Topic: Why don't some people have a clue???
Totage's photo
Wed 03/26/08 05:23 PM

I don't mind meeting people and if a conversation takes off, then great:smile: but when you know it's just going to end up being friends and nothing more and even when you tell them that your interested in someone else. Why can't they get a hint that your not interested.

This goes for Men/Women

I started to talk to this lady and even though i said i'm interested in someone else here and there she will through things in to try to get me to flirt with her. People there is a thing called flirting that is harmless and just between friend and there is steping over that line. So when someone tells you there not interested. Wake up and get a clue and have that respect for the one your chatting with...

I rarely flirt, and I'm bad at it. I usually won't flirt unless she initates it first though.

Single_Rob's photo
Wed 03/26/08 05:23 PM

Why the hell are there men on here that are having children? This is a dating site! GET OFF!
nice first post. Let me explain something to you, carefully. This is as much a social site as it is a dating site. Attacking respected members in the GENERAL DISCUSSION area will not create goodwill for you. There are sections dedicated just to dating, etc. Scroll down :wink:

hottpinkilicious's photo
Wed 03/26/08 05:23 PM
WOW! You're a daddy! Congrats!!!

I think you should put on a bald wig and take a picture and put it up...should solve the problem of hair-lovers!

sweetpea1970's photo
Wed 03/26/08 05:24 PM
congrads on being a dad shadow i hope everything goes well

TheShadow's photo
Wed 03/26/08 05:25 PM

Why the hell are there men on here that are having children? This is a dating site! GET OFF!

Sweetie for your info before you reply. This is from my ex that i met on here. I would suggest you get to know someone before you make any kind of opinion and besides that. this is not just a datting site. there are people here that are just here for friends and i have made more then i have expected. For those that are reading this. i'm not mad lol she is new and has not had the chance to get to know this site:)

bastet126's photo
Wed 03/26/08 05:26 PM

Why the hell are there men on here that are having children? This is a dating site! GET OFF!

wow...a little harsh for a 'dainty' girl. huh

Jess642's photo
Wed 03/26/08 05:28 PM
Looks like her inbox will be full of lurrrrrrrrrve......

Dontcha just wanna ask her for a date???

love love :wink: laugh devil

TheShadow's photo
Wed 03/26/08 05:30 PM

I don't mind meeting people and if a conversation takes off, then great:smile: but when you know it's just going to end up being friends and nothing more and even when you tell them that your interested in someone else. Why can't they get a hint that your not interested.

This goes for Men/Women

I started to talk to this lady and even though i said i'm interested in someone else here and there she will through things in to try to get me to flirt with her. People there is a thing called flirting that is harless and just between friend and there is steping over that line. So when someone tells you there not interested. What up and get a clue and have that respect for the one your chatting with...

I met a guy on here that I was getting to know..and the more I got to know the more I saw that there would be no type of relationship so I told him that we could still be friends..It got to the point where he would write me and tell me on a daily basis that he wasn't gonna give up until I was his..Well..I ended up telling him that if he didn't stop writing me that I'd report him to the site owners..thats when he finally stopped writing me.

I have friends that have told me that they met someone off the site and they were this way unil they threaten then. I will never understand people like this and say better them then me

Single_Rob's photo
Wed 03/26/08 05:31 PM

Looks like her inbox will be full of lurrrrrrrrrve......

Dontcha just wanna ask her for a date???

love love :wink: laugh devil

nope, but I don't see theneed for hate mail either :dunno:

TheShadow's photo
Wed 03/26/08 05:33 PM

WOW! You're a daddy! Congrats!!!

I think you should put on a bald wig and take a picture and put it up...should solve the problem of hair-lovers!

laugh i'm not sure i'm ready to do anything like that

yeah May 14th is the due date:smile:

Shaden's photo
Wed 03/26/08 05:37 PM
Sort of on the same lines I find it humorous some males thinks it's okay to flirt, but if a woman jokes back or flirts themselves they misunderstand it for "love." I used to do more profile reading to have some quickly post "I saw you looking at me." Kind scary.

TheShadow's photo
Wed 03/26/08 05:41 PM

Sort of on the same lines I find it humorous some males thinks it's okay to flirt, but if a woman jokes back or flirts themselves they misunderstand it for "love." I used to do more profile reading to have some quickly post "I saw you looking at me." Kind scary.

yeah some people read thing wrong but i don't know about the love partlaugh not some thing you would or anyone for that matter would hear from me on the netnoway

Shaden's photo
Wed 03/26/08 05:48 PM
I've gotten it a few times and was taken aback. ((Geesh..I need a spelchecker.)) Anyway, in my opinion it feels like a double standard. I don't want to be rude to them, but just have to shake my head and think..hmmm, can dish it out but can't take it. This is lame stuff, too. I stop all grody talk, before it gets out of hand.

As for me I wouldn't like to flirt with someone, in a relationship. I posted a Couples thread, but it was shot down.
The site should be for all, but I'd like to know, so as not to offend. ohwell ohwell

PATSFAN's photo
Wed 03/26/08 05:49 PM
The world is full of crazies brother

TheShadow's photo
Wed 03/26/08 05:54 PM

The world is full of crazies brother

and then somelaugh

TheShadow's photo
Wed 03/26/08 05:56 PM

I've gotten it a few times and was taken aback. ((Geesh..I need a spelchecker.)) Anyway, in my opinion it feels like a double standard. I don't want to be rude to them, but just have to shake my head and think..hmmm, can dish it out but can't take it. This is lame stuff, too. I stop all grody talk, before it gets out of hand.

As for me I wouldn't like to flirt with someone, in a relationship. I posted a Couples thread, but it was shot down.
The site should be for all, but I'd like to know, so as not to offend. ohwell ohwell

Well we can't make everyone happy but i think someone should know a little about us before hand:wink:

Shaden's photo
Wed 03/26/08 05:58 PM
Agreed, but I did think the couples postings was a nice idea, seems most did not agree.

TheShadow's photo
Wed 03/26/08 06:01 PM
Hmm ididn't see that post.

Shaden's photo
Wed 03/26/08 06:03 PM
It was in relationship, didn't get much notice. It was this morning, I think.

pkh's photo
Wed 03/26/08 06:04 PM
I like the hair too,and congrats on the upcoming babyflowerforyou