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Mortman's photo
Wed 08/17/22 12:09 PM
Edited by Mortman on Wed 08/17/22 12:10 PM
A "witch hunt" that found 37 boxes of witches?

None of those documents belonged to Donald Trump, and his recent demands that the FBI return them amounts to a confession. It's like a suspect after a drug bust demand that the cops return all the cocaine they confiscated. This is really bad for Trump.

Mortman's photo
Wed 08/17/22 12:04 PM
Executive privilege?! Why would that make this mishandling of classified documents okay?

Mortman's photo
Tue 08/16/22 10:37 PM

Who will decide if there will be a trial, or can the DOJ alone decide whether to convict or not?

Charges have to be filed first, no charges yet. Of course since Trumps lawyers were not allowed to witness the FBIs search they could plant any documents in the stash they wanted. Just like the fake dossier that Hillary paid to have made up. Anything to keep Trump from becoming President, this is their plan.

The DOJ will charge if or when they have enough evidence lined up to support the case. The Statute of Limitations gives the DOJ years, so they'll probably take their time, and Trump's already being investigated for several (but probably not all) of his crimes just over the past few years, and it'll probably take a while, but if Republicans get back into the majority, they'll cover up and kill the investigations for Trump's crimes where they can.

Mortman's photo
Mon 08/15/22 06:49 AM
So in Trump's imagination, he can retroactively write new, secret executive orders and declare that anything he took from the White House becomes declassified?

IRL, executive orders have to be published and classified documents have to be declassified through established processes, and that neither involve collecting boxes of the documents and shipping them to Florida. From what I read about the Espionage Act, even if the documents are not classified, but merely protected as information that could harm the country or help adversaries, that breaks the same federal law.

Trump is such an incompetent criminal!

Mortman's photo
Sun 08/14/22 11:15 AM
Edited by Mortman on Sun 08/14/22 11:16 AM

LMAO, so now Russia :flag_ru: s a trusted spokesman for democrats . That’s rich. Believe those reports spread by your fake news stations, they have been wrong on every one of their anti Trump reports and that continues to this day. It’s reported these documents have already been declassified. If any nuclear documents we’re really involved than why wait three days after the warrant was served to go retrieve them. Apparently the FBI themselves weren’t convinced of these papers being there. This was all a excuse to try to find something to help their Jan. 6 theory to advance. Been there, done that and no one cares or believes in this waste of time.

That's not how document declassification works. Those documents have to have paperwork submitted and reviewed and then the newly-declassified document gets marked. I'll bet money Trump never generated any memos for declassifying nuclear secrets.

Mortman's photo
Sat 08/13/22 11:15 PM

Biden is not the lesser evil.

Recently he has done nothing productive for America.

I disagree. The trillion-dollar infrastructure bill is good. It's probably a lot of what Trump wanted done during any of his "Infrastructure Weeks"

And most recently he's worked with Congress to get his Inflation Reduction bill passed too. Not perfect, but there's a lot of good things in it.

Mortman's photo
Sat 08/13/22 11:03 PM

Oh I see, so just a little bit of espionage is ok, no problem there huh. Are you serious , not to mention the destruction of government property and her condescending remarks during her deposition. Do you really think she didn’t know that the letter C on those documents stood for classified . How about Hunters lying on his application for a hand gun purchase or paying prostitutes to party with him on his crack binge weekend video he made. All clearly known to the Biden FBI. And still no actions taken. The democrats are band of corrupt individuals that think they ARE above the law. And they put it all in the open for all to see knowing the media and the DOJ will never hold any democrat responsible for their desperate illegal acts.

Repeat all the stuff you heard on Newsmax as much as you like, but the investigation into Hillary's email was already closed. I don't know enough about Hunter's gun permit application to say one way or the other, but those are different subjects. The classified documents found at Mar A Lago, after Trump was told to return them, after taking them when he shouldn't looks like much more of a crime than when investigators found emails not sent by Hillary to find parts of classified documents. I can also share that during my six years as a military intelligence officer, I never simply used "C" to mark documents classified (Maybe that's State Department shorthand).

