Topic: eating disorders
toastedoranges's photo
Tue 03/18/08 10:36 PM

eating disorders aren't always about weight. some start that way but it's not really about that

true, that poster made their motives sound like that though

nando84's photo
Tue 03/18/08 10:38 PM

lol..i wish i could share be4 and after

Check 17 > 286 pounds.

23 = 185 pounds..and thats after my peak! i gained about 20..I looked freakish..but mad sexy!

That's some damn good adive man!

I'm str8 up telling you!!

you will barf in secret binge eat alone in what will seem the longest most shameful period of your life. And telling yourself..I won't do it as often doens't work.

how is that good advice? if you wanted to lose weight, you could work out and diet. what you're advocating is unhealthy, not just physically but psychologically


I'm advocating that this person..any person...with an advance stage of this disease? will ultimately need intervention. I know i do. and..

For me..I lost the first 65 pounds legit. Walking , diet, and somewhere along the line...things crumbled. Building strong stomach muchles sounds like a good thing.

PLus she didn't specify what kind of advice. Cause a true warrior of bulemia, binge eating knows the art of secrecy

Winx's photo
Tue 03/18/08 10:38 PM

ok...i'm actually trying to be serious for once (unlike me in other threads at times)

not starting is best but it happens

I almost died 3 yrs ago from having them since 17. i was anorexic AND bulemic at the same time. the feelings still surface and like an alcoholic wanting a drink at times...i fight it.

i try to use what i have learned but was wondering if anyone has been through it and what they did

There are specialized counselors. There are inpt. But, I think that you already know that.

I wish you the best and hope you have someone specialized in that area to talk with about your bad days.

no photo
Tue 03/18/08 10:39 PM
Hi Rose Hi everyone. I think it's about not feeling "good enough" we are all under pressure to be beautiful, high acchievers, & always be happy. It's just not realistic!

nando84's photo
Tue 03/18/08 10:41 PM
Edited by nando84 on Tue 03/18/08 10:42 PM

Hi Rose Hi everyone. I think it's about not feeling "good enough" we are all under pressure to be beautiful, high acchievers, & always be happy. It's just not realistic!

yeah that too.

Its not all about weight. how you truely feel about yourself is probably the cure. i think a few people admit..Counseling

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 03/18/08 10:41 PM
ty guys. I was wondering if there are better things to try and this is for those that do suffer in secret as well.

i have actually been "sober" (for lack of a better term) for 3 yrs. and i have learned alot about life and myself.

i was wondering if anyone had advice for those in secret or for those thinking about it

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 03/18/08 10:43 PM
this is just something that most don't realize it's an addiction just like alcohol or drugs are.

what is your advice for those that drink or do drugs? for those addicted....isn't it a matter of escape as well?

no photo
Tue 03/18/08 10:44 PM
Something I don't really know much about. Mysister was purging, but she never binged that I know of, but we are not close. I have only seem her about 3 times in 6 years. She stays thin, but not too thin, maybe she was just going tghough a phase & isn't really bulimic.

nando84's photo
Tue 03/18/08 10:46 PM
i would ask.

if you care that much that is.

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 03/18/08 10:49 PM

Something I don't really know much about. Mysister was purging, but she never binged that I know of, but we are not close. I have only seem her about 3 times in 6 years. She stays thin, but not too thin, maybe she was just going tghough a phase & isn't really bulimic.

it's a form of bulimia. i think she has what i did...a form of

nando84's photo
Tue 03/18/08 10:50 PM
Edited by nando84 on Tue 03/18/08 10:53 PM

ty guys. I was wondering if there are better things to try and this is for those that do suffer in secret as well.

i have actually been "sober" (for lack of a better term) for 3 yrs. and i have learned alot about life and myself.

i was wondering if anyone had advice for those in secret or for those thinking about it

so what do you do>?

how did you deal with it?

were you jsut scared for your lifE?

no photo
Tue 03/18/08 10:51 PM
We don't really get along. I am 1400 miles away from all of them with good reason, trying to straighten myself out. Sounds harsh, but they all have each other & I am here alone. (except for JSH)

no photo
Tue 03/18/08 10:51 PM

Something I don't really know much about. Mysister was purging, but she never binged that I know of, but we are not close. I have only seem her about 3 times in 6 years. She stays thin, but not too thin, maybe she was just going tghough a phase & isn't really bulimic.

it's a form of bulimia. i think she has what i did...a form of

no photo
Tue 03/18/08 10:52 PM
I don't really know the difference Rose, can you please explain?

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 03/18/08 10:53 PM

ty guys. I was wondering if there are better things to try and this is for those that do suffer in secret as well.

i have actually been "sober" (for lack of a better term) for 3 yrs. and i have learned alot about life and myself.

i was wondering if anyone had advice for those in secret or for those thinking about it

honestly.. I came in loose to this thread...but i'm plenty tight now. What did you do?

like i said..Doctors telling me that my pancreas will die out and take me a direct result of alchol intake..helped kicked my alcoholic promblem..sadly i still sociol drink...

i don't consider this a very conscious choice of mine. i was 21 when they told me this my SECOND time! you said you had a near death experience...b/c of this?

and now you've been sober for three years?

how did you combat the urge.?

almost dying worked for me...i didn't want to put my loved ones through it. I did it more for them at first but realized i needed to for myself. I WAS 5'7 and under 100 lbs with Bulimorexia. I finally hit rock bottom and asked for help. something i had never done before.

that's why i wonder if the same advice for drinking and drugs would work

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 03/18/08 10:54 PM

We don't really get along. I am 1400 miles away from all of them with good reason, trying to straighten myself out. Sounds harsh, but they all have each other & I am here alone. (except for JSH)

i leanred you can't help others until you help yourself first. so don't feel bad about it. you have to get straight first. something i have trouble doing because i help everyone else first and push my stuff to the back. so you are doing right

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 03/18/08 10:56 PM

I don't really know the difference Rose, can you please explain?

anorexia is starving. most want to "disappear"

bulemia is eating a lot then feeling guilty so they purge. most feel like it's expelling their "demons" so to speak

Bulimorexia is not eating but still purging

people purge in different was....not just throwing up

make sense?

livelife68's photo
Tue 03/18/08 10:57 PM
there are support groups out there for people with eating disorders. Much the same as for alcoholics or addicts.

nando84's photo
Tue 03/18/08 10:57 PM
well Like i said.

telling me i might die..really worked for me to.

and admitting that you're in war with alcohol and you have no weapons!...

i guess it really is the first step.

I do some work in Chicago NW homeless shelter... half those guys are ex-cons and sustance abusers. We've had this discussion plenty of times... Ego and mans urge for self control really interfere with getting their bums.

no photo
Tue 03/18/08 10:58 PM

We don't really get along. I am 1400 miles away from all of them with good reason, trying to straighten myself out. Sounds harsh, but they all have each other & I am here alone. (except for JSH)

i leanred you can't help others until you help yourself first. so don't feel bad about it. you have to get straight first. something i have trouble doing because i help everyone else first and push my stuff to the back. so you are doing right

It sounds selfish , but I know. I was so depressed there & I got up to 240lbs. I was becoming agorephobic (sp) & the people I dreaded seeing most were my own family.