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Topic: War Is Hell, But What the Hell Does It Cost?:
Dragoness's photo
Thu 03/06/08 04:59 PM
War Is Hell, But What the Hell Does It Cost?:
One Week at War in Iraq and Afghanistan for $3.5 Billion
By William D. Hartung

Tuesday 04 March 2008

War is hell - deadly, dangerous, and expensive. But just how expensive is it?

In a recent interview, Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz asserted that the costs of the Iraq war - budgetary, economic, and societal - could reach $5 trillion.

That's a hard number to comprehend. Figuring out how many times $5 trillion would circle the globe (if we took it all in one dollar bills) doesn't really help matters much, nor does estimating how many times we could paper over every square inch of Rhode Island with it. The fact that total war costs could buy six trillion donuts for volunteers to the Clinton, Obama, McCain, and Huckabee campaigns - assuming a bulk discount - is impressive in its own way, but not all that meaningful either. In fact, the Bush administration's war costs have already moved beyond the human scale of comprehension.

But what if we were to try another tack? How about breaking those soaring trillions down into smaller pieces, into mere millions and billions? How much, for instance, does one week of George Bush's wars cost?

Glad you asked. If we consider the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan together - which we might as well do, since we and our children and grandchildren will be paying for them together into the distant future - a conservative single-week estimate comes to $3.5 billion. Remember, that's per week!

By contrast, the whole international community spends less than $400 million per year on the International Atomic Energy Agency, the primary institution for monitoring and preventing the spread of nuclear weapons; that's less than one day's worth of war costs. The U.S. government spends just $1 billion per year securing and destroying loose nuclear weapons and bomb-making materials, or less than two days' worth of war costs; and Washington spends a total of just $7 billion per year on combating global warming, or a whopping two weeks' worth of war costs.

So, perhaps you're wondering, what does that $3.5 billion per week actually pay for? And how would we even know? The Bush administration submits a supplemental request - over and above the more than $500 billion per year the Pentagon is now receiving in its official budget - to pay for the purported costs of the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and for the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT). If you can stay awake long enough to read the whole 159-page document for 2008, it has some fascinating revelations.

For example, to hear the howling of the white-collar warriors in Washington every time anyone suggests knocking a nickel off administration war-spending requests, you would think that the weekly $3.5 billion outlay is all "for the troops." In fact, only 10% of it, or under $350 million per week, goes to pay and benefits for uniformed military personnel. That's less than a quarter of the weekly $1.4 billion that goes to war contractors to pay for everything from bullets to bombers. As a slogan, insisting that we need to keep the current flood of military outlays flowing "for Boeing and Lockheed Martin" just doesn't quite have the same ring to it.

You could argue, of course, that all these contracting dollars represent the most efficient way to get our troops the equipment they need to operate safely and effectively in a war zone - but you would be wrong. Much of that money is being wasted every week on the wrong kinds of equipment at exorbitant prices. And even when it is the right kind of equipment, there are often startling delays in getting it to the battlefield, as was the case with advanced armored vehicles for the Marine Corps.

But before we get to equipment costs, let's take a look at a week's worth of another kind of support. The Pentagon and the State Department don't make a big point - or really any kind of point - out of telling us how much we're spending on gun-toting private-contract employees from companies like Blackwater and Triple Canopy, our "shadow army" in Iraq, but we can make an educated guess. For example, at the high end of the scale, individual employees of private military firms make up to 10 times what many U.S. enlisted personnel make, or as much as $7,500 per week. If even one-tenth of the 5,000 to 6,000 armed contract employees in Iraq make that much, we're talking about at least $40 million per week. If the rest make $1,000 a week - an extremely conservative estimate - then we have nearly $100 million per week going just to the armed cohort of private-contract employees operating there.

Now, let's add into that figure the whole private crew of non-government employees operating in Iraq, including all the cooks, weapons technicians, translators, interrogators, and other private-contract support personnel. That combined cost probably comes closer to $300 million per week, or almost as much as is spent on uniformed personnel by the Air Force, Army, Navy, and Marines.

By one reliable estimate, there are more contract employees in Iraq alone - about 180,000 - than there are U.S. troops. There are thousands more in Afghanistan. But since many of these non-military employees are poorly paid subcontract workers involved in cooking meals, doing laundry, and cleaning latrines, the total costs for the services of all private-contractor employees in Iraq probably runs somewhat less than the costs of the uniformed military. Hence our estimate.

So, if $650 million or so a week is spent on people, where does the other nearly $3 billion go? It goes for goods and services, from tanks and fighter planes to fuel and food. Most of this money ends up in the hands of private companies like Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and the former Halliburton subsidiary, Kellogg, Brown and Root.

