Community > Posts By > niala21

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Mon 01/01/07 09:24 PM
Mr Sissy???...this place is strong on name least my
photo don't look like some weird bird

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Mon 01/01/07 09:18 PM
mr gryph...or whatever you call have something to say
about me...send me the message,,,some of you people are amazing

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Mon 01/01/07 08:51 PM
well...that was nice of you!!! I guess I'm wrong again??...the
woodworks??...uhmmmm...u people are so kind

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Mon 01/01/07 08:49 PM
ms texas...I actually didn't do anything...your brain worked because you
have one...that's all

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Mon 01/01/07 08:45 PM
ms morena....I am in PR, but that doesn't make me Puerto
ruican...actually...what difference does it make where someone is
from??...there are good people and bad people in every single
country...the place you are born doesn't make you who you are...actually
YOU can change the place you are at, not the other way are
very shallow

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Mon 01/01/07 08:28 PM
I expected a better response...It wasn't bad, but could've been if you read the aequence, the lady "Sweet something"spoke
of God punishing me??...that was my point...I really wanted HER answer,
but she couldn' least you did...and I didn't laid out my argument
by saying Ï created it"

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Mon 01/01/07 08:22 PM
hey chuby chase...what happened to your allied friends??...they had no
rebutals to their nonsense talk??

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Mon 01/01/07 08:10 PM
I noticed none of ur ättacking friends", actually, not even u...rebuffed
my argument...maybe I'm not as crazy as you all thought I was

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Mon 01/01/07 08:06 PM
"slowtogetit"???...very appropiate...other than air, what's inside ur

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Mon 01/01/07 07:56 PM
hey you really have an idea of what a man is?? ok...thanks

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Mon 01/01/07 07:54 PM
ïgnore"dear...not ignour....I don't believe that word exists...Tell you
what....If what I wrote in my last 2 messages is totally
people honestly think I'm 100% wrong...nothing of what I wrote has any
truth or basis...If you can honestly say so...not only will I live this
site now...but I won't come back..How about it??

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Mon 01/01/07 07:50 PM
Ms Chubby...I am not a are not a dudette, are
you??...thanks...and mind your own buss. I haven't spoken or mail you
a mess. THANK U!!!

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Mon 01/01/07 07:47 PM
goverments spend more money in killing than in feeding starving rape their own kids and abuse them...religions are in
shambles...sick people like some of the ones in this site leave sexual
fantasies in an abnormal way...body parts are sold like spare parts for
cars...children are abducted and sold...but God is gonna punish me??
Must be YOUR GOD that will punish me....if such a God exists...I don't
want any part of all yours...MS Country Girl!!

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Mon 01/01/07 07:43 PM
ms . sweet country girl...are you serious?? God is gonna punish me?? for
what??...let's see... he came to earth 2009 or 2010 yrs ago to "save
us" we have thousands of imes the number of crimes we had back
then, people are starving to death...even in the streets of the USA as
the government spends millions in overseas wars...there are more rapes,
more child abuse, more robberies and crime than existed back then...yet
he still doesn't come again...the poles are melting, insuring a world
wide catastrophe in just a matter of years...he still doesn't come
back...but he is gonna pay attention to what's going on in this or any
other website??...really, are you serious??...give me a few days I'll
get you the title of the book

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Mon 01/01/07 07:38 PM
what do you think the 4 stars stand for??...give me a break will you??

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Mon 01/01/07 07:30 PM
thank you!!! very kind of you!!!

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Mon 01/01/07 07:25 PM
what r you reporting??...that I'm not a seek predator??..that I don't
live sexual fantasies over the internet?? taht it??...what about
miss 3333 e-mail, using dirty language??...u report what you don't like
to hear??...that's what allowed people like Hitler, castro and many
other dictators to opress their people...are you people sane??

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Mon 01/01/07 07:19 PM
thanks for your very clean language...give me 3 or 4 days and I'll
gladly give you the name of the book as I have many, although not all
about poems...and don't try to outclever me...just because you changed a
few words here and there doesn't mean you wrote people are
something all insane or lonely or both...and then some

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Mon 01/01/07 07:08 PM
all of you are full of ****...that "poem", if you wanna call it that, is
copied from a book, I know because I have it...."situation we found
ourselves on today"??,,,listen punk broad...U R SICK!!!

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Mon 01/01/07 02:53 PM
Sweetheart....doing and talking about something are 2 different need a man, me...niala92160 at yahoo
dot com.
Good luck