No, this collection of illegally obtained/held documents at Trump's place is a pretty big deal, and if reports of it containing nuclear secrets is true, then that'll be a lot harder to excuse. Russian media is reporting that Trump already shared them with Putin.

Mortman's photo
Fri 08/12/22 09:47 PM

I’m not convinced there is anything to this . Like the many other gotchas the Trump haters thought would be the downfall of Trump, this to shall pass. All show since the Jan. 2nd theatrical performance didn’t catch on. Although there was criminal acts concerning Hillary’s case, no reasonable prosecutor would ever bring charges was Jim Comeys words when he decided not to go after Hillary. Clearly a double standard. If you can’t see that than I suspect your in a coma.

You might be right, but this is a pretty clear violation of the Espionage Act. While Republicans insisted that Hillary violated that, she was only found to have parts of some classified documents on her email server, and that server was at least somewhat secure, and importantly, she was never shown to have known that the classified documents were there. In Trump's case, he deliberately took dozens of boxes of documents that he shouldn't have taken in the first place--none of them-- out of the White House, and the search warrant shows that Trump was told by the FBI to return the documents and didn't. That's obstruction, on top of all the other crimes Trump is being investigated for.

If Biden controlled the DOJ like Trump controlled the DOJ, and the DOJ is supposed to be independent of the President, Trump would've been charged when they retrieved the first 15 boxes.

Mortman's photo
Fri 08/12/22 02:12 PM
Edited by Mortman on Fri 08/12/22 02:13 PM

First off, no chargers were brought because FBI senior Jim Comey took it upon himself to not charge Hillary because he couldn’t see fit to make those charges. Even though he overstepped his title when doing so. The FBI is supposed to report their findings to the attorney general. The AG is supposed to bring the charges, this is how the democrats short cut and go around the rules to get what they want. You say no credible allegations. Lol, how about a laptop with first person criminal acts. That is in the hands of the FBI. How about emails saying how Hillary’s cohorts destroyed 30,000 emails. Two years of wasted time and money investigating the made up Trump / Russia collusion that the FBI knew was made up. Fact: so yes the democrats can all turn their heads and sweep it under the rug. but because of the extreme radical mess Biden and his party has brought upon all of us. If the republicans take over congress in November they should take a page out of the dems playbook and use the most vile and viscous attacks against Biden and the democrats. Impeachment comes to mind . For Biden and a few others. Subpoenas for many more. Credible allegations for doing so… The republicans had the country running like a well tuned engine, creating jobs, and better financial shape for all who wanted to participate. Than covid, than Biden. You know the rest . And here is where we find ourselves now. In a far worse place. Ask any 7 out of 10 people and they will say the same thing.

Comey brought no charges because he & the FBI had nothing.

Hunter Biden's laptop has some old emails but it's mostly incomplete and also the edits made it inadmissible for court, even if there was anything criminal on it, and there isn't.

If you call what the Trump Administration was doing a "well tuned engine" I suspect you're on drugs. They were entirely criminal and it's only Trump's corruption and AG Garland's slow work that's held back Trump's prosecution this long.

Mortman's photo
Fri 08/12/22 11:13 AM

Yeah, I'm sure Republicans' feelings are hurt really badly over the news, but Trump had it coming. He took those government records, apparently thinking they belonged to him, just took dozens of boxes to Florida. The government archivist found out and asked for them back, and Trump only returned some of them. Kept others, including Top Secret documents, possibly nuclear secrets, and despite numerous government official requests, Trump never provided anything beyond the first 15 boxes, so the FBI executed a warrant, and now of course Trump's going to squeal like a stuck pig while he's taking 5th Amendment protection in court! Go ahead and cry about Hillary's emails but that investigation closed shortly after Trump took office. Obama's library got their documents through regular document requests, and they're only borrowing the (unclassified) documents in order to digitize them for public access. Notice that Obama didn't just load documents and souvenirs into a moving van.

The blatant cover up and deny the truth is common for democrats and your post reinforces that fact. One day soon the tables WILL be turned and than you dems.will be on the receiving end of intense investigations into all the corruption the dems. have gotten by with . But the differance is the charges will not be made up.

