Topic: Heaven or Hell?
richieg's photo
Thu 01/11/07 06:10 AM
come on people,read luke 23:43 GOD is telling us that when you die, that
day you go to heaven or the lake of fire. GOD said to the thieve, that
was dieing on the cross with him,after the thieve believed JESUS was
LORD,and cast himself on the mercy of JESUS, JESUS told him that (today)
that he would be in paradise,with him,god said it, i belive it,and that
settles it.amen

Juliea's photo
Thu 01/11/07 01:56 PM
Let the Teachers arise!
We're taking the nations for Jesus!

Juliea's photo
Thu 01/11/07 02:01 PM
Where do u find in the Word of God that u can't accept e-mails from
people over 45. That is not of very Christ-like, at all.
You must not have many conversations with God because He way over 45.
We must always pray for Wisdom when making foolish decisions.

AlpineRocks's photo
Thu 01/11/07 02:01 PM
only way to enter the kingdom of god is to be born again.

liliuminterspinas's photo
Thu 01/11/07 05:26 PM
when i die i will simply die. i will go no where until Jesus returns.

richieg's photo
Thu 01/11/07 05:53 PM
why do you feel that you will go no where when you die? who told you

AlpineRocks's photo
Thu 01/11/07 06:00 PM
Richie glad to see you have a pic up I appolagize if I judged you on
that other post. It was not as it apeared.

richieg's photo
Thu 01/11/07 06:03 PM
yea that was ol ge bush,iwas just haveing a little fun. we all can have
fun ,and love the LORD to.

liliuminterspinas's photo
Thu 01/11/07 07:00 PM
I'm a Jehovah's Witness and we believe death is simply death. Only the
144,000 will go to Heaven (and there is no hell) and when they do the
end will come for "this system of things", Jesus will return, resurrect
the dead and begin his 1,000 year reign. God loves us too much to send
us to a place like hell.

richieg's photo
Thu 01/11/07 07:08 PM
does your sect. know that you are in a christen chat room? i know that
they try to keep outside infuance away from ther members.

liliuminterspinas's photo
Thu 01/11/07 07:13 PM
are you saying i should not be here b/c of my religion? trust me, i
stand firm in my faith and no outside influence will deter me. i love
all, believers and non-believers alike

richieg's photo
Thu 01/11/07 07:20 PM
no don't take it that way. we do want you hear.i just didn't know if you
were aloud by your fath?

liliuminterspinas's photo
Thu 01/11/07 07:30 PM
oh i see. yes it's best to be not like this "world" but i'm using this
as a means of communication so to speak. i want to tell the world the
good news of the Kingdom! there is no problem w/using the internet for
that purpose.

AlpineRocks's photo
Thu 01/11/07 07:33 PM
Your doing just fine remember were all NOTW.

AlpineRocks's photo
Thu 01/11/07 07:33 PM
Your doing just fine remember were all NOTW.

liliuminterspinas's photo
Thu 01/11/07 07:38 PM
thank you kindly and God Bless :)

MikeMontana's photo
Thu 01/25/07 08:49 PM
There is no heaven, and there is no hell.

Lets for a moment, for sake of argument that a 'hell' place exists, and
the "evil ppl" go there upon death (or Final Judgment - your choice). We
have two major theological problems to deal with:

1. What part of the human lives on past death? Soul/Spirit you say? Ok,
where did that soul come from? God - [the only thing that seperated Adam
from dirt was the breath from God - Genesis Chapter 2] So, the
Soul/Spirit is the 'essence' of God. Can any essence of God be changed?
No, because he is unalterable. And the soul doesnt belong to Man -
because we know that "from dust you came, to dust you shall return".

So, if this "soul" that is God's essence, is going to hell, then
progressively more "essence" of God is going to hell. That simply can't
be of course. No part of God can exist in this concept of hell.

2. Lets say we can somehow weasel out of that one, the next problem is
that Hell would be God's creation. He made everything. Everything is
made with a divine purpose. (Even Sin - but, thats another posting). So,
if there is a Hell, then it HAS to serve God's purposes. It would have
to Glorify Creation. So how does eternal punishment for naughtiness
glorify God? Not in any way. If you came back and said "well it will
teach the damned a lesson", then maybe you got a point, but, does that
mean the damned eventually enter heaven (once they learned their
lesson?). If not, then hell would serve no glorifying role.

3. No Heaven - not in the common Greco/Roman/Paganized idealogy. Sure
there is a realm for God. Sure we can call it 'heaven', but, its not
going to be a place for you and I to know about. Why? Because, as
mentioned in point #1, our soul is by God, it is God's 'breath', his
essence. Not ours. So, the little bit of God that would be in us, is
God, and continues to be God. God has no need for "our" memories,
feelings, or thoughts. Those things are "coping mechanisms" for our
seperation from being in the fullness of God. So, we dont have unique
identities in heaven.

So, then what is being saved all about? Jesus said it pretty clear: 'The
Kingdom of Heaven is at HAND!" Its here, its now. If you beleive, then
your heart changes. You see the world in a new way - you are in heaven -
physically through your emotional state. And, your emotional state helps
bring heaven to the people around you. Your ability to forgive is the
entrance gate for many other ppl's chance at heaven in their lives.

Be gracious, be humble, be thankful, be kind. It makes heaven in your
daily lives (in real tangible terms) and does for others.

Anyway, thats my heretical view point.

no photo
Wed 02/07/07 05:09 PM
It is only famous people who go to hell isn't it? Or was that only
wealthy people go to hell? Or is it wealthy and famous people? Dang,I
always mix that stuff up. But I remember for sure that matter does not
actually exist. What appears to be matter is actually a confluence of
collisions of particles, moving very fast and interacting with one
another much like the water in a stream going around a rock, making
ripples that you can sense. So heaven and hell might possibly be even
more nebulous. If there are more collisions of particles, or perhaps
near collisions, anything is possible, but if there are less,,, hmmm,
I'm going to have to work on this complete sentence thing some more.
Heaven or hell, heaven or hell... Where do they have those 70 virgins
again? Cause I'm not so sure I want to go there. I'm hoping for
friendlier gals than that. Or maybe I should just be quiet about this

redmange420's photo
Fri 02/09/07 02:03 AM
Even good people go to hell.........cuz we're already here. Heaven is
just the eternal rest you get from leavin this world. And stuff.

DANE1973's photo
Fri 02/09/07 07:41 AM
Neither! I shall go to Valhalla With a sword in my hand And the name of
Odin! on my lips. And Reichlig?Um Hel is the Original name of the
Scandinavian Goddess of the underworld.And the underworld was reserved
for those who did not die in battle, but it was A pleasant,bright Green
friendly place,much like your heaven.We Do have Our Place of punishment
places though.Reserved for the truly wicked.A lake of fire,or if you'd
been really naughty,A lonely place of cold,Called Muspell,It's rumored
to be so cold that your flesh will freeze and fall off.That's it for the
history lesson.Have a nice day!happy