Community > Posts By > Mortman

Mortman's photo
Fri 03/15/24 10:26 PM
Nice photos and beside the short text blurb, you left out all the other information.

I like the variety of photos. Most of them are well lit and clear. The zoo face paint shows you have a sense of humor and with your clear skin, you could pass for 14 years old.

I like an easy-to-read text blurb, and yours is nicely short. Maybe too short--it doesn't describe you and just says that you want to meet large men for fun. That's probably good enough, though.

Maybe go back and fill in the rest of the information--like what you do, and whether you smoke and all that. It makes a difference to a lot of people.

Anyway, your photos make it clear that you're an attractive young woman and lots of people don't even really read the text, so you'll probably still do alright. But for the profile, even with good photos, it's missing all the biographical information, I only rate it 6/10.

Good luck!

Mortman's photo
Fri 03/15/24 10:13 PM
It's a pretty good profile with good photos and it's mostly complete, but the blurb is confusing.

I like the variety of photos in posted. I don't usually like nose rings, but you make it work, and the fur and jewelry and makeup show you have a lot of fun. Shots of you partying with your friends helps you look more approachable. Good job!

I also like that you used the headline--a lot of people don't. Like others have said, it's not clear what the blurb means. You wrote Jess, single for five, looking to see who and what's about up for making friends, dates, attending gigs together.Looking for a man who isn't intimidated by a womans size or success. It seems to me that you meant five [length of time] like "singe for five minutes" or something. But unless you plan on updating it when the number goes to six, maybe just say "singe for a while" or "single for too long." Maybe you could expand a bit on what type of man you seek, beyond their acceptance of big women and success.

Anyway, you seem like an attractive young woman and not too shy, so you should do alright. But for the nearly complete profile with good pictures, I deduct for the confusing and lacking blurb, so only 8/10.

Good luck!

Mortman's photo
Fri 03/08/24 08:54 AM
Knocking down bank overdraft fees down to $8 doesn't look like a fairy tale, and neither does requiring up-front pricing on bills for service. These are common sense "kitchen table" issues that affect most Americans.

Mortman's photo
Thu 03/07/24 08:43 PM
Crime is actually trending downward, as it has since 1992. You can look it up. It's lower now than at any time during the Trump Administration.

Biden gave a pretty good speech for the SOTU address. The Republican response, from Senator Britt seemed psychotic, but whatever. Mike Johnson's calling for civility and decorum worked pretty well, except for Rep. Green who couldn't help herself. President Biden played up his experience and command of the facts of the situations, and he presented realistic goals and plans for solutions. Overall, a pretty good job.

Mortman's photo
Wed 03/06/24 07:07 AM
If states mindeset is all about competition and being number 1 rather than cooperation then the endgame should be war. Chinese has been actively trading long before the creation of united States, did they invade any country since then? No they are all after trades and commerce.

Tibet and Taiwan probably disagree.

Mortman's photo
Wed 03/06/24 07:03 AM
It's a profile. You've got clear photos, but nothing to describe you or what you're looking for beyond the boxes you checked. Disappointing.

You could enter some text in the headline, description and occupation boxes in your profile to tell the ladies about you. Tell them what you are like and what kind of person you're looking for. Make it easy to read. Have fun with it.

When you leave the descriptions out, it makes your profile look fake, or makes you look lazy.

The photos are well lit, and you look healthy and well-groomed. Good job on that! It'll probably work for the ladies who don't bother to read, but probably chase off the ladies who do like to read further.

So for the half-empty profile, I'd rate it 5/10.

Good luck!

Mortman's photo
Wed 03/06/24 06:55 AM
It's a pretty good profile. The photos aren't great (and you said you know that) but they're clear enough. Your text blurb is descriptive enough. I like it.

If or when you decide to change the photos, figure out where the camera lens is and look at it when taking the picture. A smile wouldn't hurt. With cellphone cameras, more light is better. For best results, get a friend to take pictures of you outside in the daylight. Have fun with it.

You left the headline as the default "Hi.." which is weak. When your name comes up in searches, people will see your headline, and when everybody says "Hi.." nobody says anything. Use that to call attention to yourself. Also, there's no limit to the space you use, so don't abbreviate words in your blurb and pay attention to spelling. If you're after the older ladies, they'd probably like you to seem smarter, and you can do that by not typing in Instagram code.

Anyway, it's clear from the photos that you're a good-looking guy and there's nothing offensive in there, so you'll be alright. But for looking like the photos were taken by accident and the lame headline, I'd rate it 8/10.

Good luck!

Mortman's photo
Sun 03/03/24 09:19 PM
Secretly conspiring? I don't know how secret you think it is, but they're not being too secret about their intentions. The West wants Russia out of Ukraine, and is working to get ammunition and weapons to Ukraine. The West doesn't want to take down Russia any further than that, despite what Putin or Medvedev say. Russia is dangerous, but a collapsed Russia is dangerous and unpredictable.