The list of weapons and accessories paid for from our $3.5 billion is long and daunting:

$1.5 million for M-4 carbines (about 900 guns per week);

$2.3 million for machine guns (about 170 per week);

$4.3 million for Hellfire missiles (about 50 missiles per week);

$6.9 million for night vision devices (about 2,100 per week);

$10.8 million for fuel per week;

$5 million to store and transport that fuel per week;

$14.8 million for F-18E/F fighter planes per week (one every four weeks);

$23.4 million for ammunition per week;

$30.7 million for Bradley fighting vehicles (10 per week).

And that's only a very partial list. What about the more mundane items?

"Laundries, showers, and latrines" cost more than $110,000 per week; "Parachutes and aerial delivery systems" cost $950,000 per week; "Runway snow removal and cleaning" costs $132,000 per week; Flares cost $50,000 per week.

Some of these figures, of course, may cover worldwide military operations for the U.S. armed forces. After all, by sticking the acronym GWOT in the title of any supplemental war-spending request, you can cram almost anything into it.

Then there are the sobering figures like: $2.4 million per week for "death gratuities" (payments to families of troops killed in action) and $10.6 million per week in "extra hazard pay."

And don't forget that all the death and destruction lurking behind these weekly numbers makes it that much harder to get people to join the military. But not to worry, $1 million per week is factored into that supplemental funding request for "advertising and recruitment" - not enough perhaps to fill the ranks, but at least they're trying.

Keep in mind that this only gives us a sense of what we do know from the public Pentagon request; there's plenty more that we don't know. As a start, the Pentagon's breakdown of the money in its "emergency" supplemental budget leaves huge gaps.

Even your own congressman doesn't know for sure what is really in the U.S. war budget. What we do know is that the Pentagon and the military services have been stuffing more and more projects that have nothing to do with the fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, or even the war on terror, into those war supplementals.

Layered in are requests for new equipment that will take years, or even decades, to build and may never be used in combat - unless the Iraq war really does go on for another century, as John McCain recently suggested. These "non-war" items include high-tech armored vehicles and communications devices for the Army as well as new combat aircraft for the Air Force.

Even though these systems may never be used on our current battlefields, they are war costs nonetheless. If they weren't inserted into the supplemental requests for Iraq and Afghanistan, they might never have been funded. After all, who wants to vote against a bill that is allegedly all "for the troops," even if it includes weapons those troops will never get?

These add-ons are not small change. They probably cost in the area of $500 million per week.

Given all of this, it may sound like we have a fair amount of detail about the costs of a week of war. No such luck. Until the "supplemental" costs of war are subjected to the same scrutiny as the regular Pentagon budget, there will continue to be hundreds of millions of dollars unaccounted for each and every week that the wars go on. And there will be all sorts of money for pet projects that have nothing to do with fighting current conflicts. So don't just think of that $3.5 billion per week figure as a given. Think of it as $3.5 billion ... and counting.

Doesn't that make you feel safer?


William D. Hartung is the director of the Arms and Security Initiative at the New America Foundation. He is the author of And Weapons for All (Harper Collins, 1994) and How Much Are You Making on the War, Daddy? A Quick and Dirty Guide to War Profiteering in the Bush Administration (Nation Books, 2004). His commentaries on military and economic issues have appeared in the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, Newsday, and the Nation magazine.

Source Note: Readers who want to check out the latest Department of Defense supplemental request for war-fighting funds can click here (PDF file) and read, "FY 2008 Global War on Terror Pending Request" from the Office of the Secretary of Defense.


5 trillion dollars, wastednoway huh

Etrain's photo
Thu 03/06/08 05:02 PM
Yes but there were those WMD's...oh...I guess not....but the terrorists are in Iraq...oh, no there not...hmmmm...what were we there for???

toastedoranges's photo
Thu 03/06/08 05:03 PM

Yes but there were those WMD's...oh...I guess not....but the terrorists are in Iraq...oh, no there not...hmmmm...what were we there for???

well, because we can't leave without having the place cave in upon itself. ignore the fact that our presence and lack of foresight has caused that situation

madisonman's photo
Thu 03/06/08 05:15 PM
I still say we could have purchased Iraq for about 2 trillion oil and least it wouldnt have been blown all to hell

no photo
Thu 03/06/08 05:18 PM

I still say we could have purchased Iraq for about 2 trillion oil and least it wouldnt have been blown all to hell

could have put a walmart, imagine a burka-clad greeter at the door shoving a shopping cart at you.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 03/06/08 05:19 PM

Yes but there were those WMD's...oh...I guess not....but the terrorists are in Iraq...oh, no there not...hmmmm...what were we there for???