We already saw that with the Benghazi "investigation" followed by a half-dozen more Benghazi "investigations" and finally the "investigation" into Hillary's emails. Never any charges. Not even credible allegations. But I have no doubt that when Republicans get back into power, they'll open more "investigations" and if they lead in the House, they'll certainly impeach President Biden, because they have no idea how to fix the nation's problems beyond tax cuts & outlawing abortions.

Mortman's photo
Thu 08/11/22 11:17 PM
Yeah, I'm sure Republicans' feelings are hurt really badly over the news, but Trump had it coming. He took those government records, apparently thinking they belonged to him, just took dozens of boxes to Florida. The government archivist found out and asked for them back, and Trump only returned some of them. Kept others, including Top Secret documents, possibly nuclear secrets, and despite numerous government official requests, Trump never provided anything beyond the first 15 boxes, so the FBI executed a warrant, and now of course Trump's going to squeal like a stuck pig while he's taking 5th Amendment protection in court! Go ahead and cry about Hillary's emails but that investigation closed shortly after Trump took office. Obama's library got their documents through regular document requests, and they're only borrowing the (unclassified) documents in order to digitize them for public access. Notice that Obama didn't just load documents and souvenirs into a moving van.

Mortman's photo
Wed 08/03/22 02:57 AM

I heard that 80 yr old store owner had a heart attack after this happened but thankfully he is on the mends. Kudos to him for taking a stand.

I read the same thing about the shop owner & hope he recovers quickly. It also seems the "shot his arm off" is an exaggeration. It's clear from the security video that the guy's arm was still attached and working, but he just caught some of the shot with it. Took the fight out of him.

Mortman's photo
Sat 06/25/22 09:31 PM

It’s amazing that our current President is doing everything in his power to destroy the American economic system and drive us straight off a cliff into a recession while our political leaders want to ignore that and focus all their attention on the past. Only 9% of the country are interested in the Jan. 6 soap opera ( Search for Believers). How about they search for competence and common sense policies that will ease the inflation that has risen about Seven points since joe took over. It’s NOT Putins price hike, it’s Biden’s bone head policies that is dragging the U.S. to its lowest point in decades, in both our standing in the world stage and also this once booming economy.

Dude, you're high. Put down the bong. Biden isn't driving the country off any cliffs and the recession has been years in the making. Last year we had the 10-year bond inversion, and the war in Ukraine is probably the tipping point. However, Chairman Powell is running the Fed and as bad as it is in America, it's much worse elsewhere. Inflation is higher almost everywhere else, and you can compare the rates in US and Canada to see how much better we're doing, much less how much better we're doing than places like Russia.

Mortman's photo
Sun 06/19/22 09:48 AM

If that was an insurrection then why wasn't the Capitol burned to the ground? Why weren't any members of Congress publicly executed for violating our Constitution? You may want to ask Muammar Gaddafi what an insurrection actually is

Insurrection is just attempted violent overthrow of the government. In fact, if the insurrectionists were completely successful, there wouldn't have been any charges because they'd just install their own guys in place of the government.

Mortman's photo
Mon 05/02/22 09:16 PM

once upon a time.. this would have been considered treason against the country and the constitution.

No. There have been sedition and laws for centuries, and nothing above meets the requirements for treason.

Mortman's photo
Tue 04/05/22 10:34 PM

I don't trust information that comes out of China.

0.9% inflation rate? I guess it could be possible but it's coming from the same place that blames bats for the Covid19 virus.

Maybe they are trying to entice people to move there and/or entice other countries to become authoritarian communist countries. Heck they might even help other countries set up "re-education" camps.

It's what you get with a socialist state. Nationalized industry and the CCP can set and keep the same or similar prices this year as last.