Mortman's photo
Sat 03/02/24 02:37 PM
Illinois judge removes Trump from primary ballot
The next state to kick Trump off their ballot. Their election board determined Trump ineligible a month ago, but decided they lacked the authority to actually remove him. This county judge issued her ruling this week and only stayed the removal pending the obvious appeals process. Despite what some are saying, there have been actual trials. Trump engaged in insurrection. It'll be interesting to see how SCOTUS can justify forcing states to keep Trump on the ballot.

SCOTUS will reject these liberal states desire to keep Trump off their ballot, as they should do because they will adhere to the rule of law and the constitution. Trump has never been charged or convicted of insurrection , no matter what lies they keep trying to make folks believe..These corrupt liberal officials see the writing on the walls , Trump WILL be on all ballots. But these fools keep chasing that dream of theirs.. it reminds me of people paddling like hell to get on the Titanic before it sinks.. are they corrupt or just dumb as a post…

That might happen if the SCOTUS agrees that the 14th Amendment has no meaning anymore. Notice that in each state where Trump was taken off the ballot, it was after legal action by Republicans. I guess we'll see, either way, but SCOTUS rarely refuses the original finding of fact, and in each case, Trump was found to have engaged in insurrection.

Mortman's photo
Fri 03/01/24 10:21 PM
The evidence is what we witness daily. We aren’t ignoring that, what we do ignore or as the saying goes’ we take with a grain of salt’ is the numbers or research done by any governmental group in this era. The Trump hatred has wormed its way into most agencies or private entities doing historic research dating back to the past 20 years..They have a way of twisting facts to accommodate the progressive agenda… You say no attack in twenty years let’s drop our guard and not worry about it.?.. . sound advice there bubba,, Biden should make you his border czar, I heard that job is up for grabs.. your real world must be in fantasy land , cause what you describe as real is being rejected by about 75% of American citizens… so who is really living in the real world?

So you actually see crime increasing? Crime rates are down, and following a general trend lower each year since Dubya left office. I guess it's easier to ignore the statistics when you're being fed the horse dung from Fox each night.

The reason those newscasts stop covering Trump's speeches is because he spews garbage, and those networks have responsibilities to not deliberately spread misinformation. President or not, Trump doesn't deserve unquestioned acceptance of his BS. Even Fox News cuts away sometimes--probably to avoid having to pay another $787 million.

Mortman's photo
Fri 03/01/24 10:04 PM
Illinois judge removes Trump from primary ballot
The next state to kick Trump off their ballot. Their election board determined Trump ineligible a month ago, but decided they lacked the authority to actually remove him. This county judge issued her ruling this week and only stayed the removal pending the obvious appeals process. Despite what some are saying, there have been actual trials. Trump engaged in insurrection. It'll be interesting to see how SCOTUS can justify forcing states to keep Trump on the ballot.

Mortman's photo
Thu 02/29/24 02:11 PM
The evidence is fairly plain to see without a report. If the liberals and democrats would extricate their head out of their posterior, they might actually see the many violent crimes being commit and the special treatment and $$$ the illegal alien's are receiving in the blue cities and states. Why do democrats have to have a lengthy study and spend $ millions to investigate a crisis, when a little visual observation will tell them all they need to know. I know you think Fox News is driven by Russian collusion, but they actually report all the news, no matter what party that report affects . The MSM ( msnbc, cnn, pbs) won’t even cover speeches from a former and future president. That is the epitome of sensoring speech and a form of democrat collusion.. they are doing exactly what they accuse the Trump camp of doing… A double standard? You better believe it…

Sure, you could assume research is pointless when you and Conservatives in general just ignore the evidence. Here in the real world, it just makes you look dumb, crying about crime rates when they're going down, or fearing some terrorist attack when we haven't had anything like 9/11 in over 20 years. Time to put your head back in the sand?

Mortman's photo
Wed 02/28/24 06:27 PM
Edited by Mortman on Wed 02/28/24 06:27 PM
If you've got evidence that immigrants are more likely to commit crimes than the rest of the population, I'd be happy to take a look. All the studies I saw looking into immigrant criminality more or less come to the same conclusions, citing various reasons. Immigrants are less likely to commit crimes, much less violent crimes, than native-born US citizens.

