Topic: Alcoholics Anonymous "Coffee's On"
AlpineRocks's photo
Thu 01/11/07 05:56 PM
I never thought of AA online thats actually a really good idea.

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 01/11/07 06:10 PM
It really is alphine for hey online is the in thing

Kevin3824's photo
Thu 01/11/07 06:18 PM
AA, NA, CA, GA, SLA and all the other 12 step programs are completely
against using their names in public or on the web If you need a meeting
that bad it is best that you contact your localintergroup on the phone
or your sponser and have a private meeting with one who has lived
through your experiences for advice in a private manner. It is not
something that belongs on a public forum at all and especially on a
dating web site.

Kevin3824's photo
Thu 01/11/07 06:25 PM
Even further all the 12 step programs in practice were taken from the AA
values and structure. Most 12 step meetings in this world are held in
Churches. It is a very serious thing to a person that has had advanced
issues in their likfe like DTs or horrors in their lives.

Imagine waking up in a hospital strapped to the bed hallucinating and
having an object strapped into your mouth to stop you from swallowing
your tongue while your body is in convulsions and you think your being
attacked by something that does not exist that is trying to kill you in
a nasty painful way. Feeling the pain of these attacks as if it is real
and not being able to stop it. Being hung over for weeks at a clip and
maybe then you can appreciate what some of the people on this earth live
through everyday.

AlpineRocks's photo
Thu 01/11/07 06:29 PM
Maybe it annonomes on the East coast but if you think its annonomous on
the West cost your living in the stone ages online should be their next
move you could pay $10.00 a month to joint the site and you could chat
with members all day and never have to leave your house and talk about
annonomous nodoy would ever know who you are if you didnt want them too.
You think when you go to the local alono clue or what ever meeting house
you may attened your annonomous. LMFAO if you do.

Kevin3824's photo
Thu 01/11/07 06:51 PM
just goes to show you how annonomous you really are on the web try a
google search for the nam Vanchau and you get 11800 pages of results.
google some of your friends names and see what comes up the web is not
private my friend.

AlpineRocks's photo
Thu 01/11/07 07:06 PM
I hear ya I personally dont do AA but I do have 2 years sober just
though it might be good for those who would attend an online meeting
when they wouldnt attend in person. Still think it may be part of the
future of AA.

mtironroses's photo
Thu 01/11/07 07:18 PM
There are always 2 sides to every topic. Those who want to remain
annonomous can, no real names, etc. But there are those that want to be
heard and share.If you met my sister, within the first 2 seconds, she
will tell you her name and that she has been sober for 12 years. She is
willing to tell all and share all..and I do believe she told me at one
time that AA was/is online with chat rooms.?!??
And yes Kevin, I have seen what you have seen. Maybe... maybe one more
way for folks to reach out.

Morena350's photo
Thu 01/11/07 07:49 PM
we have 12 steps info online, and website!!
is about everything you want to know about AA!!

Kevin3824's photo
Thu 01/11/07 08:14 PM
Sorry Everyone I take this topic personally because without the 12 step
programs I believe I would have been dead over 13 years ago. My life has
changed for the better since finding the rooms. If people here or
anywhere for that matter choose to look at me as a quitter or a loser
because I do not drink and drug any longer that is their choice. It
tells me inside that they have no clue what I have been through. God
willing they will never have to go through it themselves or watch a
loved one do it for that matter. There is no cure for alcoholism or drug
addiction and may never be the closest we have for it is abstinance.
That can be a battle for a person that may be fought by the minute hour
day ect... In my personal case I believe in my heart and soul the next
time I pick up and get drunk I will not survive it. I was a heavy hitter
in my final years of drinking. It would be a death sentance for me. God
willing I will be able to celebrate 14 years clean of drugs and alcohol
this May. So when I hear people putting down the things that kept me
alive I take it very personally. For this I am sorry.

To the people that would speak poorly about the 12 step programs I am
also sorry to have been associated with you at all.

mtironroses's photo
Thu 01/11/07 08:25 PM
I don't think you will find many in opposition to AA. It works for many
many people.

mtironroses's photo
Thu 01/11/07 08:25 PM
I don't think you will find many in opposition to AA. It works for many
many people.

karmafury's photo
Thu 01/11/07 08:30 PM
Kevin I have been to AA, NA and CA. All that without being a user of any
of the associated products. People have joked tonight same as they do
when they pass the little on the street stating there's a meeting that
night. Yet nobody here doubts what they do. If they can reach more
people over the internet then the more power to them. By the way the
reason for the meetings was tat my last ex needed them.

AlpineRocks's photo
Thu 01/11/07 08:31 PM
Congratulations on 14 years sober AA does work I believe there is a cure
for Alcoholism that is BA Born Again II Corinthians 5:17 states
Therefore if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation the old has gone
the new has come. This is what keeps me sober. Again Congratulations on
14 years.

Kevin3824's photo
Thu 01/11/07 09:14 PM
If it works for you that is good. Religion was not enough to work for
me. Working the steps built up on my relationship with my higher power
and taught me to live life on lifes terms. I was at a point where I had
no respect for human life my own or anyone elses before I got clean. Now
I have learned respect for human life in a big way. I have seen too many
lives taken and destroyed. There is only two people I remember partying
with in high school left alive that are part of the free world. The rest
are either dead or institutionalized for the remainser of their days on
earth. I have also seen alot of harm within my family as well. I cannot
to this day think of anything that happened in my life that was bad that
did not have drugs or alcohol a part of it in some way. AA has given me
a life back worth living though its 12 steps. If you had gone to
meetings and worked the program you would have known it remains
annonomous for a reason. a sober room on the forums is not a bad thing
but putting AA name on it is. I think that the AA=sespool comment was
completely uncalled for. I did take major offence to that as you would
if I said that about your Church. AA was started by some of this worlds
most prominent people and the people that suffer from alcoholism. AA has
saved more lives then any other organisation I can think of including
all of the religions known to man.

AlpineRocks's photo
Thu 01/11/07 09:28 PM
Kevin your right about the sespool thing. as I said in the later posts
AA is a good program I could never get passed the third step though I
tried it many times I have a drawer full of 30, 60 , 90 day chips a few
6 month and one 9 month it just didnt work for me but it does work the
sespool coment cames from the local AA that has old timers praying on
femal new comers but not all AA room are like that. AA does work though
so I apoligize for the coment.

michelllove's photo
Thu 01/11/07 09:29 PM
dude yall should go to the bar the hell with aa lol

AlpineRocks's photo
Thu 01/11/07 09:32 PM
na did bars for 20 years cost to much and full of loud obnoxious people
I was a bouncer for awile though that was fun.LOL

slowtogetit's photo
Thu 01/11/07 10:26 PM
well kevin we can call it the 11...........1 stands for the first letter
of the alphabet. and no i'm not making fun of it, it works for some and
not for others. mysel i went once, i remember leaving and the man at the
door told me 90 meetings in 90 days or you won't make it(words of
encouragement) it's been 22 yrs for me.

no photo
Thu 01/11/07 10:33 PM
they already have AA meeting places set up on the internet and it
doesn't cost any money.