Community > Posts By > Mortman

Mortman's photo
Sun 03/13/22 04:47 PM

Yep, I've been aware all my adult life, its just more obvious now and more frequent. It's like a magicians trick, create a big distraction that the news media keeps as top story for days and weeks while Gov does highly relevant, detrimental things to the american people that may not get reported in news feed or is just a footnote. My favorite was Clinton signing over multiple National parks and US highways to the UN, as Federal law prohibits stationing foreign toops on US soil its now legal as those land deeds are held by the UN , therefore not US soil any more.

I'm calling BS. Can you give even one example of a national park or highway signed over to the UN, or was this just something that you heard on the radio?

Mortman's photo
Sun 03/13/22 04:42 PM

Vax vs unvaxx is an oxymoron y'll--first of all, the covid Vax is NOT a Vax, it has NOT been tested as such, and it does NOT protect you from covid. On that note covid has NOT even been isolated yet--FACT.

I agree with Poetrywriter. None of those points are facts, regardless of your assertion. The vaccines are indeed vaccines. Failing to stop infection in 100% of cases is not the definition. No vaccines are 100%. In clinical studies many of the vaccines stopped infection in around 95%. Then came the variants.

Also not only has COVID-19 been isolated, but they've isolated different variants and can show the ratio of Omicron BA.1.1 to Omicron BA.1.1.529. But maybe you know something we don't because of your "research?"

Mortman's photo
Fri 03/11/22 07:36 PM
Edited by Mortman on Fri 03/11/22 07:37 PM

our oil reserves are wells on federal lands that have been capped, not tanks of oil just sitting waiting to be delivered.
so he authorized its release, fine.. over how long of a period of time. months or years?

They're not capped wells, but underground storage caverns. Found in a 10-second Google search.

Mortman's photo
Tue 03/08/22 09:22 PM

mean while we are still pumping roughly 2.5 thousand barrels less per day then we were prior to biden taking office from the wells that are already capable of supplying the oil we need.
these are existing wells, not undeveloped permitted sites, that were shut down by joe Bidens green energy council. rather then be allowed to continue to supply US oil. to the US.

The decline in oil production is mostly due to effects of COVID-19, and the oil industry is still sitting on thousands of drilling permits on federal land and countless more on private & state land. Even if we're down by 2.5 thousand barrels/day, that's not even a rounding error of the 11 million barrels/day produced. I don't know why you're crying about oil production under Biden when he's done more in his first year for it than Trump did in his first year. The US is still a net exporter of oil and likely to increase over 2022 and '23 to record levels.

Mortman's photo
Wed 03/02/22 06:43 PM

yes, people are not happy at all. Republicans, Independents AND Democrats
just the polls
This President is a failure...across the board

Yes. Biden's approval is barely above Trump's average approval. He's going to have to turn things around if he wants to get reelected!

Mortman's photo
Wed 03/02/22 08:57 AM
Edited by Mortman on Wed 03/02/22 09:00 AM

With Biden it will be seven more years of open borders, seven more years of half empty shelves at the grocery stores, seven more years of extremely high gas prices, seven more years of inflation, seven more years of indoctrination of our kids education, seven more years of the Biden family corrupt dealings, seven more years the media lie to cover -up for most inept and corrupt administration ever, seven more years of idiotic foreign policies, seven more years of indecisive actions which makes our Allies have less trust in the US having their back. Seven more years of this kind of management might push us past the point of no return. …Biden Must Go

1) The president doesn't control inflation. You didn't know that? If he had the power, he'd dial it right down to 1-2%. If Republicans would actually work with Democrats we could pass bills to bring it down, but they made it clear, early and often that their only plan is to not work with the Democrats, and to work against the President whenever they can.

2) If your store has half-empty shelves, then I suggest you ask the manager. I'm not seeing half-empty shelves here in California. Are you shopping in a Russian food store? Maybe it's a thing there to sandbag the economy to make the current government look bad?

3) Corrupt administration? Compared to the last guy who appointed his relatives and campaign contributors--having actual, unregistered foreign agents on staff and then doling out pardons when they got caught, Biden looks cleaner than a Boy Scout.

4) If allies distrust the US it's because of Trump's shenanigans, like breaking the nuclear treaty with Iran and abusing NATO members. Biden did a good job of rallying our allies to support Ukraine.

5) "Open border" is a fake controversy. We still have Border Patrol and the "caravans of immigrants" is a Republican hysteria. They're not illegal if they turn themselves in to CBP and apply for asylum.

I'm OK with getting a new president in '24 if the Republicans can stop following the wackadoos like Trump and his ilk.