Here's a link for the Cato Institute (a libertarian research organization) report:

Mortman's photo
Wed 02/28/24 01:47 PM
Edited by Mortman on Wed 02/28/24 01:48 PM
Yea you are right, there is no way one of these “wonderful “ illegal immigrants would ever think of trying to attack the U.S…🤪.. Everyday we hear of another attack against the cops, school children , the elderly , committed by these “ wonderful” immigrants. Only a matter of time before these immigrant thugs start dying in the streets from Americans defending themselves . Reality= Most are coming for the freebies Biden and the democrats are giving to them, in NY they can get up to $10,000 on a debit card, free housing , free food , free education . While they supply these immigrants with a free living they are displacing homeless Americans including our vets and the elderly.. I say it again.. Anybody that thinks Joe Biden is doing right for the American people are living in denial, and I don’t mean the river…

You're more likely to be a criminal or terrorist than the average immigrant. Should I worry about you dying from Americans defending themselves?

Mortman's photo
Wed 02/28/24 06:53 AM
Have you seen the people crossing in to this country and where they are from . There are Saudis here , and Chinese, Haitians . They are coming from every country . All they have to do is get in this country to plan something like 9/11. Your point of someone coming across the border couldn’t pull off a terrorist attack is stupid and naive. Make no mistake , the crisis at our borders is all on Joe Biden , he opened the border without congress approval. He should close the borders without congress approval. Which he could do IF he wasn’t such a P.O.S.

Yes, there are people from all other countries in the US right now. That doesn't mean that another 9/11 is iminent. And again, 9/11 wasn't carried out by immigrants crossing the border. The 9/11 attackers had student or tourist visas and were here completely legally. Really, it was a failure of the Bush Administration to recognize the threat or even do anything about the intelligence they had at the time. There's no indication that any later president (even Trump) would make the same mistakes.

Congress could pass laws (as is their job) to fix the border, but Trump and the Republicans are incapable of running the government. They're only good at opposition and it's against their nature to actually work for the country. It's not even clear they can keep the government from shutting down. Pathetic.

Mortman's photo
Tue 02/27/24 06:43 PM
It’s not YouTube making a joke of our president it’s our president that is making a joke out of himself. After 3 years of saying our border is secure , and last month says he has done Everything he can do to secure the crisis at the border , and now he admits he may have to use a executive order ( that he does have the power to use) to secure the border. 3 years of his lies has destabilized the overall sense of security of stopping another 9/11 . Your idea that our sucking economy sucks less that any other country’s sucking economy is not that reassuring… but I guess that’s Bidens best campaign talking point… btw.. the two clowns on the prosecution against Trump in Atlanta are about to be admonished and declared to corrupt to continue as the team prosecuting Trump. The witnesses testimony paint both as willing to lie in court. Which could include a dismissal of that case..

You think another 9/11 is coming from the Southern border? Even the first one didn't come from the Southern border--those guys were visa holders from Saudi Arabia. The Southern border isn't the beginning and end of national security. It's just one of the things being held up by DJT and Congressional Republicans. Further proof that Republicans can't govern.

Good luck with your hopes on the Georgia case.

Mortman's photo
Tue 02/27/24 02:21 PM
Edited by Mortman on Tue 02/27/24 02:24 PM
You seem to be confused on your last statement. So let me correct it for you.

It's Ok if other countries makes jokes about Biden. They laughed at Trump too. At least Trump was getting the job done and was respected around the world.

If Trump broke international laws, there are international agencies for that. If Trump broke domestic laws there are domestic agencies for that.

Bush jr had a size 10 shoe thrown at him. He was made fun at. The difference is that Bush jr and Trump was respected around the world and America was respected around the world.

The world is watching a new movie called ' America'

America under Biden is a laughingstock to the world and Biden is tolerated.

Sure it is, Slimme. Biden's such a laughingstock that he's rallied all the NATO countries together to help Ukraine resist the Russian invasion, and returned America to the Paris Climate Accords, showing understanding that global climate change is a serious matter. The US economy under Biden is doing better than every other national economy after countless conservative pundits declared that it would crash into recession along with our stock market and create explosive unemployment. The competent administration has defied all the doomsayers. But Biden has plenty more work to do, so doesn't whine and cry about pundits and comedians poking fun at his old age. We appreciate that the freedom to tease is a good thing, and see that Biden's above that kind of pettiness.

The law is coming after Trump right now. There were so many crimes that the courts are having difficulty scheduling them over the next months and years, and even Trump supporters can't keep the different cases straight.

But go ahead and tell yourself that some YouTube video proves Biden is the joke.

Mortman's photo
Tue 02/27/24 12:06 AM
Not confused about anything. Well aware that U S Steel is not a government corporation. US Steel is not just one of many different steel manufacturers. It is an American powerbase that is essential to the success and prosperity of the US industrial base. It creates valuable jobs across US. It is family silver. Now u spoke on Dems bringing back manufacturing jobs but why so quick to defend a foreign company buying US Steel :thinking: and yet if the sale is approved there is no guarantee of no reduced jobs and downscaling. Even democratic Fetterman had his say against the sale (and it will go thru) citing national security and all that....

