Topic: Wed,happy hump day
michelllove's photo
Wed 01/10/07 06:18 AM
:( i feel so unloved lol whats up shadow

TheShadow's photo
Wed 01/10/07 06:21 AM
Mac I can tease anyone i want and ther is not athing you can do about it
so :)~ lol

catchme_ifucan's photo
Wed 01/10/07 06:21 AM

sending healing strenght

TheShadow's photo
Wed 01/10/07 06:21 AM
Moring Michell :)

ellgee1976's photo
Wed 01/10/07 06:22 AM
umm...where's karma??

michelllove's photo
Wed 01/10/07 06:23 AM
lol you tell here tease me i need cheerin up i ll seend you amesage and
tell you k shadow

aleacim831's photo
Wed 01/10/07 06:25 AM
lol well I think I get extra teasing from you so go tease others for a
bit brb :P

TheShadow's photo
Wed 01/10/07 06:27 AM
But I'm Miikkee Hey Miikkee he likes it LMAO

michelllove's photo
Wed 01/10/07 06:29 AM

TheShadow's photo
Wed 01/10/07 06:33 AM
Well got to go to work kids so have dun take care and do me a faver stay
out of trouble lol

aleacim831's photo
Wed 01/10/07 06:33 AM
Bye shadow :) I won't be home till late so talk to you then!

michelllove's photo
Wed 01/10/07 06:34 AM
bye shadoww

aleacim831's photo
Wed 01/10/07 06:35 AM
Have a good day all I'm off to a long day out and about :P

michelllove's photo
Wed 01/10/07 06:38 AM
me to gtg ttyl

jenn_82's photo
Wed 01/10/07 08:34 AM
good morning everyone I guess I got a late start

tigerman1956's photo
Wed 01/10/07 08:51 AM

catchme_ifucan's photo
Wed 01/10/07 08:55 AM
ggeesshh!!! its not a sex thing!! its over the hump in the middle of
the week!!

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Wed 01/10/07 08:58 AM
wtf? most ppl dont get laid until the weekend? sorry to hear that man.

Tneal's photo
Wed 01/10/07 08:59 AM
I see we have a weekend humper lmclao

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Wed 01/10/07 09:00 AM
When I was in school i looked forward to going out and gettin laid on
the weekend but now....geesh lol