 PM
I forgot to mention that I am not a prudelaugh