Community > Posts By > Mortman

Mortman's photo
Wed 05/22/24 07:53 AM
Edited by Mortman on Wed 05/22/24 07:54 AM
The photos look a bit dark & depressing, with the 2nd & 3rd pics giving psychotic vibes. I guess it's a style thing or an artistic choice that I missed, but for a dating site profile, you could do better with brighter, sharper images where you look at least a little cheerful and more approachable. Although, it might work for those women looking for a guy to cheer up.

Also, the headline is a bit too long and mirrors what's said in the blurb. Maybe cut that down a bit.

Otherwise, you seem like a good-looking guy and you did a really good job describing yourself and whom you seek. Good luck!

Mortman's photo
Mon 05/20/24 07:22 PM
Jim comeys investigation found that Hilary had about 100+ emails containing classified info. on several different unsecured servers. She treated those emails like a grocery list. She was supposed to treat them for what they are . Top secret, classified info. But Comey even said although others could and would be charged after such wrecklessness he thinks there should be no charges brought against mrs. clinton. So your theory is that kind of two tiered justice is fine.

You can read Comey's report on Hillary's email investigation. A couple pages long and easy to read.

There were no charges for Hillary or anybody else because the facts didn't support charges. And Comey never said that others could and would be charged. He left it to DOJ to make those decisions and they declined, too. Not two-tiered justice. At worst Comey said that things were discussed that should've been known to be inappropriate to discuss in an unsecured system. He didn't even say whether Clinton wrote the classified information, so she could have simply been replying to someone else's message that also included some classified topic. Either way, the relevant laws require intention or gross negligence resulting in exposing classified information. Didn't happen.

I did read it and it clearly said there were top secret classified info about 110 items with those markings and even the ones not marked , on 32 different unsecured servers . she should have known better and had responsibility securing that info. And Comey did say, … Don’t mistake that others couldn’t and wouldn’t because he could recommend charges being brought but he wouldn’t in this case. Intent doesn’t have to be there to be charged. Incompetence could be enough though..

Maybe you missed it, but Comey's report didn't say 110 emails had classification markings. Only that 110 emails were found to have classified information. Probably mentioned sensitive information. Also, the US government has a completely separate system for sending classified information, not even connected to the Internet, so it's weird that any emails would have a classification mark, unless someone decided to type "SECRET" or whatever into the email, which isn't how document classification works. Maybe that's another reasons why Comey didn't recommend charges.

Mortman's photo
Mon 05/20/24 12:57 PM
Biden might have sold out to the oil companies but he’s still a far better choice than trump
Frankly I wish that the governor of California had run for the White House
He would have done more than Biden for the environment
The problems of global warming are incredibly much more serious than inflation or any of the other problems most people worry about.
There’s no inflation on a dead planet

A terrible economy is real and now, the damaging effects of global warming is speculative fear mongering in most peoples minds. If we can’t pay our bills is what folks worry about first.

If the economy is so terrible, then why is Trump trying to take credit for it?

But of course, you're going to get it wrong if you listen to what Trump says.

Mortman's photo
Mon 05/20/24 12:52 PM
Jim comeys investigation found that Hilary had about 100+ emails containing classified info. on several different unsecured servers. She treated those emails like a grocery list. She was supposed to treat them for what they are . Top secret, classified info. But Comey even said although others could and would be charged after such wrecklessness he thinks there should be no charges brought against mrs. clinton. So your theory is that kind of two tiered justice is fine.

You can read Comey's report on Hillary's email investigation. A couple pages long and easy to read.

There were no charges for Hillary or anybody else because the facts didn't support charges. And Comey never said that others could and would be charged. He left it to DOJ to make those decisions and they declined, too. Not two-tiered justice. At worst Comey said that things were discussed that should've been known to be inappropriate to discuss in an unsecured system. He didn't even say whether Clinton wrote the classified information, so she could have simply been replying to someone else's message that also included some classified topic. Either way, the relevant laws require intention or gross negligence resulting in exposing classified information. Didn't happen.

Mortman's photo
Sun 05/19/24 03:12 PM
You!!! You are the one that refuses to admit the people that investigated the destruction of evidence against Hilary said their was illegal activity destroying government property, but they refused to bring charges because it was a Clinton . Same with Biden , the evidence of illegality was their but they refused to bring charges because it was a Biden. Those are the facts . Because you democrats believe in and want a two tiered justice system doesn’t negate the facts that Joe and Hilary got special treatment from Biden’s D.O.J. I’m sure the trial of Gold Bar Bob will be a farce , and he will pay no penalty. That way of life ( thieving and lying) is par for the corse for most of these democrat politicians.

