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Topic: Peter Strzoks first public hearing
mightymoe's photo
Fri 07/13/18 07:40 AM
Edited by mightymoe on Fri 07/13/18 07:42 AM
More here:

FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok will face hostile questions from Republicans on Thursday when he appears before the House Judiciary and Oversight committees for a public hearing.

In his first public hearing since the Department of Justice inspector general released a report outlining his anti-Trump texts to his FBI lawyer mistress, GOP lawmakers will be looking hard for signs that Strzok's bias swayed decisions he made in the FBI's investigations of Hillary Clinton and then-candidate Donald Trump.

The IG report acknowledged his bias and other biases in the FBI, but said none of them had an impact on the outcome of either the investigation into Hillary Clinton's private email server or the probe into Trump's alleged collusion with Russia to win the 2016 election. Republicans will be looking to refute that finding.

There's some small chance that Strzok will be joined by Lisa Page, a former FBI lawyer with whom he was having an extramarital affair while the two worked on the Clinton and Trump investigations.

Page defied a subpoena to appear before the two committees on Wednesday, and Republican lawmakers said she can appear Thursday alongside her former lover, appear behind closed doors at 10 a.m. Friday, or be held in contempt of Congress that day. It wasn't immediately clear which path Page would take.

Experts say the hearing poses a real danger to Strzok, who runs the risk of being tripped up in public testimony.

The hearing "is fraught with peril for [Strzok], and quite possibly the motivation behind former FBI attorney Lisa Page's decision not to appear for an interview with House lawmakers," retired FBI supervisory special agent and current CNN law enforcement analyst James Gagliano told the Washington Examiner.

The IG report, released in June, heavily criticized text messages sent between Strzok and Page, including one in which the former assured the latter that "we'll stop" Trump from becoming president. The report said it found no evidence that bias swayed any internal decisions, in large part because neither Strzok nor Page ever acted alone when making decisions.

But Gagliano said the challenge for Strzok is making sure his public statements match those he might have given to his superiors and the IG.

"With the IG report appearing to clear Strzok, Page, and [former] Deputy Director Andrew McCabe of any wrongdoing related to their possible political biases infecting investigations, their concerns now must be related to potential conflicting testimony," Gagliano said of GOP lawmakers.

shovelheaddave's photo
Fri 07/13/18 09:06 AM
and Peter Strzok made them all look RIDICULOUS when he defied them to show one bit of proof,or evidence that anything that he said or did influenced ANY government investigation into Donald trump in any way whatsoever,and all they could do is sit there and sputter like they had just drank some bad milk!!!

he TOTALLY showed them up for the fake-outraged trump supporters who were just showboating to try to publically undermine special Investigator Robert Mueller's investigation into donald trump so that when the findings of it ARE publically released,they can try to claim that it is a 'witch hunt',and 'fake news'!!

BUT,unfortunately for them,since they had to use FACTS to try to do it,it didn't work out very well for them,and it made them look EXTREMELY foolish and juvenile,and just gave the media MORE stuff to make fun of them about!

mightymoe's photo
Fri 07/13/18 09:16 AM
Still grasping at straws, huh... liberals are just sad now...JFK is rolling in his grave seeing what they've become...

shovelheaddave's photo
Fri 07/13/18 09:31 AM

Still grasping at straws, huh... liberals are just sad now...JFK is rolling in his grave seeing what they've become...

grasping at STRAWS????

i thought that we were grasping at WITCHES???


mightymoe's photo
Fri 07/13/18 09:44 AM

Still grasping at straws, huh... liberals are just sad now...JFK is rolling in his grave seeing what they've become...

grasping at STRAWS????

i thought that we were grasping at WITCHES???

I guess we'll know when the hearing is done... Then you can grasp at whatever you like...smokin

Workin4it's photo
Fri 07/13/18 03:54 PM

and Peter Strzok made them all look RIDICULOUS when he defied them to show one bit of proof,or evidence that anything that he said or did influenced ANY government investigation into Donald trump in any way whatsoever,and all they could do is sit there and sputter like they had just drank some bad milk!!!

he TOTALLY showed them up for the fake-outraged trump supporters who were just showboating to try to publically undermine special Investigator Robert Mueller's investigation into donald trump so that when the findings of it ARE publically released,they can try to claim that it is a 'witch hunt',and 'fake news'!!

