Topic: A Letter about Friends
sweetcountrygirl's photo
Mon 01/01/07 07:37 PM
you have insulted a very dear friend by accusing her of "stealing"
others words...
I highly suggest that although we here at the site cannot in any way
insult or hurt your feelings, or anything of that nature that you step
warily..."Because I happen to know of a higer power that can and will
make your life miserable...
have you ever heard the saying that 'What goes around comes
around"...sure you have...and ya'll, I am not tryin to start a religious
conversation here, but I do know that the G_d I worship will avenge what
is done here....Just ignore him and perhaps...he will go away...and
trust me, he wont be here long...I will say no more on or about the

TXS...nobody here thinks you stole the words or copied them...
so no worries...dont let this guy get under your skin...the only reason
he did it is because we would not feed into his nonsense...

no photo
Mon 01/01/07 07:38 PM
what do you think the 4 stars stand for??...give me a break will you??

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 01/01/07 07:41 PM
True girl but if one is gonna accuse me or lying or stealing from
another the least they can do is produce the book and the author in
question ! If not the least they could do is admit they were wrong and
all is forgotten. You should never accuse anyone of anything if you do
not have the proof to back it up at the time.

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 01/01/07 07:42 PM
it stands for s-h-i-t hummmm is that what your complaining about get
real and get a life

no photo
Mon 01/01/07 07:43 PM
ms . sweet country girl...are you serious?? God is gonna punish me?? for
what??...let's see... he came to earth 2009 or 2010 yrs ago to "save
us" we have thousands of imes the number of crimes we had back
then, people are starving to death...even in the streets of the USA as
the government spends millions in overseas wars...there are more rapes,
more child abuse, more robberies and crime than existed back then...yet
he still doesn't come again...the poles are melting, insuring a world
wide catastrophe in just a matter of years...he still doesn't come
back...but he is gonna pay attention to what's going on in this or any
other website??...really, are you serious??...give me a few days I'll
get you the title of the book

no photo
Mon 01/01/07 07:46 PM
Until you produce your so called proof dude why don't just shut up

no photo
Mon 01/01/07 07:47 PM
goverments spend more money in killing than in feeding starving rape their own kids and abuse them...religions are in
shambles...sick people like some of the ones in this site leave sexual
fantasies in an abnormal way...body parts are sold like spare parts for
cars...children are abducted and sold...but God is gonna punish me??
Must be YOUR GOD that will punish me....if such a God exists...I don't
want any part of all yours...MS Country Girl!!

no photo
Mon 01/01/07 07:50 PM
Ms Chubby...I am not a are not a dudette, are
you??...thanks...and mind your own buss. I haven't spoken or mail you
a mess. THANK U!!!

Dreamweaverangel's photo
Mon 01/01/07 07:51 PM
Why doesn't someone pretend that this weirdo guy has vanished? Better
yet, lets ignour him and talk about this beautiful post!

no photo
Mon 01/01/07 07:52 PM
I am what I am and what I am ain' none oif your damned buisiness, you
come here and start **** all damn day, grow up, if you don't like it
here then leave quit *****in about it alrady be a man and leave

no photo
Mon 01/01/07 07:54 PM
ïgnore"dear...not ignour....I don't believe that word exists...Tell you
what....If what I wrote in my last 2 messages is totally
people honestly think I'm 100% wrong...nothing of what I wrote has any
truth or basis...If you can honestly say so...not only will I live this
site now...but I won't come back..How about it??

no photo
Mon 01/01/07 07:56 PM
hey you really have an idea of what a man is?? ok...thanks

slowtogetit's photo
Mon 01/01/07 08:01 PM
first gal, those words were awesome, keep up the good
who left the door open so sh**head could get in?

no photo
Mon 01/01/07 08:06 PM
"slowtogetit"???...very appropiate...other than air, what's inside ur

slowtogetit's photo
Mon 01/01/07 08:08 PM
not you, so don't flatter yourself.

no photo
Mon 01/01/07 08:10 PM
I noticed none of ur ättacking friends", actually, not even u...rebuffed
my argument...maybe I'm not as crazy as you all thought I was

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 01/01/07 08:23 PM
Niala first of all you started bashing the words I wrote and said I
copied those words then in mid stream you go off on the goverment and
staving children which we will not say that is not happening it is all
over the news those are the words from many reporters in this world not
yours even if you did change the words around they are still not your
words. So no one thinks your wrong for those thoughts we all know it is
happening. But what benifit do you get accusing someone else of
something they did not do. Why I even try to figure out why you say the
things you do is like a chicken running around with there head cut off
it will never make no sense for I'm wasting my breath talking to someone
that has no clue about people themselves.

no photo
Mon 01/01/07 08:28 PM
I expected a better response...It wasn't bad, but could've been if you read the aequence, the lady "Sweet something"spoke
of God punishing me??...that was my point...I really wanted HER answer,
but she couldn' least you did...and I didn't laid out my argument
by saying Ï created it"

Morena350's photo
Mon 01/01/07 08:35 PM
Txs, it was nice of you to write that for us to read,
you go gurly!!!!!!
and who the hell is Niala, Im half Puerto Rican, and I don't think, he
is, so why not be yourself, and say what you want,
what??????????afraid? why hide, come out and play, but not as a fake, I
think you know exactly who your talking to on this site
and I know you know everyone well darling.
So be a real man and come out with your true self to talk all of that
stop playing little kids games !!!!!and we cool!!!!

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 01/01/07 08:38 PM
Well religion I do not get into with anyone for each person thoughts on
that is there own belief and who am I to judge what someone believes if
the subject of religion comes up and I'm there it will only be because
someone is explaining to me there religion and I'm curious but it is
never to judge them on there beliefs. I don't reciet the bible or what
God will do to anyone for that will be between that person and God when
the time comes. And for those that do not believe in God hey you have
your rights to believe in whom ever you want to or not believe I will
still not judge you if you don't believe.