Mortman's photo
Mon 02/28/22 10:06 PM

newsflash Mort....he ain't running in 2024. I mean honest ...look at his failures in 1 year. Do you think the country can take 7 more years if that
Do you honestly believe his handlers would let him
in 7 years he will be in the Shady Oaks rest home getting his meds in a paper cup.

Seven more years of not manipulating the markets? Not abusing his office? Not employing his children, or un-qualified friends in his cabinet? Seven more years of non criminal governance? Seven more years of not crying like a baby over the made-up crisis at the Southern border? Yeah, that'll be awful.

Seriously, though, I probably misstated my answer above. I'll probably just vote for the candidate other than Trump in '24. Maybe I'll vote Republican in the General, if Trump's not on the ballot.

Mortman's photo
Sun 02/27/22 10:05 PM
Edited by Mortman on Sun 02/27/22 10:09 PM

so Mort, is Biden your man in 2024?..still have that Biden bumper sticker on your car or did you scrap that off under the cover of darkness?

I probably will vote for Biden in '24, and no, I don't have a Biden bumper sticker, but I did make the maximum donation to his general election campaign, even though I'm registered Republican. Trump sucked that badly!

Mortman's photo
Sat 02/26/22 11:31 AM

What I don't understand is why Biden gave Putin list of 16 critical infrastructure entities 'off limits' to cyber attacks.

Putin should have been given a list with one thing on it.....EVERYTHING IS OFF LIMITS and attacks of ANY KIND will be met with FORCEFUL retaliation!!!!!

Because he' an idiot and has learned very little during his 50 years in Politics. Sad, but true. Harsh, but true. He'd have trouble running a local high school, let alone an entire country/world.

No, because the US also conducts cyber attacks, and the list was a modest attempt to moderate the threat a bit. To the extent that politics had anything to do with it is what the committees had to contribute to the requests, and what voters would accept. Good luck attacking a country over a suspected cyber attack, given that many cyber attacks also look like software/hardware bugs, and the origin of the attack often isn't certain.

Mortman's photo
Sat 02/26/22 11:26 AM

Misdeeds? The only misdeeds involved with Trump are the blatant lies and fake accusations hurled at Trump for his entire 4 years as Our President. Every investigation by these corrupt individuals against Their President were dropped or proven to be false because their was never any evidence, it was Always made up. To hell with these lying deceptive individuals that perpetuate lies and deception to millions of people for their own desire…. Donald Trump brought this country back from ‘ just being ‘ to being great. But thanks to the snowflakes and clueless voters we have what is happing now. In One Year we went from no. 1 oil independence to dependence on Russia. How does a country go from one extreme to the other? By having weak leadership with no common sense. All talk and no action is a sure way to lose every time

Sure. That's why Eric Trump pleaded the 5th over 500 times in his deposition. That's why Trump had to sue to block release of evidence or testimony. He's so innocent. Anyway, the investigations are still underway, Trump is depleting his appeals and will have to testify and his records will release before the next election cycle.

Also, We were never oil independent, as the US is part of the world market, and it comes and goes to the highest bidders. Always. If Russia had the lowest offer, then of course the US bought. Under Obama, the US did increase oil production and the country became a net exporter, and even when production peaked before the pandemic, the US wasn't independent. It's capitalism; not nationalism. Take the other countries out of the market and nobody could afford oil.

Mortman's photo
Sat 02/26/22 11:16 AM

Thompson Reuters is a Canadian 53% owned company with main office in New York city. It can be biased but I have not scrutinized their news flow. NPR and PBS focus on American news and does not have own reporters outside USA but rather just relay other news agencies stuff.
As for Russia not much is clear yet. I have seen private video clips with American made planes and very old Russian planes flying in formation above Ukrainian city . Russia does not use American planes. In an aerial combat you would not fly in formation. It's a Ukrainian army show of strength. Most likely in an response of Russian missile attack against military bases. Ukraine claims to have shot down 5 Russian planes. Could be drones or missiles as well. Nobody knows. It looks like Russia got tired of Nato poking in their nest and are now swarming like Wasps. Like Wasps they will sting anything that moves. The probable outcome of this is that other Russian enclaves around the world will be repatriated to Russia again. For those enclaves it's probably good, for Ukraine, Moldavia, Georgia etc not so good. Belarus, Turkey and China has clearly chosen side and that makes it look bad for Taiwan and Kurdistan as well. We can only hope that this doesn't spread to the Korean peninsula. If that happens we can possibly see the end of western civilization as we know it. USA and Nato is not a match against Communist and former communist countries. Yes I know Americans believes them self to be invincible but they made them self to reliable on Chinese tech and I would not be surprised that a lot of microchips will turn of in a conflict. Interesting what India will do. If they choose US side, Pakistan and Bangladesh will attack them as all other Muslim countries will join the communists. And Europe is full om Muslim men now. My suggestion is to let Russia have it's way with Ukraine. But who knows what they will tell Biden to do?