That's funny, because Hillary's email server was not a government asset. It was a private server she kept in her home, so even if she had taken an axe to the server, there would've been no destruction of government property. I suspect you got your information from some unhinged radical bloggers. And as for Clinton & Biden not getting charged because their position, I'd refer you to the fact that they were investigated by House Republicans and Trump's DOJ. No friends there. What's your excuse for that?

Lastly, I haven't seen anything to indicate that Senator Menendez or Rep Cuellar will get extra help from Democrats on their legal problems.

It was a hammer, not a ax… and the governmental property was the e-mails not the machine… The fact that Menendez is still holding a seat after a previous incident. That’s the support, when a republican rep. just a few months ago was forced out by other republicans for similar unethical behavior. Why isn’t other democrats asking for his ouster That’s the differance. .. Also…Clinton’s and Biden’s position had nothing to do with their crimes being swept under the rug, it was Who they are not what they were or still are. A Trump appointee isn’t bound by Trump. Unlike Obamas “ right hand man”..

Not bound by Trump? Maybe try to tell that to all the attorney generals Trump fired.

Clinton's emails are not government property. She was only Secretary of State and not President, so when she wrote, sent, received or deleted emails, it's not subject to the Presidential Records Act, and until subpoenaed, there was no legal requirement to even keep them. She got the idea of a personal email server from Colin Powell, who advised her it would be easier to use than the government system, and as a veteran, myself, I can confirm that the government email system totally, royally sucked in those years. But if you can point to a law on the books that said otherwise, at that time, then I would be happy to be proven wrong, especially since nobody can even correctly point to a law that Hillary broke with regard to her emails.

Good luck.

Mortman's photo
Sun 05/19/24 10:16 AM
"It is not a pretty picture" USA

He makes a few good points but leaves out MASSIVE Democrat failures while doing so. And to think Biden/Harris will solve anything is ludicrous. However, I can see how many uninformed voters might be swayed by this carefully crafted message.

In a strange way, he almost makes the case FOR electing Trump. If things are SO bad, only someone with balls of steel like Trump has the guts to put in policies that are difficult but necessary. Biden panders to any/every group just to get votes. This won't change a single thing in America but maybe get him a few more votes.

Thank you Bernie Sanders for your unintentional support and endorsement of Donald Trump in 2024.

Sorry, did you even watch the video?

Mortman's photo
Thu 05/16/24 08:36 PM
President Joe Biden and his administration have been accused of being complicit in enabling a famine in Gaza by failing to sufficiently act on repeated warnings from their own experts and aid agencies."

Genocide Joe has to Go

Biden is just stuck between the USA's commitments to our allies and Israel's awful handling of their war with Hamas. Despite their war crimes and attempted genocide, the US still needs to support them, so this administration is trying to work out a solution to help Gaza and Israel, but Netanyahu isn't making it easy. He's a real jerk. It's not like The Donald could fix that mess, but at least Joe is trying.

Mortman's photo
Mon 05/13/24 07:20 PM
Seems stupid to blow up the national debt even more than Trump did. And abortion is a major issue for suburban women whom Trump needs more than ever before.

Mortman's photo
Mon 05/13/24 10:19 AM
With the Trump tax cuts, there was probably little Biden could do to stop inflation from shooting up. Record corporate profits and lowest taxes ever for shipping jobs overseas. Even with Congress doing nothing about it, the Administration as brought inflation back down to around 3%. And it's not like Trump has a plan to deal with inflation. And while the national debt is soaring, all Republicans have is tax cuts. Mostly for corporations and the top 1%. What's going to really kick Republican butts is their stance on abortion and abiding Trump's crimes.

Mortman's photo
Mon 05/13/24 09:10 AM
You!!! You are the one that refuses to admit the people that investigated the destruction of evidence against Hilary said their was illegal activity destroying government property, but they refused to bring charges because it was a Clinton . Same with Biden , the evidence of illegality was their but they refused to bring charges because it was a Biden. Those are the facts . Because you democrats believe in and want a two tiered justice system doesn’t negate the facts that Joe and Hilary got special treatment from Biden’s D.O.J. I’m sure the trial of Gold Bar Bob will be a farce , and he will pay no penalty. That way of life ( thieving and lying) is par for the corse for most of these democrat politicians.

That's funny, because Hillary's email server was not a government asset. It was a private server she kept in her home, so even if she had taken an axe to the server, there would've been no destruction of government property. I suspect you got your information from some unhinged radical bloggers. And as for Clinton & Biden not getting charged because their position, I'd refer you to the fact that they were investigated by House Republicans and Trump's DOJ. No friends there. What's your excuse for that?

Lastly, I haven't seen anything to indicate that Senator Menendez or Rep Cuellar will get extra help from Democrats on their legal problems.

Mortman's photo
Sun 05/12/24 04:54 PM
It's easier to fake a YouTube video than government statistics.

