Topic: Should I take a chance to meet him?
no photo
Mon 01/08/07 04:24 PM
never let your guard down based on anything including age :)

sandylou2456's photo
Mon 01/08/07 04:49 PM
Thank you Mike.... you are right ...all precautions are in order...but i
really do want to meet this guy....How are we to ever meet the one out
there for us...if we don't take a chance on meeting them?
and btw...Have read the forums some and always seem to have
good advice...

sandylou2456's photo
Mon 01/08/07 04:51 PM
Like a friend of mine told me....You're not gonna meet anyone sitting
there in that d***

ShagnaC's photo
Mon 01/08/07 04:56 PM
Sandy, I have met a couple people from online~ None from this site as
not to many are from AZ. Be very cautious and meet in a public place,
But most important please try and not go into this with any expectations
as someone usually gets hurt.
Take a chance and if it doesnt work, then move on. You will beat
yourself up if you dont take a chance. Just please be careful where you
meet him.

Dreamweaverangel's photo
Mon 01/08/07 05:04 PM
The idea that Mike had about taking a taxi, might be a good idea, but
what if you need a quick ''get-a-away''? I have dated a lot of differnt
guys from many internet dating sites. I have had only ONE bad apple in
the bunch...but, luckily, I had my cell phone, with me, and was able to
break his hold on my arm and tell him I had to go to the rest
room...from there, I was able to runto the exit, without him seeing me,
and flea the my car...OOOO by the way, he was 65.

sandylou2456's photo
Mon 01/08/07 05:34 PM
ty shagna I have also met a couple of people from the internet who I
am still good friends with...Just wasn't a connection there for us....If
things don't work out as far as a long term relationship...nothing
lost...if you have gained a new friend...and anyway...Santhana said he
would be here for me if it didn't work out...Yooo Hooo You out there
Santhana.? *mischievious grin*

Wow Dreamweaver...Sorry you had that one bad experience...that would
kinda curb me from meeting anyone from online...and that goes to show
ya, like Mike said...age makes no difference!

santhana's photo
Mon 01/08/07 05:40 PM
just right, I do be there with you when you lonely mama.

sandylou2456's photo
Mon 01/08/07 05:44 PM

Thank You Son....Then just where are ya now?

santhana's photo
Mon 01/08/07 05:46 PM
you are not lonely yet, wait until you didn't work out with him, and
I'll be with you to wipe your tear. I promise mama.

Dreamweaverangel's photo
Mon 01/08/07 05:47 PM
HEY, I have met more jerks from church and stores than from the
internet...A lot of people say meeting people from the internet is
dangerous, but I beg to differ with that least if you get
to know them from the internet, 1st, you can ''test the waters'', so to
speak, 1st before any real contact, face to face....not so if you meet
them at church, a bar, a store, or other places.

santhana's photo
Mon 01/08/07 05:51 PM
well, dream maybe you are right.

spay's photo
Mon 01/08/07 05:54 PM


sandylou2456's photo
Mon 01/08/07 05:56 PM

I was hoping someone on JSH had met or talked with jon55bnice and could
tell me something about him, but I guess not...


sandylou2456's photo
Mon 01/08/07 05:58 PM

Hey Spay...Just lay down on the couch and go to sleep...We will wake ya
up if we need

chopperdan's photo
Mon 01/08/07 05:58 PM
In this world of stalkers and pedophils it is darngerous but you must
take a chance. Just use caution and always, always let some one know
where you are and when to expect your return.

lily38's photo
Mon 01/08/07 07:02 PM
Spay....are your really Santhana?????

Dreamweaverangel's photo
Mon 01/08/07 07:06 PM
Sandy...One word of warning about this does not seem KOOL AT
ALL that he has deleted his profile...that is what that ''ONE BAD
APPLE'' did BEFORE I met himmmm....''WARNING''

no photo
Mon 01/08/07 07:14 PM
ty sandy I try my best to call it as I see it and I take every
precaution necessary without being paranoid since I have 3 little girls
that rely on me for their security and protection

santhana's photo
Mon 01/08/07 07:14 PM
no, lily, I am not spay, we are different. not the same man.

no photo
Mon 01/08/07 07:16 PM
santhana you seem pretty cool now shirt looks nice too ty