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Topic: Poetry Critique
ZPicante's photo
Tue 03/11/08 03:30 PM
Just out of curiosity and intrigue and interest and such...

How open are you to having your poetry critiqued? And, for that matter, how seriously do you take poetry-writing?

Please respond in 200 words or less. Or...*Flashes teeth* :wink:

no photo
Tue 03/11/08 03:34 PM

Just out of curiosity and intrigue and interest and such...

How open are you to having your poetry critiqued? And, for that matter, how seriously do you take poetry-writing?

Please respond in 200 words or less. Or...*Flashes teeth* :wink:
<-wants people to be honest
I've only been writing for a short time
I have a lot to learn

Lozer's photo
Tue 03/11/08 03:34 PM

Wellz, I am extremely open to having
my poetry/prose critiqued. One can never
learn it all, and having someone help
you along the way and give them their
insight can help you pick up things
you may not have even noticed in your
piece otherwise, no?

I take poetry/prose pretty serious, but nothing
wrong with a lighthearted piece every now
and again. 'Sides, comedy makes the world
go 'round, right?

Jess642's photo
Tue 03/11/08 03:34 PM
You can critique my work all you like... it has no impact on me... your filters allow you to see what you choose to see... and can be polar opposite to what I see...

There's 7 pages of mine and others work, that touches sierra locos....knock yourself out!

As to accolades? I don't require them, all I do is share whatever comes up in me, with any who chooses to read them...

My words, are a showing of my soul, it's expression, so no one can take from my soul... so critique is of no consequence to me.

Sitngrin's photo
Tue 03/11/08 03:35 PM
Personally, I don't mind having my work critiqued one bit. And as for the other question....Poetry is therapy, my release, my gifts to others and gift God gave me to help myself and others. So..VERY seriously


no photo
Tue 03/11/08 03:37 PM
I'm with Jess. Critique me all you like. Or not. The point is that I have to be happy with my writing and truthfully, as long as I like it, and it says what I need to say, that's really all that matters. Having people enjoy it is just the frosting on the cake....

no photo
Tue 03/11/08 03:37 PM
I'm not very good at poetry (I'm really more of a short story-long story-article-type writer), but I have posted maybe a dozen poems on here and have generally had pretty good reviews. Although that may just be because the people making the comments are people who have always been nice to me anyway.

I'm not really comfortable with the format of poetry, in general, but I'm working on it. I usually tell people that I took to poetry like a moose takes to a flight simulator.

ZPicante's photo
Tue 03/11/08 03:43 PM
Great responses, all. Thanks for your replies. *Grin*

It's good to know people are generally opened to receiving critiques because, yes, 'tis a very constructive thing indeed when it comes to growing as a writer, methinks--not necessarily just knowing what "needs improvement," but just getting others' perspective/reaction to your work can be tremendously helpful and "enlightening," if you will.

Keep writing, all! *Scampers back into the bushes, catching tail on a branch and freaking out, then vanishing into the woods*

crafty_poet's photo
Tue 03/11/08 03:45 PM
Although I do not have much of a formal education I have been asked to critique poetry for several teachers and college professors. Most often it is a dangerous game. Most people who ask to have their poetry critiqued are actually asking for approval. I sometimes make them pretty angry because if they ask to have me critique it; I critique it. Sometimes it practically has to be rewritten to be effective. I tend to be from the old school where an "assonance" is just another name for a bad rhyme. My favorite recollection is of an Arkansas high school teacher who said she broke out in tears when I critiqued her work but she still thanked me for it. She did listen, though and eventually started winning awards and recognition for her new and edited work. Poetry is a fairly subjective thing and few people are qualified to critique all kinds of work. Many people send me things to post on my poetry site guest pages but I find few which are really worthy of being posted. I will leave that job for the infamous steve

Runpenzo's photo
Tue 03/11/08 03:46 PM
It was Charlie Chaplin that said "Why does poetry have to make sense?" I agree whole heartedly, poetry is an abstract interpretation of ones innermost feelings and aspirations, thoughts have no concrete being so their prose should be pure like their subject. But sometimes someone will post a lame poem, the same old “Moonlight and puppy dogs” crap that kills me, nothing abstract or expressive but writing for the approval of those reading it. but who am I to say what is and isn’t poetry, I can only write my own lame poetry and hope to read some good emotive raw poetry.