Mortman's photo
Sun 05/12/24 04:52 PM
Again, France's Macron never said he would deploy French troops to Ukraine, but simply said he would not "take it off the table."

Russia's decision to conduct nuclear drills (not nuclear tests--a whole other thing) has no bearing on Macron's clarification that France is not at war with Russia. But consider the source of the above video. Indian news channels are over sensational with their headlines to get attention. To believe them you'd have to think China is about to invade India and Russia.

Mortman's photo
Sun 05/12/24 04:43 PM
50 years as senator, the only government work Been is known for are crime bills. Famous one being the 1994 crime bill which Clinton sign into law that incarcerated thousands of black men on double sentences for as little as having a joint. That open up prison building as a multi million dollar business by private sector.

Trump overhaul some of those disadvantage crime laws. Biden fail 2 times as a presidential candidate and when into obscurity....until Obama pick him as VP. Now Biden has Kamala Harris as VP..who perform poorly in the
primaries. See the pattern here? Weak leaders are
being pick to lead America.

Then there is the possibility of Michelle Obama and Newsome throwing their hats in the ring somewhat later. Who knows? Again if that the case....weak leaders. It is all a popularity contest now.

While the 1994 crime bill had severe problems, it was drafted with input from the African American community and good intentions. Gang and drug crime at the time was a huge concern, as was prison overcrowding. Generally the Democrats wanted more crime prevention programs and Republicans wanted harsher penalties.

Trump's "First Step" Act was a product of the decades of learning since the 1994 crime law, so sure, but it's not like Trump wrote that bill, and if it was such a success, why isn't he talking about it?

Michelle Obama is not going to run for President. She may be popular among Democrats, but she's said whenever asked that she's not running and not interested. Given she has no committees or agents working the process, and already makes $millions selling books and speeches, she's clearly not going to run. Gavin Newsom, however, has obviously been into being president since forever, and is just plotting his course.

Mortman's photo
Sun 05/12/24 12:10 PM
Unfortunately the smart and experienced people are not being pick as presidential material. America like the rest of the world have sign on on the Globalist agenda for a one world government and that is the only interest it will serve. It was once said Bush jr was the last great president of America, I believe Trump is but America is like Rome in it's dying days rule by weak emperors.

Maybe not the smartest, but smart people are picked for President of the United States. Even Trump, who isn't a genius in the academic sense, is clearly "people smart" in that he does understand what people like to see and hear. The guy's an idiot when it comes to running a business or country, but he's got about half the voting population liking him and believing his lies. His famous "I could shoot a guy on Fifth Avenue and get away with it" has some truth. Joe Biden is brilliant at getting government work done, good at negotiations and is also good with people. But a globalist agenda is not the objective. Globalism is an economic tool to increase profits, even at the expense of the workers and the consumers. Industry does try to steer politics to their advantage and their ability to pay more gives them more influence than the regular voters, much less the population of other countries.

Mortman's photo
Sun 05/12/24 11:52 AM
Baaaaah, baaaah, you are the most gullible person I have ever seen. Are you on the mailing list for the democrats weekly talking points . It’s hard to take someone seriously that refuses to see the obvious. The obvious being that joe Biden has divided this country’s citizens against each other more than anybody since Abe Lincoln. Joe is poison for this country. Hilary’s is about as innocent as the democrats that stole the 2020 election. Guilty? Hell yes, but swept under the rug like most crimes committed by democrats…

Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden are so guilty that nobody can find the evidence? So guilty that years after finding the classified docs in Biden's home and office, or Hillary's email server, They can't even identify the laws broken, or find witnesses to the "crimes." Maybe I'm the sheep, but I can point to articles and government reports that support what I'm saying, and the silly Republicans just say "it's obvious." Is it possible that they think "obvious" means "I can't say how, but I feel it's true."

Yes, it took years to put together indictments for Trump, but at least we can now read about which laws he's charged with breaking, and even see and listen to some of the evidence collected. In court, they're lining up witnesses--some of them were even in on the crimes, pleading out and agreeing to testify. The other side: "Biden is so guilty! The most corrupt president ever. The worst president ever. And so guilty." (with the lowest unemployment, the highest stock market, zero indictments, zero family members appointed to government positions & no foreign payments taken)

Who's the gullible one?

Mortman's photo
Sun 05/12/24 11:39 AM
This narrative from democrats that Joe Biden is doing a good job is is one of the biggest lies Joe has told us. Maybe his uncle did get eaten by cannibals and maybe he did drive 18 wheelers even though fact checkers say it never happened. But for him to blatantly lie to every American about our economy. He said that prices are high, but we have the money to spend the extra. What a dis-connected piece of chit he is. His mental deficiencies should dis-qualify him from running for president, but he is the best the democrats have to offer. The Democratic Party is a joke , and should never be in the position to govern this great nation ever again.