No, microchips don't work that way. Especially the cheap, commodity controllers and drivers that are made in China. The high performance chips used in military hardware are US- or European-made by law, and are exactly the ones that never go to Russia, China, Pakistan, etc.. None of them "turn off" in a conflict. China could possibly design systems with "back doors" to allow special access, but that's why the US outlawed Chinese 5G hardware.

China and Russia do have powerful militaries, but their technology is over 20 years behind the US and Western Europe, in most cases.

Lastly, taking sides in this conflict won't open new wars. Russia is almost fully committed to its war with Ukraine don't don't have capacity to strike at Korea or even Finland.

Mortman's photo
Wed 02/23/22 02:27 PM

Binary option trading is illegal in the US and you should delete your post immediately if you don't want to feds to knock down your doors.

If you live in a country where this is legal, you can go ahead and lose all your money if you wish to do so.

Sounds like you should hire a financial advisor or something if you need to make a few millions each year legally in the stock markets buying Tinder or or Facebook or Twitter.

Binary Options Trading is not, in itself illegal in the US. However, to be done legally, it must be conducted on regulated US exchange. All others are illegal and many are vectors for scams. Nobody's going to bust down your door if you try (but maybe if you run an unlicensed exchange).

That said, binary options trading is buying an option with a binary outcome. Like a bet on a game won or lost. Your option pays or doesn't based on the underlying security reaching a certain price, and unlike regular options, you probably don't have the option of selling your option once bought.

Regular options in the US are based on underlying securities, but when the strike price is exceeded, the payout (value of the options contract) depends several factors, including the price of the asset, the time left. You can also buy or sell at any time before the expiration day, during market hours, at the current price.

To answer Vikranth's Q, it has nothing to do with algorighmic trading.

Mortman's photo
Mon 02/21/22 10:31 AM
Russia already commits hundreds of cyberattacks each year, and while the pace and severity may increase, it's not like they were destined to go down. That's how cyberattacks work. They only get worse and more frequent.

Mortman's photo
Mon 02/21/22 10:27 AM

She wasn't SOLELY responsible for the National Guard not being called in, others ALSO had SOME power to call in the National Guard. She could have told Irving, who is under her direction, to ask for the National Guard to be brought in..the same way she can call on him to remove people from the House. Not having SOLE power DOESN'T mean, AS YOU SUGGEST, that she had NO power.

You can stand with your statement as many times as you wish but it doesn't change the FACTS.

The National Guard is commanded by the state governor, and in the case of DC, it's commanded by the President, or possibly the SecDef (still cabinet-level). If the Guard wasn't called until late, then that pretty much falls on Trump, and according to testimony, Trump only wanted them to protect the protestors. Imagine a skirmish between the Capitol Police and the National Guard!

Also, most anybody can request the DC National Guard, but it is still up to the president to approve.

Mortman's photo
Sat 02/19/22 10:09 AM

At some point the left has to own what it elected. This " deferment " to Trump.. is old

clicked the tiny link , and it lead to the old story nothing new, just smoke and mirrors trying to find something that is not there.

I found it on foxnews website, posted 2 hours ago. Also, ap, reuters, nbcnews, oregon news, and a bunch of others. National Archives has confirmed.

asked and aswered read my above reply. these are not national secrets

Right. Just mishandling classified documents. The same thing for which Republicans launched investigations and hearings against Hillary Clinton. They still chant "Lock her up!"

Mortman's photo
Fri 02/18/22 12:00 AM

The truckers didn’t F up this economy ! Joe Biden did. While you and a few others support ignorance and corruption within our government the majority of us don’t. 7 out of 10 people do not want Joe in the White House . So your opinion is not shared by many. The Biden supporters are fading fast. Good riddance to a failing administration

Really? How? Ya think he left the "Economy" dial on his desk set to "Bad?"

Mortman's photo
Tue 02/15/22 10:03 PM

its called project management Mort. you have many different entities who report to one person. they meet..they discuss..they then report....thru one one voice to the public one direction.
As to message
its not a new concept...or a difficult one to understand

OK, I agree. A regular, well-presented, public health message would be nice. Did the disparate health agencies say anything significant that totally contradicted the others? Did ANY of the health agencies advocate for Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine as effective treatments for Covid-19? Sure, President Trump suggested injecting disinfectants and UV light, but hopefully even you guys know to ignore that idiot's health advice.

