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aleacim831's photo
Sun 12/31/06 07:47 PM
Ok so Texas allows stupid people to buy fireworks and set them off where
ever they please. Which means the idiotic people of Texas come out of
the woodworks and stand in front of my house and fire them off. I have
two very small children asleep in bed. So what do I do go outside and
ask them to move elseware lol And they freak out saying its New Years
well who the beeeeppp cares! Why are people so rude? Why in the world do
they let dumb people buy fireworks and set them off over my house? I'm
also a volunteer firefighter and know that its unsafe to set off
fireworks around homes and other areas. Is it a southern thing? I just
moved here maybe they don't have that many brain cells as we do up
north... Sigh...

Kevin3824's photo
Sun 12/31/06 07:53 PM
careful there seems like there are more people on here from the southern
US then from the northern US. Some of them seem very proud of their
heretage there.

songbirrd's photo
Sun 12/31/06 07:55 PM
yea im a southern and i've never done the whole fireworx thing.dont
clump us ok?

aleacim831's photo
Sun 12/31/06 07:57 PM
Not once did I say all southerns were idiots just wondered if they
weren't all there since they fire off fireworks at peoples houses.

ZION's photo
Sun 12/31/06 08:02 PM
call the poliece bebe and tell them what is going on

aleacim831's photo
Sun 12/31/06 08:06 PM
Well its Texas their allowed to fire off fireworks where ever they want.
But people don't care about families and homes it appears.

no photo
Sun 12/31/06 08:32 PM
happy new year---- in chicago they shoot guns you need to thank your
lucky stars its just fire works. lol

Dreamweaverangel's photo
Sun 12/31/06 08:32 PM
My daughter and her husband are volunteer fire people...with my
daughter's boy friend being the chief...they work harder, this time of
year or 4th of July, than any other time of the year...they work putting
out fires, everywhere and they can tell you some awful scary stories
about fireworks. They DO need better laws, here, in TX...It is so scary
when fire works turn into FIRE. Please do not lump all of us Texans or
southern folks into one lump of dumb jerks, please...stupid people, when
it comes to fireworks are EVERYWHERE...I use to live up north, myself,
and I did not see too many smart people, there, either, when it comes to
fireworks...I think, hun, the words fireworks/stupid, just go
together...LOL! HAPPY NEW YEAR, and try to stay safe and take care of
those kids....God bless and keep you and yours!

joe1973's photo
Sun 12/31/06 08:36 PM

aleacim831's photo
Sun 12/31/06 08:44 PM
Ok I was really frusterated at the people outside my door looking at me
stupidly wondering why in the world I wouldn't want them shooting
fireworks off in front of my house. I do apologize for calling
Texans/southerns idiots I really don't think everyone is like that. :)

Dreamweaverangel's photo
Sun 12/31/06 08:59 PM
Hey, girl....if people were shooting fireworks off at my front door or
near my house, I would get a little bit pissy, also....I do not blame
you, one bit!

songbirrd's photo
Sun 12/31/06 09:01 PM
throw rocks at them!! lol srry im in a funny mood

Dreamweaverangel's photo
Sun 12/31/06 09:07 PM
LMAO! Good one, Song!

aleacim831's photo
Sun 12/31/06 09:11 PM
Lol I'm not a violent person. :) But I have friends who are cops so I'd
just call them if needed they have guns hehe.

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 12/31/06 09:22 PM
Humm first of all Texas does not allow you to shoot off fireworks where
ever don't know what part of Texas you live in but were I live they do
not allow for them to be sold in the county problem is there is county's
that allow fireworks to be sold but then are agaisnt the law in most
areas to set them off so all I can say is call the cops. If too close to
my home I would they can go out by a lake somewere and shoot them off.

Dreamweaverangel's photo
Sun 12/31/06 09:29 PM
TX...NO TY, GF....I live on the lake...lake front...we do not like
fireworks, either....LMAO!

no photo
Sun 12/31/06 11:32 PM
yeah against the law here in town except fourth of july buy I live
outside city limits and can set them off 24/7 any day of the year

no photo
Thu 01/04/07 10:25 AM
That would have to go before your city council. Here in Utah they
restrict them to a few parking lots in town so they don't have the fires
that you and I (being a retired firefighter) know can and will happen.
If you start a fire here outside of the restricted zone then they can
charge you with arson.

no photo
Fri 01/05/07 03:45 PM
yep... laws laws.. and more laws.

FariesDoFly's photo
Wed 02/14/07 11:17 PM
That happens in Canada here too, shouldnt so much blame the people
setting them off more blame should go to those who bring them in, I'm
studying law right now but its different in the States so i can't tell
you any difference...

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