Topic: Bush Silent, but Others Speak Out on Tibet Crackdown | |
The propoganda spewed forth by large corporations and their payed for politicians, (like Clinton) has been quite effective.
Democrats had the perfect oppurtunity for real hope in this country and they werent smart enough to recognize it! John Edwards!! ![]() ![]() Damn Democrats!! |
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Sun 03/23/08 10:53 AM
sounds like you want Bush to meddle in the affairs of a sovereign nation - um, where in the world did I hear you were against such.........lip service doesn't accomplish much! Companies use labor that is profitable in order to be profitable. Unions suck the profitability out of competing in world markets. It has nothing to do with slave labor it has to do with regional economics, cost of living, what the market will bear, etc. If labor, taxation, etc. cost too much to be able to market a product at a price comparable to your competition you either make changes or go out of business. Why do you suppose unions are being broken in businesses each year? Companies want to stay here and the smarter union members understand that they need to stop being part of the problem and be part of the solution. The dumber ones will b*tch their way to the poor house because they are bubba's that sit around under their hard hats with a stupid ass smirk on their face and just don't get it. |
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Sun 03/23/08 11:43 AM
Most all western style democracies are far more unionised than umerika. Germany for example is an exporting powerhouse and most germans enjoy a higher standerd of liveng than we americans more vacation time, universal healthcare etc etc. No its not the unions who have sunk america so low as it is the greedy corperate masters who take home obsecene paychecks and have so much money they do not know were to invest it, so they invest it in public relation firms to spew out 24/7 propaganda thats says unions are bad and thats the reasone why we have to offshore to countries that will work for nothing and under the worst conditions imaginable. If those stupid Nike shoes are made for nothing in China and then are sold for hundreds of dollars here in the states is it the fault of the Unions?
Edited by madisonman on Sun 03/23/08 10:53 AM Have you checked the salaries of German executives? You throw out talking points just fine but you need to have the facts to support them or they are nothing more than misleading propaganda. Germany is having problems with unions and worl competitiveness but not as bad as the US because unions there are different from here. They are not as anti-business as American unions. You speak of crooks running American companies but your dues go to the mob each mont. Isn't that just a little hypocritical? German workers wages are more competitive than American wages. More vacation? Maybe if we were as productive as they are? You say "public relation firms to spew out 24/7 propaganda thats says unions are bad and thats the reasone why we have to offshore to countries that will work for nothing and under the worst conditions imaginable." Does ANYONE else know of this happening? Maybe in subliminal Coca Cola ads? ![]() ![]() |
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Sun 03/23/08 11:48 AM
Have you checked the salaries of German executives? You throw out talking points just fine but you need to have the facts to support them or they are nothing more than misleading propaganda.
LMAO, I think she just called you naive!!!<--tactfully put!! Facts; ROFLMAO, Let's------------- DUBLIN, Sept. 3 (Reuters) — American workers are the world’s most productive, followed by the Irish, though productivity is rising fastest in China and much of the rest of Asia, according to the International Labor Organization. When productivity was measured by the hour rather than by the total number of hours worked, however, Norway, an oil nation, was the most productive, followed by the United States and France, the organization said in a report released over the weekend and published every two years. It mostly used 2006 data. “The difference in rankings can be explained by the fact that annual working hours per person employed are considerably higher in the United States than in the majority of European economies,” the report said. HA!!!!! What about the Facts??? |
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Sun 03/23/08 12:12 PM