BUT,unfortunately for them,since they had to use FACTS to try to do it,it didn't work out very well for them,and it made them look EXTREMELY foolish and juvenile,and just gave the media MORE stuff to make fun of them about!
in what third world justice system would would someone like Strzok be allowed to investigate the person that he has bashed in emails. I think he acted like he was better than the folks trying to do their job by grilling him. Any one stupid enough to send the emails that he sent while being in his position doesn't need to be in the FBI .

shovelheaddave's photo
Fri 07/13/18 03:59 PM

and Peter Strzok made them all look RIDICULOUS when he defied them to show one bit of proof,or evidence that anything that he said or did influenced ANY government investigation into Donald trump in any way whatsoever,and all they could do is sit there and sputter like they had just drank some bad milk!!!

he TOTALLY showed them up for the fake-outraged trump supporters who were just showboating to try to publically undermine special Investigator Robert Mueller's investigation into donald trump so that when the findings of it ARE publically released,they can try to claim that it is a 'witch hunt',and 'fake news'!!

BUT,unfortunately for them,since they had to use FACTS to try to do it,it didn't work out very well for them,and it made them look EXTREMELY foolish and juvenile,and just gave the media MORE stuff to make fun of them about!
in what third world justice system would would someone like Strzok be allowed to investigate the person that he has bashed in emails. I think he acted like he was better than the folks trying to do their job by grilling him. Any one stupid enough to send the emails that he sent while being in his position doesn't need to be in the FBI .

the same justice system that allowed the very vocal,and outspoken anti-hillary crowd to investigate HER for over 2 years over imaginary charges.

BlakeIAM's photo
Fri 07/13/18 04:05 PM
Trey Gowdy made Strzok look like the little lying , pathetic fool that he is.

shovelheaddave's photo
Fri 07/13/18 04:42 PM

Trey Gowdy made Strzok look like the little lying , pathetic fool that he is.


i guess that you didnt get a chance to watch the part where Strzok had his chance to answer back without pooor little trey gowdy interupting him,cuz he handed poor little trey gowdy his @$$ in a hat while he sat there taking it,and looking VERY ashamed of himself!

NOT TO MENTION the part where he shut him up when he asked him to provide ANY evidence,or proof that his opinion in any way affected the investigation and he just had to sit there looking stupid,cuz he couldnt.

it was ALMOST as funny as when louie gohmert tried to bring his affair with the FBI lawyer into it,and the whole senate jumped on him,including another senator publically telling him that he needed to "go get his medication"!!

cuz STRZOK wasnt the one who looked like a fool!!!

i guess you must have switched channels to go watch FAUX&friends,or something while THAT was happening,huh?


BlakeIAM's photo
Fri 07/13/18 05:12 PM
Edited by BlakeIAM on Fri 07/13/18 05:13 PM

Trey Gowdy made Strzok look like the little lying , pathetic fool that he is.


i guess that you didnt get a chance to watch the part where Strzok had his chance to answer back without pooor little trey gowdy interupting him,cuz he handed poor little trey gowdy his @$$ in a hat while he sat there taking it,and looking VERY ashamed of himself!

NOT TO MENTION the part where he shut him up when he asked him to provide ANY evidence,or proof that his opinion in any way affected the investigation and he just had to sit there looking stupid,cuz he couldnt.

it was ALMOST as funny as when louie gohmert tried to bring his affair with the FBI lawyer into it,and the whole senate jumped on him,including another senator publically telling him that he needed to "go get his medication"!!

cuz STRZOK wasnt the one who looked like a fool!!!

i guess you must have switched channels to go watch FAUX&friends,or something while THAT was happening,huh?


He didn't hand ANYONE their a**.
He couldn't handle Trey in any way whatsoever.

Strzok is a lying fool , and a pathetic person in general.

Please refrain from presuming what I do or don't watch.

Also you can go easy on the exclamation points unless you are a really, really, excited 12 year old girl who just started to learn how to text.

Everything doesn't warrant!!!!!!

Actually quite annoying, but then again liberals...

They wouldn't know facts if they were tattooed on their torso.

Pretty sad really.

Workin4it's photo
Fri 07/13/18 05:12 PM

Trey Gowdy made Strzok look like the little lying , pathetic fool that he is.


i guess that you didnt get a chance to watch the part where Strzok had his chance to answer back without pooor little trey gowdy interupting him,cuz he handed poor little trey gowdy his @$$ in a hat while he sat there taking it,and looking VERY ashamed of himself!

