Topic: Heaven or Hell?
richieg's photo
Tue 01/09/07 06:17 AM
rev21:6-8 the second death is eternal death 20:14
the bible never refers to death as cessation of live, but as separtion
of something from which it belongs. like body without your spirit. gen
35:18 second death is separation of man from GOD

Sybarite's photo
Tue 01/09/07 06:23 AM
thank you Richieg...I'm still a little confused about eternal
punishment(the way you explained it). if the PUNISHMENT is eternal then
I would have to be ALIVE to suffer it...but then the second death and
separation from God would be meaningless. The scriptures specifically
state that those who are not saved suffer a second death and are
eternally SEPARATED from God...I would appreciate if you would explain
further the differences.

Sybarite's photo
Tue 01/09/07 06:28 AM
excellent point! Then how many deaths must a human suffer before we are
TOTALLY and eternally out of Gods presence? That is what is stated in
Roman's. If there IS not cessation of life...then we are STILL in God's
presence...right? This is beginning to sound like Buddhist teaching..

richieg's photo
Tue 01/09/07 06:46 AM
human consciousness is conveyed in the bible description of the second
death suggesting that the best and false prophet will both remain alive
for a thousand years after being cast into the lake of fire rev, 19:20
and 20:10.

no photo
Tue 01/09/07 06:52 AM
i think if you go to heaven for being a good guy and to beleive in god i
will make it to heaven.... he knows what in your heart!

Sybarite's photo
Tue 01/09/07 07:07 AM
Ecclesiastes 9:5-6

For the living know that they shall die:but the dead KNOW NOT
ANYTHING,neither have they any more a reward;for the memory of them is
Also their love,and their hatred,and their envy,is now perished;neither
have they any more a portion FOREVER in any THING that is done under the

richieg's photo
Tue 01/09/07 07:14 AM
sorry, i'm keeping a eye on mt grand daughter.
rom 6:23 tghe penalty of sin is death, both spiritual and physical. the
moment adam sinned he died spiritually; in that sense,everyone is born
dead in sin eph. 2:1. physical death,is described as the separation of
the body and spirit james 2:26, that is the ultimate result of sin gen.
3 people who die in their sin,that is the unsaved state, will have to
face ther second death, as the lake of fire rev 20: 15

richieg's photo
Tue 01/09/07 07:18 AM
4fun06 thats trure, GOD dose know your heart, if you except JESUS,in
your heart you will be saved and go to heaven.

richieg's photo
Tue 01/09/07 07:27 AM
eccles 9:5. 5 is not a pessimistic statement about life after death
12:7, but it affirms that live on earth is the only time for opportunity
for accomplishment and reward.

Sybarite's photo
Tue 01/09/07 08:01 AM
thank you..

no photo
Tue 01/09/07 08:36 AM
How about Gods Glory. The bible states "fear not" 365 times. The people
who really know the details may lead an honest heart astray. Do not lean
on your own understanding because Gods ways are not our ways, and his
thought's are not our thoughts.
His Son"Jesus Christ" The Truth, The Light, The Way is what I rest in.
belief may fail, faith might wander, a path may change.
Jesus is the foundation for my salvation and he will cover me it says in
the Gospel(first four books of the new testament).
Jesus is the Son of God that lived, died and rose again to conquer all
sin of mankind, past present future. Anybody who believes this with
thier heart will be saved and have everlasting life. (to believe this
with your heart means that jesus helped you believe in him)
Ok, so if you want to believe: thats a start. Ask jesus into your
heart right now and ask for a hedge of protection around you and your
friends in the name of Jesus Christ. Get with a good bible based church
or friends and grow your newly born self in HIS WORD. (Holy Bible is
definitly about jesus and why we need him)(All fall short before the
glory of GOD)(just look at the universe)(God adores You and wonders what
great things you will do Next)
If you can not believe: Then ask the holy spirit to reveal you who
*Jesus Christ* is. Then ask Jesus into your heart.

Still having trouble?
You have to overcome your mind (common sense) because that is where the
battlefield is. The spirit(life force) is at war with the soul(mind will
and emotions).
So have you asked Jesus into your heart yet? Or asked the holy spirit
to reveal who "Jesus Christ" is? I challenge the reader of this to do
so. And I will do it with you.
Jesus, You know I need you even more than my soul can perceive. Please
come into my heart and live Jesus Christ because your Word Says that who
ever believe's in you will not perish but have everlasting life. In
Jesus name , amen.

I pray in the name of jesus a hedge of protection around all
who have read this and anyone else who wants it. In the name Of Jesus
Crist. amen

no photo
Wed 01/10/07 10:54 AM
I truly think that I'm going to heaven for the Lord have showned me all
the good I can share with the people just by keeping faith in him. I'm
told I'm an rolling miracle:)

Juliea's photo
Wed 01/10/07 07:52 PM
thanks john
let the prayer warrior arise!
we're taking the nations for Jesus!

halfnutts's photo
Wed 01/10/07 08:17 PM
Whether you go to heaven, or hell will not be decided by us...
anyone that says different is a lying, no matter what your good
deeds are, you will be judged and then determined where you go.

Juliea's photo
Wed 01/10/07 08:33 PM
who told u that lie?

halfnutts's photo
Wed 01/10/07 08:38 PM
The only one that thinks its a lie is someone who,s a non to deceive those that are weak, and lost... someone like
you Juliea.

MikeMontana's photo
Wed 01/10/07 09:25 PM
If we died today, nobody would be going anywhere. If you beleive in
christian bodily-resurrection, then you have to wait for Jesus to
return. Scripture text certainly leans this way - you have to wait for
the rapture before ascending from the grave. Could be a couple hundred
more years...

If you beleive in purgatory, then you get an immediate waiting place for
a non scripturally defined place. Seems like a doctors office or
something - anyway, you're not going anywhere fast.

If you dont beleive in anything, then there is nothing, and nothing for
a very long time at that.

In the end, there's a long wait. So you might as well enjoy the life you
got, and if its not very good, then do your best to make it a little
more heavenly for the guy who's got it worse than you. On one hand, it
will help the other guy immensely, and yourself. On the other hand,
you've brought heaven a little closer to earth, and nobody had to die
for it.

GolfBear's photo
Wed 01/10/07 09:47 PM
If I died today, I think I would do whatever God see fit for me.

But whatever it is, I am ready for it. I believe Christ is my savior,
and have done the best i can with the time I have been givin. Ive made
mistakes of course, but atoned and asked forgivness of them, so I
believe i will go to heaven.

Ghostrecon's photo
Wed 01/10/07 10:41 PM

You lie in a box and lights out.

Cease to exist.

What more could you ask for?

slowtogetit's photo
Wed 01/10/07 11:14 PM
it has to be heaven i'm going to, look at this world now...we are in
hell. and does anyone know where they are going for sure? isn't that why
it's called faith?