It's not Biden saying he's doing a good job, but observers and historians. The same people saying Trump did a lousy job. Biden actually got job creating bills passed and signed, whereas Trump was always about to do it "in two weeks." Infrastructure, and economic revitalization, and sure, the money's not all spent and there's lots of work to do, but objectively, Biden is doing a good job and Trump is falling apart--slurring his speech, forgetting and making up details and crapping his pants in front of us. The choice is getting clear for November.

Mortman's photo
Sat 05/11/24 11:33 AM
" Trump did on the backs of his brainwashed improvished voters".

So the democratic party is no longer the party of the working class? It now caters to the upper middle class and beyond that it's leader can't relate to ordinary folks struggling to make ends meet? I am beginning to wonder if you are related to Biden as you both echo the same speech. Employment rates are at their lowest. Inflation are at a all time low. US economy is firing on all four cylinders and yet the the ordinary man in the streets and the polls says differently.

Two different sides of the political spectrum agree while Biden continue to live in la la land.

Sorry, but I can't change what people think, especially if they choose to believe the lies of the former president saying stuff like "this president is the most corrupt in history" despite himself facing almost a hundred felony criminal charges and even during his administration appointing unqualified family members to his cabinet. You don't have to trust me that unemployment lower now than under Trump, or that the stock market is higher now than any time in history. Those are published statistics. And while they don't negate a person's individual sentiment, or the rantings of various people around here, they are evidence that Biden is doing a good job.

Go ahead and cry that the government is going to take away your incandescent light bulbs and gas stoves, but those, too, are lies from the Republicans. In the meantime, we've got a Democratic administration getting $trillions invested back into the national infrastructure and returning critical manufacturing to the USA.

Mortman's photo
Sat 05/11/24 10:54 AM
The evidence against Hilary and Biden of illegal acts that compare or worse than any illegal acts that Trump was charged with are there but ignored because of the weaponization of the DOJ.. . Every legal scholar agrees Hilary destroyed government evidence and Biden had documents he shouldn’t have and lots of them in several different unsecured places. If you can’t see the unfairness in the way the feds handled the Trump case compaired to those other two cases , Means your Trump deraingement guides your decisions.

There are no legal scholars who can show that Hillary illegally destroyed evidence and the crime is not merely keeping classified documents, but knowingly keeping them. Prosecutors would have to show intent, and simply having documents in the boxes out in the garage is not enough. Hillary's email servers getting wiped after she left office is not destroying evidence, but just a good idea for old computer hardware.

And still, where's the weaponization? Where has Biden directed the DOJ to do anything? Sure, Trump will say so, but that's just because it's how Trump ran his DOJ. A.G. Sessions ran the DOJ and didn't run it exactly how Trump wanted, so he installed Barr, and all along, both told Trump they found nothing on Biden and Clinton, making Trump look like an idiot after he promised to jail Hillary. That would be weaponization. By all accounts, Biden has kept out of the Trump investigation.

Your insistence that Trump is innocent--despite literal piles of evidence, and that Biden "is the most corrupt president ever" is the real Trump derangement syndrome.

Mortman's photo
Sat 05/11/24 10:35 AM


France, in order to run with the horses you must first keep up with the footmen.... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

The video mischaracterizes Macron's statements. He never said he wanted war with Russia so there was nothing to soften, and his statement was that NATO troops in Ukraine should not be completely ruled out. This was after Russian state TV said that Russia should destroy Poland to test the NATO response. To Russia, that may sound aggressive, but peacekeeping troops in foreign countries has been going on for centuries. Especially with the French.

Mortman's photo
Sat 05/11/24 10:09 AM
Everybody understands the lefts view on justice. They are all for it unless it means charging a democrat.. The weaponization of justice is valued by the left because that is the only way they have a chance to win in “24. .. You keep ranting” nobody cares” and I’d argue that many people care and we are seeing it everyday with the blacks and Latinos and independents that are turning their back on the democrats and plan on supporting Trump and republicans. Maybe if Biden cared about Americans and our Allie’s in the world and cared about doing right for America instead of trying to change this country into the chithole he dreams of, than maybe he would have a Honest chance to be re-elected. But it’s not in his nature to do right. ..So I guess you are right in the long run, Trump supporters don’t care about Trump in court. They realize the democrats have corrupted the system to the point that people that don’t like Trump will vote for him just because they see that it’s lot a better alternative than what we have now.

Senator Bob Menendez shows that Democrats aren't above the law.

The DOJ investigated Biden extensively during the Trump Administration. Hillary too, and they couldn't come up with charges.

Trump was charged because he's so shockingly criminal that they had no choice but to indict and charge. This is not weaponization of the DOJ. It's just the DOJ doing their job.

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