NOT TO MENTION the part where he shut him up when he asked him to provide ANY evidence,or proof that his opinion in any way affected the investigation and he just had to sit there looking stupid,cuz he couldnt.

it was ALMOST as funny as when louie gohmert tried to bring his affair with the FBI lawyer into it,and the whole senate jumped on him,including another senator publically telling him that he needed to "go get his medication"!!

cuz STRZOK wasnt the one who looked like a fool!!!

i guess you must have switched channels to go watch FAUX&friends,or something while THAT was happening,huh?


how about the part where one congressman asked if he ever obtained material or documents from a cohort of Hillary's and Strzok said the FBI to him not to answer that. When pressed he said the FBI just in formed him that he could answer that , then when he was asked what the documents were he said the FBI told him not to answer that. Really? Sounds fishy to me. Still a cover-up in the deep state. All will come to fruition after November when the republicans have a super majority in both chambers of congress. Than watch the resistance, we haven't seen anything yet!

no photo
Fri 07/13/18 05:58 PM

Actually I have to say I was disappointed in the whole process I had expected a lot more decorum on the part of Trey and the rest of the committee..I don't know if they were playing it up for the cameras or what..but they should have given Strzok a chance to answer without interrupting.. truth be known all I saw was a lot of unanswered questions ..But has anyone noticed that it seems everyone who comes before the committee has a chit eatin' grin..I don't know if they're smokin good weed or on

but no matter I was not impressed and it didn't seem like anything actually came from it..they need something more concrete than accusations..jmo

no photo
Fri 07/13/18 06:38 PM
Strzok did admit that they started the investigation from information given to them by Bruce and Nellie Orr. Steele did get paid by a certain drunken, lying, hag.

But, it, like what might have come out of the Lisa Page questioning is only going to go so far. At this point, if they just shut up and let it all go, it would be enough for me.

Strzok is a huge liar. Anyone that would cheat on his wife, is a liar in my book. What he deserves, is a purple something else.

Lpdon's photo
Sat 07/14/18 03:10 AM

Still grasping at straws, huh... liberals are just sad now...JFK is rolling in his grave seeing what they've become...

They said hes going to be charged within a couple of weeks. Good, I hope he and his girlfriend spend the rest of their lives in prison. Using KGB and SS style tactics to keep someone from being elected President is treason. So when he was saying in text messages that they were going to stop Trump from getting the Presidency and that they had an insurance policy to keep him out of the White House.... Those were admitted to under oath and we have the texts and emails to prove it but we don't hear about that.

The left is playing right into Russia and China's hands by dividing this country in half. If the President had to take drastic action on either country he wouldn't get the support in Congress to act and because the Democrats have been played by the Russians since at least 2008 when the Doctorate S Illegals Infiltrated Hillary's campaign and top State Officials.

I really believe Russia's true intentions are to tare this country apart. They have old school Communists and KGB running the country again, just like they did in the cold war and the country is reverting back to its old ways and were playing right into Putin's hand.

Lpdon's photo
Sat 07/14/18 03:14 AM
Edited by Lpdon on Sat 07/14/18 03:16 AM

Trey Gowdy made Strzok look like the little lying , pathetic fool that he is.


i guess that you didnt get a chance to watch the part where Strzok had his chance to answer back without pooor little trey gowdy interupting him,cuz he handed poor little trey gowdy his @$$ in a hat while he sat there taking it,and looking VERY ashamed of himself!

NOT TO MENTION the part where he shut him up when he asked him to provide ANY evidence,or proof that his opinion in any way affected the investigation and he just had to sit there looking stupid,cuz he couldnt.

it was ALMOST as funny as when louie gohmert tried to bring his affair with the FBI lawyer into it,and the whole senate jumped on him,including another senator publically telling him that he needed to "go get his medication"!!

cuz STRZOK wasnt the one who looked like a fool!!!

i guess you must have switched channels to go watch FAUX&friends,or something while THAT was happening,huh?


Gowdy had that traitor with just one comment and the Democrats knew it that's why they objected and tried to get the witness dismissed. "Do you give your wife the same smirk when you lied to her about you extramarital affair?". Game over. What was left of the credibility of the disgraced Agent was tarnished with one comment from the former Federal Prosecutor.

Gowdy out played the Democrats on that one. When this lying Agent is arrested which is in the works that comment and the affair can now be brought into the trial because it's now on record! If the prosecutor tried to bring it up on his own the Judge could order it stricken, the jury to forget about it and potentially declare a mistrial and now it can all be admitted into evidence, including Gowdys comment.

Lpdon's photo
Sat 07/14/18 03:16 AM

Trey Gowdy made Strzok look like the little lying , pathetic fool that he is.


i guess that you didnt get a chance to watch the part where Strzok had his chance to answer back without pooor little trey gowdy interupting him,cuz he handed poor little trey gowdy his @$$ in a hat while he sat there taking it,and looking VERY ashamed of himself!