Mortman's photo
Tue 02/15/22 09:57 PM

I DIDN'T go back to a story from 9 years ago.....once again you're trying to conflate what I ACTUALLY said with something I NEVER said. But that is the leftist way.

I said it's comical the was you make excuses for Biden.......and now it's comical that you are saying you "It's not excuses" which you DO incessantly.

You NEVER seem to hear, or admit to hearing, anything negative about Biden. You claim you never heard what former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said about Biden being wrong on most foreign policy issues. I'm guessing you may have looked to see if my statement was TRUE and that is probably why you NEVER responded.

But yeah, your defense of anything Biden has said or done including known statements that are untrue is comical. rofl

I hear negative stuff about Biden all the time, since I have Conservative friends and family, and I read plenty of it here. You guys are exhausting, honestly. If I didn't respond to YOUR particular post, it's not because I'm deliberately ignoring YOU. Honestly, I post one thing on a thread, here, and get up to a half-dozen or more responses. Possibly because I don't come here every day to read and respond. Partially because the points you make may not justify a response. Sorry if that hurts your feelings (this is the Internet--get over it).

Also, if you're going to get upset that I defend Biden, then buckle up. This DISCUSSION section of this website basically invites exchange of ideas, and so I may have a counterpoint to what you have to say. Just because you're all "DEMOCRATS = BAD", doesn't mean I'm going to let it go. Sorry again, boopie.

Also, my mistake on the 9-year-old story point. The massacre that Biden claimed hear happened in 2006 (17 years ago) and I only read the dateline from the 2013 stories I found on Google.

Mortman's photo
Tue 02/15/22 09:41 PM

We may be hearing that cheer more and more now that special investigator John Durham has shed a little light on his investigations… he has filled evidence that basically says Clinton framed Trump. Her campaign in 2016 paid to have Trumps private server infiltrated and hacked. Durhams investigation has spread to many with dirty hands that perpetrated this conspiracy. This is no less than espionage and hopefully maybe a few of these so-called news reporters can be held responsible for four years of collusion by the democrats and their MSM buddies. To Mort and a few others , you may want to search new media outlets cause you won’t here about it on msnbc or cnn. Nothing but crickets 🦗
It would be nice if Durham found evidence. He may have, and is just playing close to the vest. What he needs is someone to roll over on the clinton's. Much in the same way as John Dean did during Watergate. I think the dems were trying to get Paul Manaforth to do the same. But, since he probably didn't know what was going on, he wouldn't lie to keep himself out of jail. Since the dems seem to be running scared, perhaps he's found something.

Yes, an actual witness or any evidence would sure help Durham's case. All he's got now is an indictment where he says the guy lied about who he represented when reporting cybersecurity concerns to the FBI. Looks so week, I bet it gets dismissed before it goes to trial.

Amusingly, Trump apparently misread Durham's report (likely just heard Fox News describe it) and declared that it proves that Hillary spied on him (it doesn't) but Trump said it was "Robert" Durham, so maybe he was talking about some other guy.

Mortman's photo
Tue 02/15/22 09:32 PM

We may be hearing that cheer more and more now that special investigator John Durham has shed a little light on his investigations… he has filled evidence that basically says Clinton framed Trump. Her campaign in 2016 paid to have Trumps private server infiltrated and hacked. Durhams investigation has spread to many with dirty hands that perpetrated this conspiracy. This is no less than espionage and hopefully maybe a few of these so-called news reporters can be held responsible for four years of collusion by the democrats and their MSM buddies. To Mort and a few others , you may want to search new media outlets cause you won’t here about it on msnbc or cnn. Nothing but crickets 🦗

Maybe but Durham is a political appointee of a political appointee, and even his "report" has few details as to what he's got, and it appears that he's making up crimes. So despite the title of this thread, it's very unlikely that Hillary Clinton can be charged for unsupported charges on imaginary crimes from a political hack making partisan noise to appease Trump.

Making up crimes? No , that is what Obama and Clinton did. But I’m not worried cause when WE vote these corrupt democrats out and elect people of principal back into our government than you will see many of these political hacks facing serious charges.

Sure, but they've got nothing on Hillary. She and Bill have been in the spotlight for decades, so it's unlikely you'll find anything there. When she ran for President, she released decades of tax returns, and when subpoenaed by Congress, appeared as directed and sat to testify for eleven hours, which is a whole lot more transparent than Trump's criminal organizations. But yes, here's to the next Republican elected being a principled person!

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