Now if u know anything about local companies sold to foreign entities you know that said foreign company promises to retain jobs, few years down the line, production shifts to foreign country to reduce production costs, facilities are shutdown, good jobs lost, local customers and workers lose out. It happens all the time around the world. As for the protroleum market as stated before America does not need to depend on middle east oil it can be energy independent but your energy independent is 100% renewables while others may see abit of both renewable energy and fossils fuels. Now you spoke on reduce battery costs . The facts is wind and solar farms for instance needs a large amount of land to operate just to produce a little bit of energy. Renewables are not always a viable commercial option in every case.

US Steel isn't even the biggest US steel company. That would be Nucor, and there are dozens of other steel companies in the US. Even if a Japanese firm comes and buys US Steel, it won't be able to take the mines overseas. Possibly the mills, but given the bulk and weight of steel, that doesn't make sense, either. Downsizing can happen even if the company stays US-owned, so it's not really clear that you're not confused on this. Companies are bought and sold in the US every day.

As far as wind and solar go, it's not like the land can't be used for other things at the same time. Farmers grow crops under and between solar panels and wind turbine towers. In the US we install solar panels on rooftops, too.

Try doing that with a coal or gas power plant.

Lastly, it's OK if other countries make jokes about Biden. They laughed at Trump, too. At least biden is getting the job done, and not breaking laws while at it.

Mortman's photo
Mon 02/26/24 11:42 PM
It's an OK profile, with some weird photos and misspelled words, and your headline goes on a bit.

You seem really proud of your tattoos, and they look expensive, so I guess that makes sense. Do you even own a good shirt? Most of your photos are angled so that we're looking up your nostrils, which is weird and several are somewhat blurry, like you copied a copy of the photo. The other problem is that you're facing the camera, but not looking into the lens. The best one is with your paint-smeared hand, which, as a handyman, makes sense, but it's also not a really good picture. Your main picture almost gives off serial killer vibes.

For better results, you could dress up a little, find a well-lit place, like out in the daylight, hold the camera at eye level, and look into the camera lens when snapping the photo. It wouldn't hurt to smile more.

I like that you kept your blurb fairly short. Only you could be more descriptive of the type of person you seek. We see you want to hang out and get to know women. What kind of woman? You don't seem picky or serious. Maybe that's OK. And you wrote "ti" when you probably meant "to" and "incounters" where you meant "encounters." Not a good look.

I also like that you actually used the headline. Leaving it the default "Hi.." is lame, so good for you. Only, you seem to go on a bit long. Your profile already says what you're looking for, and the headline should be all about you, and keep that short.

Anyway, You seem like a good-looking guy & the women looking for your type will probably see through the blurry photos and odd spelling, and reach you easily enough. But for the creepy photos and the messy blurb with misspellings, I'd rate it 6/10.

Good luck!

Mortman's photo
Fri 02/23/24 07:36 AM
If the US is focusing more on renewable energy than the coal and natural gas industries is it any wonder then that they would be more folks employed in the renewable sector? I am not against renewable energy but America cannot sustain itself entirely on renewables. That is the gist of what Trump was getting at. Steel, oil and gas is the backbone of the American economy. Renewable energy is not always a viable commercial option plus higher upfront costs than traditional fossil fuels industries. We are talking balance here. Now u had a case where under 44th US was importing inferior steel from China when the US manufactures high quality steel, the same steel that help the US in ww2. Trump had to step in and secure the industry and the steel workers jobs. Now US Steel is being sold to Japan for billions of dollars (a sign that when a country is selling its family silver the country is in serious economic trouble and in serious debt) under 46th and the poor workers are afraid of their jobs when they had the promise from 46th than America came first. I suppose if there is any consolation US Steel will be sold to an American ally instead of its competitors.

You seem to be confused about US Steel. Just because "US" is in the name, that doesn't mean it's a state-sponsored company. US Steel is just one of many different steel manufacturers. A Japanese steel company buying them (if it's approved) doesn't necessarily mean any of the mills will close or anybody will lose jobs. This is not the family silver. It's a steel company with a portfolio of mines and mills, and another steel company with a lot of money wants in.

Oil and Steel are not the backbone of the US economy. 70% of the US economy is in services, like finance and consulting. Mining and manufacturing is less than 10%. If/when another country sells oil and steel for less, that's what gets bought, even here in America, because our industries are not federalized.

Renewable energy can absolutely replace fossil fuel powerplants. In several parts of the world, they've replaced whole natural gas powerplants with just battery arrays. Install enough batteries with enough solar and wind power generation and you have powerplants that are more reliable, less polluting and possibly even cheaper than most other powerplants. And battery costs are trending downward. Also, reducing reliance on fossil fuels pays dividends by reducing disease from pollution and by weakening the petroleum market which is relied upon by Russia & their Middle East allies.

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