NOT TO MENTION the part where he shut him up when he asked him to provide ANY evidence,or proof that his opinion in any way affected the investigation and he just had to sit there looking stupid,cuz he couldnt.

it was ALMOST as funny as when louie gohmert tried to bring his affair with the FBI lawyer into it,and the whole senate jumped on him,including another senator publically telling him that he needed to "go get his medication"!!

cuz STRZOK wasnt the one who looked like a fool!!!

i guess you must have switched channels to go watch FAUX&friends,or something while THAT was happening,huh?


He didn't hand ANYONE their a**.
He couldn't handle Trey in any way whatsoever.

Strzok is a lying fool , and a pathetic person in general.

Please refrain from presuming what I do or don't watch.

Also you can go easy on the exclamation points unless you are a really, really, excited 12 year old girl who just started to learn how to text.

Everything doesn't warrant!!!!!!

Actually quite annoying, but then again liberals...

They wouldn't know facts if they were tattooed on their torso.

Pretty sad really.


no photo
Sat 07/14/18 06:01 AM

Don't get me wrong ..I do think Strzok is lying I just think they need more solid information to pin him to the wall......I'm hoping that Lisa Page can give them more to go on ..and then they can go after Strzok again after questioning her ....

I wouldn't doubt it if some of these people are in fear for their life ..after all we've see what happens to people that reveal information about Hillary..and they have too..the rats are scurrying that's for sure..I wonder which one will turn up dead first..maybe we should start a betting pool..smile2

mightymoe's photo
Sat 07/14/18 11:09 AM

Still grasping at straws, huh... liberals are just sad now...JFK is rolling in his grave seeing what they've become...

They said hes going to be charged within a couple of weeks. Good, I hope he and his girlfriend spend the rest of their lives in prison. Using KGB and SS style tactics to keep someone from being elected President is treason. So when he was saying in text messages that they were going to stop Trump from getting the Presidency and that they had an insurance policy to keep him out of the White House.... Those were admitted to under oath and we have the texts and emails to prove it but we don't hear about that.

The left is playing right into Russia and China's hands by dividing this country in half. If the President had to take drastic action on either country he wouldn't get the support in Congress to act and because the Democrats have been played by the Russians since at least 2008 when the Doctorate S Illegals Infiltrated Hillary's campaign and top State Officials.

I really believe Russia's true intentions are to tare this country apart. They have old school Communists and KGB running the country again, just like they did in the cold war and the country is reverting back to its old ways and were playing right into Putin's hand.
not Russia, DNC and Muslims are trying to tear up the country...Russia is sitting back laughing at all those fools right now...

Lpdon's photo
Sat 07/14/18 05:11 PM

Still grasping at straws, huh... liberals are just sad now...JFK is rolling in his grave seeing what they've become...

They said hes going to be charged within a couple of weeks. Good, I hope he and his girlfriend spend the rest of their lives in prison. Using KGB and SS style tactics to keep someone from being elected President is treason. So when he was saying in text messages that they were going to stop Trump from getting the Presidency and that they had an insurance policy to keep him out of the White House.... Those were admitted to under oath and we have the texts and emails to prove it but we don't hear about that.

The left is playing right into Russia and China's hands by dividing this country in half. If the President had to take drastic action on either country he wouldn't get the support in Congress to act and because the Democrats have been played by the Russians since at least 2008 when the Doctorate S Illegals Infiltrated Hillary's campaign and top State Officials.

I really believe Russia's true intentions are to tare this country apart. They have old school Communists and KGB running the country again, just like they did in the cold war and the country is reverting back to its old ways and were playing right into Putin's hand.
not Russia, DNC and Muslims are trying to tear up the country...Russia is sitting back laughing at all those fools right now...

I dunno, the Russians have Illegal spies in this country as we speak. Obama screwed up catching them back in 2010 by not playing the long game.

Russia today is no different then the Soviet Union. Putin inside is a Soviet and KGB and most of the leaders of Russia are the same.

no photo
Sat 07/14/18 06:12 PM
Edited by tombraider on Sat 07/14/18 06:27 PM

So I'm taking it that it's a NO on the betting pool..O.k I admit that's a bit morbid.....any way..back to reality ..this stuff is better than any t.v show I have watched in a long mean you have to admit it..some one ought to write the whole story when it's all said and done...So I guess your saying that it wouldn't be wise to invite ole Vlad over for a barbeque...Maybe not but who knows maybe we get lucky invite Vlad over have a few shots of Russian vodka sit around the camp fire and sing kumbaya..

Surely he has to be getting tired of huffing that North Korean radiated air...

I just thought of this ..You have to hand it to Trump On one side you have Putin and we know he's had people killed ..on the other side he has Hillary..need I say any more... you squeeze those two against a crooked government filled middle and you have one big crooked *** murdering rat filled cookie...and a big glass of fukushima radiated milk to wash it down with...can't wait to see what's for dinner...smokin

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