Topic: Wed,happy hump day
no photo
Wed 01/10/07 06:08 AM
Actually Michell I think its a very nice pic and its nice to see you
close up :)

See ya late Shadowdog ((((hugs))))

michelllove's photo
Wed 01/10/07 06:09 AM
thanx you should see my new dog one sec ill be back lol

BillRoot's photo
Wed 01/10/07 06:10 AM
Good mornin LG and Michell.C ya G bear.

michelllove's photo
Wed 01/10/07 06:10 AM
ok hes so small lol

no photo
Wed 01/10/07 06:10 AM
Have a good day all! Time for me to grab a hot shower and face this
snowy winter day. . . yuck

michelllove's photo
Wed 01/10/07 06:11 AM
chawawa and bull terirer i spelled it wrong but i dont care

ellgee1976's photo
Wed 01/10/07 06:12 AM
awww...cute dog ;)

they always think they're so tough at that size lol

BillRoot's photo
Wed 01/10/07 06:12 AM
Have a good day Jenn.I gotta S,S and S too.Have a great day everyone!

no photo
Wed 01/10/07 06:13 AM
he's cute!!
If I could get Lily to hold still and stop trying to eat the cats I
could get a pic of her.

ellgee1976's photo
Wed 01/10/07 06:13 AM
later bill...have a good one

*looks around for that coffee pot*

no photo
Wed 01/10/07 06:14 AM
*hands LG a cup of coffee*

michelllove's photo
Wed 01/10/07 06:14 AM
lol you should see him try to atack my great dain its so funny lmfao

TheShadow's photo
Wed 01/10/07 06:14 AM
OK i'm back who can i teas this morning lol

michelllove's photo
Wed 01/10/07 06:15 AM
mee me lol

TheShadow's photo
Wed 01/10/07 06:15 AM
LMAO Hell no Mike you might like it to much

no photo
Wed 01/10/07 06:15 AM
yeah yeah tease tease...I'm just a who ever else I missed so :P

aleacim831's photo
Wed 01/10/07 06:16 AM
lol can't tease me :)

no photo
Wed 01/10/07 06:17 AM
ok I am out for alil bit..gonna check in wiht my sister about Dad, let
yall know if I hear anything.

michelllove's photo
Wed 01/10/07 06:17 AM
no fair ..... wait is this what you call teasen lol

catchme_ifucan's photo
Wed 01/10/07 06:18 AM
ggeee i was just comin in to say laterz shadow ! ;)~

G'mornin LG

have a great day Bill!!!

cute dogs