Have you checked the salaries of German executives? You throw out talking points just fine but you need to have the facts to support them or they are nothing more than misleading propaganda. LMAO, I think she just called you naive!!!<--tactfully put!! Facts; ROFLMAO, Let's------------- DUBLIN, Sept. 3 (Reuters) — American workers are the world’s most productive, followed by the Irish, though productivity is rising fastest in China and much of the rest of Asia, according to the International Labor Organization. When productivity was measured by the hour rather than by the total number of hours worked, however, Norway, an oil nation, was the most productive, followed by the United States and France, the organization said in a report released over the weekend and published every two years. It mostly used 2006 data. “The difference in rankings can be explained by the fact that annual working hours per person employed are considerably higher in the United States than in the majority of European economies,” the report said. HA!!!!! What about the Facts??? What good is productivity if the price is not marketable? Wheeee! We made a million more widgets but we cannot lower the price to compete? What sense does that make? His question pertained to Germany. Yes they are less productive due to the excess paid sick time and paid vacation time which forces them to raise prices on products produced. Concerning American unions not all of them are bad but some of them are like a leach in the middle of your back that you cannot reach just sucking out your blood. Trade tarrifs? Everytime that happens companies raise prices to increase profit because they can and it closes the gap again that was supposed to help trade and then the union goons push the coffee pot cleaner's wage from $25 to $30 per hour with time and a half over eight when they only clean the coffee pot twice a day. Madisonman's picture of leaning back in a chair should be a poster campaign for most American unions. People will need to make sacrifices to change the path we are on but nobody is willing. Like I said. Spoiled brats. Read the link. Europe is losing jobs to outsourcing just like we are. |
Edited by
Sun 03/23/08 12:25 PM
Later when I have time,
Id love to talk to you about, The effects Unions have had on the quality of life in America, and the balance between American family's standard of living, and The grotesque profits of large corporations and their greed. We could even talk about safety in the work place and by-passing fair labor and environmental laws via Asian labor! Promotion of child and slave labor, is promotion of child and slave labor, anyway you slice it! Oh, and we are the largest consumer market in the World... Later, after work.. Right now I have to go clean coffee pots,,, at least twice before the days over!! ![]() |
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Sun 03/23/08 01:29 PM
Later when I have time, Id love to talk to you about, The effects Unions have had on the quality of life in America, and the balance between American family's standard of living, and The grotesque profits of large corporations and their greed. We could even talk about safety in the work place and by-passing fair labor and environmental laws via Asian labor! Promotion of child and slave labor, is promotion of child and slave labor, anyway you slice it! Oh, and we are the largest consumer market in the World... Later, after work.. Right now I have to go clean coffee pots,,, at least twice before the days over!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I am not anti union. I think they have their place of protecting workers and they were an important part of building our country. Things now are largely not what they were then. Some unions are now in it for the money more than representing their members. Unions are a business and a mob run business. Unions have played a large role in our standard of living but we Americans just keep wanting more and more and more. It is what we have become accustomed to getting and our greedy nature will not let us be competitive in the world because it means that we would have to change our ways and our attitude. We have to change as we can with the world market or we will be run over by it. Remember the 70's? Import tariffs on Japanese cars gave us the Aries and K cars. Quality suffers when there is no competition. Why do we import more than we export? Price and quality are apparently acceptable enough and trump what we manufacture here or we wouldn't have that problem. America can regain its place in the world market and we can maintain our quality of life by concentrating on manufacturing what the third world countries cannot because of the lack of technology. They can make the socks cheaper than we can but they cannot make the equipment to make the socks as an example. ![]() Concerning "the groteque profits of large corporations and their greed": If you are still buying their products it must be ok with you or you would buy from someone else? You, me, and everyone else can cause change but are you willing? Can you honestly say you would say no, that is as much profit as I need because I don't want to be greedy? How would you explain that tactic to your shareholders while you are cleaning out your desk on your last day as CEO? Who are the shareholders? Got a 401k? ![]() |