no photo
Tue 03/11/08 03:51 PM

It was Charlie Chaplin that said "Why does poetry have to make sense?" I agree whole heartedly, poetry is an abstract interpretation of ones innermost feelings and aspirations, thoughts have no concrete being so their prose should be pure like their subject. But sometimes someone will post a lame poem, the same old “Moonlight and puppy dogs” crap that kills me, nothing abstract or expressive but writing for the approval of those reading it. but who am I to say what is and isn’t poetry, I can only write my own lame poetry and hope to read some good emotive raw poetry.

Exactly. I myself am not the flowers and hearts type of writer, and frankly, I dislike most of it. I really love reading poetry, prose or spoken word that moves something in me, and hope that occasionally, I manage to throw something out that moves someone else....but as I said, as long as it moves me....than I've accomplished what I've set out to do.....

no photo
Tue 03/11/08 03:51 PM

It was Charlie Chaplin that said "Why does poetry have to make sense?" I agree whole heartedly, poetry is an abstract interpretation of ones innermost feelings and aspirations, thoughts have no concrete being so their prose should be pure like their subject. But sometimes someone will post a lame poem, the same old “Moonlight and puppy dogs” crap that kills me, nothing abstract or expressive but writing for the approval of those reading it. but who am I to say what is and isn’t poetry, I can only write my own lame poetry and hope to read some good emotive raw poetry.

Exactly. I myself am not the flowers and hearts type of writer, and frankly, I dislike most of it. I really love reading poetry, prose or spoken word that moves something in me, and hope that occasionally, I manage to throw something out that moves someone else....but as I said, as long as it moves me....than I've accomplished what I've set out to do.....

2Btrue2One's photo
Tue 03/11/08 03:54 PM
I love to write poetry, and any suggestions are welcome, it only helps me to get better...drinker

rarerose's photo
Tue 03/11/08 03:58 PM
I always want to know what people think about my poems...good, bad i dont care....i just like to know others views on it. Im sure i have some that are great and others that arent but I enjoy the way it allows me to express myself. flowerforyou So I say dont be afraid to say what you think its only your opinion

ClarkKalElKent's photo
Tue 03/11/08 05:43 PM
I'm open to it, inasmuch as I'm liable to post things that I write, but poetry can be quite subjective. Depends on the mood of the writer, and the ability to bring the reader along with the emotion you'd wish to get across. In my case (and plenty others around here, I'll wager), it'll depend on how well something jives within a songs structure. The original often gets cut to some degree, or needs to be embellished, within a certain measure of time, it's not always the easiest thing to get right. Lotta fun being a creative writer, though, and thoughtful and constructive critisizm(?) is ALWAYS appreciated.

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 03/11/08 05:54 PM
Well I don't portray myself as a poet I write because I like too. I don't plan on making a living at it. So others can say what they what too. Thoughtful critisizm is fine but I'm not here to be hacked to death for each person takes poetry different.

ClarkKalElKent's photo
Tue 03/11/08 06:01 PM
I agree, wholeheartedly!flowerforyou

ZPicante's photo
Wed 03/12/08 03:27 PM
Nice. Thank you for your thoughts.

FroznChild's photo
Wed 03/12/08 10:25 PM
I'm all up for recieving other people's opinions, and even, their critique, if they feel one needs to be left.
As long, as the person is critique-ing the poem, and not the poet.
A good critique, is only as good, as the person felt, when they wrote it.
I, like many others, like approval...
and I, like many others, wouldn't mind a few good thoughts on the poetry...
where it could be a little better in flow...
but don't try to change my ideas...
Just let me know where, and how, you thought it effected you good, bad, or ugly... lol.

cnoteblack's photo
Wed 03/12/08 10:37 PM
how can you critique the sun? or the relationship between lovers?or the light as it passes through time to reach the gleam in your eye?try to critique the wind as it cools your skin,or a laugh from your child,try to critique the thoughts from souls so giving to share and enjoy.try.glasses

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