Mortman's photo
Fri 03/25/22 07:58 AM

The dems have been after Trump since day 1 of his presidency, that was 5 years ago and you guys still have a agenda to find him guilty of anything and everything. Good luck with that. It’s not gonna happen…. On the other hand we have hunter and the big guy still being investigated, but thanks to the media we don’t hear about that. Give it time and we will all see the corruption tied to The Biden’s. Trump is suing Hillary and her slanderous group of dems. because nobody has the right to make up stories to hurt someone else for their own benefit. I hope he wins , but with the bitter partisan DOJ I won’t hold my breath for a fair outcome.

'The dems' have been after Trump since day 1 because Trump's been committing crimes for decades and the evidence for them have been popping up since before day 1. He admitted to sexual assault on an Access Hollywood tape. Over a dozen women have accused him of similar acts. There are several shady real estate deals in Florida and while he's promised to release his taxes, he never did. Even now, years after he left office, he never did. The guy's a crook and everybody knows it, only Republicans have to change the subject and point at Hunter Biden. I think it's funny, but whatever.

Mortman's photo
Thu 03/24/22 06:05 PM
Key word allegations. That’s all you can and will get against Trump, allegations! The problem with hunter is those allegations have evidence to back them up. You won’t see any charges brought against him , yet. Thankfully there is no statutes of limitations. He won’t be protected after the mid-term elections.

You don't think there's evidence against Trump? For example, all the records and witnesses Trump is suing to block? I have no doubt that Hunter is a recovering drug addict, and maybe not a good person, but he's also not on the ballot, and nobody's really blocking discovery on allegations against him. Almost like the guy has nothing to hide. Wish we could say the same about DJT.

Mortman's photo
Thu 03/24/22 01:09 AM

Biden did practically everything wrong, Biden hasn’t brought NATO together, the resilience of The Ukrainians and their president has brought NATO together. Biden has been a day late and dollar short on all his actions. Yes Trump badmouthed NATO to expose the weakness and and the shortcomings from other nations to fulfill their responsibility of NATO funds. Thank you Trump for building up NATOs powers. What I think Biden should do is start acting like a president of the people not of his liberal progressives. Bring our energy independence back, stop the invasion at our southern border and quit broadcasting your game plan to our enemy’s . Trump was a Republican, he had ideas for improvement which he inacted and had great success. Biden is the one with no real ideas other than bad ideas. Nice try on defending the most amateurish president in my life time. Save your breath cause the rest of us ain’t buying it.

Biden's been repairing relations with our NATO allies since taking office, while Trump did everything he could to curry favor with Putin and every other dictator he could. The improvements in NATO funding were decided back when Russia annexed Crimea back in 2014, not any time during the Trump Administration. Biden outplayed Putin by exposing his plans to invade and staging false-flag operations before he did it. Conversely, Trump held up aid to Ukraine in exchange for political favors and invited Russian ambassadors into the Oval Office to give them code-word level intelligence just so he could brag. Such a buffoon!

Mortman's photo
Thu 03/17/22 11:22 PM

The status of our presidents position as the leader of the free world is suddenly in jeopardy with Joe Biden at the helm. If not in formal situations, certainly in other leaders minds. With that being said how can we believe that some of our ‘ Allie’s’ aren’t just giving lip service and say they are United with us. Now Joe is getting pressured to reverse the Trump and CDC policy Title 42 which stopped immigrants from coming into the U.S. because of covid rules. Get ready to ‘ not see on cnn or msnbc ‘ the 100s of thousands of immigrants that will descend on our border and this administration will let them come on in. And probably fly them to wherever they want to go. How many more
Policies that wind up hurting the middle class or poor are we gonna let them put on us. With gas prices increasing from almost day 1 of his administration he’s gonna lie to all that its Putins fault. Putins guilty of a lot of things but Biden’s war on fossil fuels is to blame for the ridiculous prices. Joe Biden hasn’t got a clue what it means to be a president he’s just winging it and it shows.

Nice take. So, what do you think Biden did wrong and what should he have done instead? He's brought NATO nations together to sanction Russia and help Ukraine. Now Switzerland and Finland want to join NATO after seeing what it can do, after years where Trump badmouthed NATO, threatening to pull the US out (Bolton insists that Trump would've done it in his 2nd term). Looks like Republicans just want to complain, with no real ideas for improvement.