Later when I have time, Id love to talk to you about, The effects Unions have had on the quality of life in America, and the balance between American family's standard of living, and The grotesque profits of large corporations and their greed. We could even talk about safety in the work place and by-passing fair labor and environmental laws via Asian labor! Promotion of child and slave labor, is promotion of child and slave labor, anyway you slice it! Oh, and we are the largest consumer market in the World... Later, after work.. Right now I have to go clean coffee pots,,, at least twice before the days over!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I am not anti union. I think they have their place of protecting workers and they were an important part of building our country. Things now are largely not what they were then. Some unions are now in it for the money more than representing their members. Unions are a business and a mob run business. Unions have played a large role in our standard of living but we Americans just keep wanting more and more and more. It is what we have become accustomed to getting and our greedy nature will not let us be competitive in the world because it means that we would have to change our ways and our attitude. We have to change as we can with the world market or we will be run over by it. Remember the 70's? Import tariffs on Japanese cars gave us the Aries and K cars. Quality suffers when there is no competition. Why do we import more than we export? Price and quality are apparently acceptable enough and trump what we manufacture here or we wouldn't have that problem. America can regain its place in the world market and we can maintain our quality of life by concentrating on manufacturing what the third world countries cannot because of the lack of technology. They can make the socks cheaper than we can but they cannot make the equipment to make the socks as an example. ![]() Concerning "the groteque profits of large corporations and their greed": If you are still buying their products it must be ok with you or you would buy from someone else? You, me, and everyone else can cause change but are you willing? Can you honestly say you would say no, that is as much profit as I need because I don't want to be greedy? How would you explain that tactic to your shareholders while you are cleaning out your desk on your last day as CEO? Who are the shareholders? Got a 401k? ![]() ![]() |
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Sun 03/23/08 03:01 PM
![]() ![]() It is Maria by the way. ![]() |
![]() ![]() It is Maria by the way. ![]() I was union for 6 years and my experience was pretty much good for the better part. |
I agree blackfork but it is verry hard to do. I just find it Ironic we are trying to build a democracy in the middle east and we continue to be Chinas largest export market, its a great way to seperate political spin from reality, you know what they say action speaks louder than words How much stuff have YOU bought in the last month that is made in China? If the government got involved in China's affairs there would be people b*tching about that. Just can't win. ![]() ![]() IJ: I think your pooch says it all!! But, it is hard on a lot of products to buy American. But, I do my best whenever I can - buy American. Lindyy ![]() Good for you, Lindyy! ![]() ![]() ![]() And I say that without any trace of sarcasm. ![]() |
I agree blackfork but it is verry hard to do. I just find it Ironic we are trying to build a democracy in the middle east and we continue to be Chinas largest export market, its a great way to seperate political spin from reality, you know what they say action speaks louder than words How much stuff have YOU bought in the last month that is made in China? If the government got involved in China's affairs there would be people b*tching about that. Just can't win. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Later when I have time, Id love to talk to you about, The effects Unions have had on the quality of life in America, and the balance between American family's standard of living, and The grotesque profits of large corporations and their greed. We could even talk about safety in the work place and by-passing fair labor and environmental laws via Asian labor! Promotion of child and slave labor, is promotion of child and slave labor, anyway you slice it! Oh, and we are the largest consumer market in the World... Later, after work.. Right now I have to go clean coffee pots,,, at least twice before the days over!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I am not anti union. I think they have their place of protecting workers and they were an important part of building our country. Things now are largely not what they were then. Some unions are now in it for the money more than representing their members. Unions are a business and a mob run business. Unions have played a large role in our standard of living but we Americans just keep wanting more and more and more. It is what we have become accustomed to getting and our greedy nature will not let us be competitive in the world because it means that we would have to change our ways and our attitude. We have to change as we can with the world market or we will be run over by it. Remember the 70's? Import tariffs on Japanese cars gave us the Aries and K cars. Quality suffers when there is no competition. Why do we import more than we export? Price and quality are apparently acceptable enough and trump what we manufacture here or we wouldn't have that problem. America can regain its place in the world market and we can maintain our quality of life by concentrating on manufacturing what the third world countries cannot because of the lack of technology. They can make the socks cheaper than we can but they cannot make the equipment to make the socks as an example. ![]() Concerning "the groteque profits of large corporations and their greed": If you are still buying their products it must be ok with you or you would buy from someone else? You, me, and everyone else can cause change but are you willing? Can you honestly say you would say no, that is as much profit as I need because I don't want to be greedy? How would you explain that tactic to your shareholders while you are cleaning out your desk on your last day as CEO? Who are the shareholders? Got a 401k? ![]() Ouch! ![]() |
