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Topic: "Cyber Jealousy"
leroy01's photo
Sun 01/07/07 11:29 AM
Like it say's "Justsay hi"

Do you notice a little rivalry now & again?
Not everything on this site should be taken so seriously.
Have fun make friends, maybe even a love conection, but for christ sakes
loosen up!

Sluggo's photo
Sun 01/07/07 11:31 AM
Leroy, did someone take your Inflatable Cyber Girl again?

Dreamweaverangel's photo
Sun 01/07/07 11:32 AM
So very true, Leroy!!!! So many people get way too serious and blow
stuff out of reality...Thank you for this topic!

leroy01's photo
Sun 01/07/07 11:43 AM
Yes they did sluggo! I was up all night worried! She told me she was
going to the store to get smokes last night. Early this morning I found
the dirty little beoch on my porch, deflated $ smelling of booze. I
heard a beer bottle smash on the street and a burn out I looked up to
see my damn brother in his car driving twords the rising sun

heatherrae's photo
Sun 01/07/07 11:45 AM
omigod leroy your so naughty.

leroy01's photo
Sun 01/07/07 11:49 AM
Hello, good morning Sexy Heather, Girl of my nautiest, wildest wetest,

leroy01's photo
Sun 01/07/07 12:02 PM
Smiling is good therapy!

TheShadow's photo
Sun 01/07/07 12:06 PM
LOL Leroy I think you shouild look at more of the threads lol and look
whos posting them that are on right now

no photo
Sun 01/07/07 12:14 PM
Cyber jealousy Good God

heatherrae's photo
Sun 01/07/07 12:16 PM
ya people get a little clique goin and then they get all possesive if
someone else even dares to flirt with em.
stupid if ya ask me.

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 01/07/07 12:21 PM
Hummm anyone got any DUCK TAPE leroy needs to borrow some.


TheShadow's photo
Sun 01/07/07 12:22 PM
Sounds like to me Txs you want to tie him up LOL :)

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 01/07/07 12:25 PM
Hummmmmmmmm noooooooooooo silly his lady has a hole and lost all her hot
air he needs to fix her!!


TheShadow's photo
Sun 01/07/07 12:26 PM
and you come to help hm LMAO

romee's photo
Sun 01/07/07 12:26 PM
yea some people take this stuff to seriously" one women that liked me,
on this site emailed me and called me a jerk, just because she saw my
friend's list on here so stupid it's not like i'm seeing them in person
people need to loosen up.

iceprincess's photo
Sun 01/07/07 12:27 PM
Leroy i promise to stop talking to shadow.LMAO so whats up bpys and

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 01/07/07 12:28 PM
Hummm what are friends for ohhhh that is right your lady had a hole the
other day too well heck sure you and learoy can get together and
exchange tips on how to use the DUCK TAPE sure you have plenty leftl

I know go to my corner lol

no photo
Sun 01/07/07 12:28 PM
yes they do it's a sad day when you can't have cyber or real life
friends, I am not trading all my friends for a piece of ass sorry

lionsbrew's photo
Sun 01/07/07 12:30 PM
i got a can of fix a flat if it will help lol.

TheShadow's photo
Sun 01/07/07 12:31 PM
Yeah when you show up Txs with the tape we have an idea what to do LOL

Well Well Well Look who it is lol ICE and you know you want stop talking
to me :)

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