Community > Posts By > pussywillow
sure does count...i missed the first time it came through..may go to
this one.saw pics of the exhibits though.looked interesting |
funny quote
love is a disease curable by marriage...couldnt tell you who said it somewhere years ago |
sweet chicago mom here
hey lips...welcome to jsh,lots of cool guys and gals here,i hope you
make some freinds and have fun chatting it up here. |
rumors and spying?
sadly other ppls lives are the basis of their own(gossip mongers that
is) |
holier than thou
Holier Than thou
(Hetfield/Ulrich)(metallica) No more! The crap rolls out your mouth again Haven't changed, Your brain is still gelatin Little whispers circle around your head Why don't you worry about yourself instead Who are you? Where ya been? Where ya from? Gossip burning on the tip of your tongue You lie so much you believe yourself Judge not lest ye be judged yourself Holier than thou You are Holier than thou You are You know not Before you judge me take a look at you Can't you find something better to do Point the finger, Slow to understand Arrogance and ignorance go hand in hand It's not who you are it's who you know Others lives are the basis of your own Burn your bridges build them back with wealth Judge not lest ye be judged yourself Holier than thou You are Holier than thou You are You know not |
i hear ya...i watched them build the oceanarium at the shed aquariam and
still havnt been inside the havnt been to millenium park either..what a great chicagoin i am..i always end up doing samething in summer...concerts and fests |
ticket for no seat belt
nope..i got it...your a fasciast
ticket for no seat belt
Seat belt laws trivialize law enforcement Send this Article to a Friend Printable page February 23, 2007 Opinion Editorial By Mike Krause In the book Go Directly to Jail: The Criminalization of Almost Everything, author James V. DeLong writes, "When the government criminalizes almost everything, it also trivializes the very concept of criminality." A perfect example of this is Senate Bill 151, the primary seat belt law currently under consideration in the Colorado Legislature. Far from a legitimate public safety measure, this law is little more than a finger-wagging nanny state edict, with high potential to distract police from their public safety mission in favor of trivial enforcement of unpopular personal behavior. The Colorado State Patrol already rolls out en masse each year to enforce Colorado's current secondary seat belt law through the zero tolerance "Click It or Ticket" enforcement program—funded by your federal tax dollars through the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration—which includes the use of both unmarked and low-profile (marked but with no rooftop light bar) patrol cars. Yet according to the Patrol's own annual report, its highway safety strategy relies on high "trooper visibility" on Colorado roads "in order to deter motorists from engaging in dangerous or criminal behavior." If this is so, how does the targeting of seat belt offenses in patrol cars specifically intended not to be "highly visible" actually promote a safe driving environment? The short answer is that it doesn't. It also begs the question of what kind of enforcement we can expect with a primary seat belt law. In 2005, Maryland State Police began nighttime seat belt sting operations utilizing night vision technology—the same equipment soldiers use in combat—to enforce that state's primary seat belt law. The Maryland Governor later shut the paramilitary sting operation down, calling it "government intrusion into personal decision making." Also in 2005, the Seattle Times reported, "In the three years since state lawmakers gave cops the go-ahead to pull over people for not wearing seat belts, the State Patrol has become creative about spotting scofflaws." One such creative waste of manpower involved plainclothes Washington State Patrol troopers standing on street corners holding "Buckle Up" signs, peeking into car windows and radioing ahead to waiting patrol cars to ticket those not wearing seat belts. As Ted Balaker from the Reason Public Policy Institute puts it, "since drivers who don't buckle up aren't making anyone else less safe, laws that bear down on these people don't make other motorists any safer either." In January, public safety officials told the Joint Budget Committee that a primary seat belt law could save some seventy lives a year, but where this number comes from is a bit of a mystery. During the 2006 debate over a primary seat belt law (like in a horror movie, this law keeps on coming back from the dead) advocates lined up 282 pairs of shoes on the Capitol steps—representing the number of people killed in crashes in 2004 who were not wearing seat—in an attempt to guilt lawmakers into passing the law. At the time, Denver Post Columnist Ed Quillen asked a basic question "of those 282 people who died in 2004 who were not wearing seat belts, how many would have been pulled over for not wearing seat belts, then decided to change their ways, and then were involved in an accident where seat belts would have made a difference?" Of course, no one really knows, but the short answer is probably not very many. Editorializing against the primary seat belt law, the Rocky Mountain News notes, "Even in primary-offense states, seat belt use varies; it's as low as 74 percent in Tennessee. And in seven states where seat belt laws are secondary offenses-including Arizona, Nevada and Utah in the Mountain West-residents buckle up more often than the national average, with rates reaching 95 percent." And indeed, according to statistics from the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, seat belt use in Colorado has been steadily increasing, from around 65 percent in 2000 to over 80 percent in 2006. And this has happened without a primary seat-belt nanny-state edict. Simply put, a primary seat belt law has the potential to make the enforcement priorities and tactics of Colorado law enforcement as silly as the seat belt law itself, which in turn leads to a general lack of respect for the law. Scrapping the primary seat belt law would be a good step for Colorado lawmakers who care more about the integrity of the rule of law than the personal safety choices of individual Coloradoans i suppose by your logic these people are whiners and crybabys to...even though way more acredited and experienced in this area than yourselves |
hey malinda brown
hey bud, lookin kittys
ticket for no seat belt
say whatever you like...ppl have read everything you have posted and
think you are as full of **** as i do.and at their request i will now leave this thread for you trolls to have the last word...cause thats all this is really about.bye bye |
ticket for no seat belt
wow...that made all your lies and bull**** go away...well
said...hillbilly |
ticket for no seat belt
pathetic trolls trying to comendeer a thread...look at you!
ticket for no seat belt
oldsage...why do you keep posting here man? are a troll thats are the pathetic type of person who thinks ppl like him more if he jumps in their side of an argument....sad part this place that pathetic tactic works well...have fun with that buddy...jut remember this you jaded old snot...i never said **** to you.....whos the ****ing whiney kid now? |
ticket for no seat belt
like a said b4 last recoarse of the witless...correct someone spelling
ticket for no seat belt
im hurting myself because 2 self diluded self rightous over the hill
whackos dont like my posts?...keep reachin there buddy...maybe someone will beleive your bull**** |
ticket for no seat belt
| you ****ing hillbillys slay quote monetary impact
studys of the uninsured to society...when you dont have a pot to piss in.who did that study? are sheep who beleive all you are told to beleive..and your incesint need to be right and to be liked has blinded you to the injustice a law like that does to all americans.without ppl like me ppl like you would be in a ****ing camp right now..we ask the hard questions whether we are liked for it or not...we are ppl of action...ppl like you just eat sleep and live whatever is put in front of you...****ing sheep |
ticket for no seat belt
you havnt said one constructive thing since you have posted here just keep defending the lier.that will make alot like you im sure fire way to get alot of"freinds" on a site like this...kiss ass and jump on the first person you see at odds with a women |
ticket for no seat belt
ticket for no seat belt
ticket for no seat belt
| do you get that self serving tripe from what i wrote?
laws are made to tell you what not to do I.E murder...dont do it...speeding....dont do it.....rape...dont do it.....these laws are in place because in doing any of these acts you will affect make a law that says you HAVE TO DO something or you will receive punishment is un-american |