I didn't bother to read through all this dribble; but heres a sensible solution: QUIT BUYING CHINESE CRAP! Support your local craftsman! Every dollar you send to china supports Communism! HOW? Everything from this keyboard, to my car, to my snowboard goggles (OAKLEY) to my pocket knife (LEATHERMAN) to my Ipod, to my TV to my SHOES, to my jacket, to my pants Is MADE IN CHINA |
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Tue 03/25/08 04:16 PM
Unions are a business and a mob run business. Unions have played a large role in our standard of living but we Americans just keep wanting more and more and more. It is what we have become accustomed to getting and our greedy nature will not let us be competitive in the world because it means that we would have to change our ways and our attitude. We have to change as we can with the world market or we will be run over by it. Remember the 70's? Import tariffs on Japanese cars gave us the Aries and K cars. Quality suffers when there is no competition. Why do we import more than we export? Price and quality are apparently acceptable enough and trump what we manufacture here or we wouldn't have that problem. America can regain its place in the world market and we can maintain our quality of life by concentrating on manufacturing what the third world countries cannot because of the lack of technology. They can make the socks cheaper than we can but they cannot make the equipment to make the socks as an example.
Concerning "the groteque profits of large corporations and their greed": If you are still buying their products it must be ok with you or you would buy from someone else? You, me, and everyone else can cause change but are you willing? Can you honestly say you would say no, that is as much profit as I need because I don't want to be greedy? How would you explain that tactic to your shareholders while you are cleaning out your desk on your last day as CEO? Who are the shareholders? Got a 401k? ================================================================ See what I mean by buying into the propoganda!They manufacture the products cheaper by breaking all the enviornmental and child labor laws that we and the rest of the world, have felt important enough to enact! None of this was a problem until the 70's when the protective tariffs were lifted. Before that the American Dollar was worth 7 German marks. Why?, because the trade defecit was not as large. Americans produced far more than the rest of the world, and a far better quality. The only winner in this is the large corporations. It sure isnt the textile workers who lost their jobs, or the ironworkers, or the Auto workers, or the single mother trying to work two full-time jobs, (one to try and pay the bills, and the other to pay for childcare)! Everyone *****es about losing their jobs, and the fact that it now takes two full-time jobs per family to survive. The gap between the haves and have-nots continues to expand, and prices go up, (they've never went down), and the pay doesn't increase. While people keep listening to the propoganda, America is turned from an Industrial Nation to one based on the service Industry, and all the while people sit back wondering what happened! ![]() ![]() ![]() OUCH is right Zap!! |
IJ: I think your pooch says it all!! But, it is hard on a lot of products to buy American. But, I do my best whenever I can - buy American. Lindyy ![]() Good for you, Lindyy! ![]() ![]() ![]() And I say that without any trace of sarcasm. ![]() Lindyy says: MNHiker - thank you. Gee, it is nice to be nice. Now,I know the guys will go ugggghhh, but here are some of my items that I use daily that are made in the USA: Jergens hand lotion, "Freeze it" hair spray, No Nonsense panty hose (hush up you guys) and Bauch & Lomb Boston Conditioning Solution for contact lens. You just have to read labels and make your best decision. Lindyy ![]() |
We stand to lose more than money if we were to go at China. They are the new emerging superpower, with their troops they can and will defeat the United States. Not a sensible choice, first time I agree with Bush remaining silent on the matter.
We stand to lose more than money if we were to go at China. They are the new emerging superpower, with their troops they can and will defeat the United States. Not a sensible choice, first time I agree with Bush remaining silent on the matter. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Where's my weapon???? ![]() |