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh flowerforyou

toastedoranges's photo
Thu 03/06/08 05:20 PM
Edited by toastedoranges on Thu 03/06/08 05:20 PM
could have put a walmart, imagine a burka-clad greeter at the door shoving a shopping cart at you.

that's beyond my imagination, the greeters always act like i'm evil or something. they say hello to everyone in front of and behind me

Dragoness's photo
Thu 03/06/08 05:21 PM

I still say we could have purchased Iraq for about 2 trillion oil and least it wouldnt have been blown all to hell

probably rightnoway huh

no photo
Fri 03/07/08 06:27 AM
Edited by northrn_yanke on Fri 03/07/08 06:28 AM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh now it's up to 5 trillion...another thread has it at 3 trillion but it's also been estimated at 1 to 2 trillion....laugh laugh laugh laugh

adj4u's photo
Fri 03/07/08 06:30 AM

just sometimes mind you

you need to look at the cost of not having a war

adj4u's photo
Fri 03/07/08 06:33 AM
also are they deducting what they would be paying anyway

such as the salaries of the military personnel

that would be paid either way

and the equipment

a lot of it would be manufactured regardless

kind of reminds me of don henleys the garden of allah lyrics

adj4u's photo
Fri 03/07/08 06:34 AM
The Garden Of Allah Lyrics
» Don Henley

It was a pretty big year for fashion
A lousy year for rock and roll
The people gave their blessing to crimes of passion
It was a dark, dark night for the collective soul
I was somewhere out on Riverside
By the El Royale Hotel
When a stranger appeared in a cloud of smoke
I thought I knew him all too well

He said, "Now that I have your attention
I got somethin' I wanna say
You may not wanna hear it
I'm gonna tell it to ya anyway
You know, I've always liked you, boy
'Cause you were not afraid of me
But things are gonna get mighty rough
Here in Gomorrah-By-The-Sea"

He said, "It's just like home
It's so damned hot, I can't stand it
My fine seersucker suit is all soakin' wet"

And the hills are burning
The wind is raging
And the clock strikes midnight
In the Garden of Allah

"Nice car.........
I love those meticulous
Y'know, I remember a time when things were a lot more fun around here
When good was good, and evil was evil
Before things got so.......fuzzy
Yeah, I was once a golden boy like you
I was summoned to the halls of power in the heavenly court
And I dined with the deities who looked upon me with favor
For my talents; my creativity
We sat beneath the palms in the warm afternoon
And drank the wine with Fitzgerald and Huxley

They pawned a biting phrase
From tongues hot with blood
And drained their pens of bitter ink
Vainly reaching for the bottle of empty Edens
Branded specially for the ones
Who had come with great expectations
To the perfumed halls of Allah
For their time in the sun

We were stokin' the fires
And oilin' up the machinery
Until the gods found out we had ideas of our own"

And the war was coming
The earth was shakiung
And there was no more room
In the Garden of Allah

"Today I made and appearance downtown
I am an expert witness, because I say I am
And I said, 'Gentleman....and I use that word loosely...I will testify for you
I'm a gun for hire, I'm a saint, I'm a liar
Because there are no facts, no truth, just data to be manipulated
I can get you any result you like....what's it worth to ya?
Because there is no wrong, there is no right
And I sleep very well at night
No shame, no solution
No remorse, no retribution
Just people selling t-shirts
just opportunity t participate in this pathetic little circus
And winning, winning, winning' "

It was a pretty big year for predators
The marketplace was on a roll
And the land of opportunity
Spawned a whole new breed of men without souls
This year, notoriety got all confused with fame
And the devil is downhearted
Because there's nothing left for him to claim

He said, "It's just like home
It's so low-down, I can't stand it
I guess my work around here has all been done

And the fruit is rotten
The serpent's eyes shine
As he wraps around the vine
In the Garden of Allah

no photo
Fri 03/07/08 06:38 AM any economist can do they juggle number to suit their is the same guy who quoted the 5 trillion number

oseph Stiglitz, a Nobel Prize-winning economist and self-described opponent of the war, puts the final figure at a staggering $1 trillion to $2 trillion, including $500 billion for the war and occupation and up to $300 billion in future health care costs for wounded troops.

adj4u's photo
Fri 03/07/08 06:42 AM
did ya check out the lyrics

pretty much on tarket

i dont know whether to laugh or cry

that is sad

no photo
Fri 03/07/08 06:52 AM

did ya check out the lyrics

pretty much on tarket

i dont know whether to laugh or cry

that is sad

yes I did got back and read the lyrics. I don't see a reason to cry as since the begining of time man has always been at odds with each other....through turmoil and destruction, man made or natural, there is always something beneficial that emerges. There is sadness in the loss of life but life does go on, we are all expendable no matter how important we feel we are.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Fri 03/07/08 08:28 AM
im more concerned with lives than money myself... believe it or not there are more important things. i agree with toast, stop focusing so much on how bad the situation is and try to seek a solution. When it gets resolved THEN we can address other issues. Lets try to avoid making the mistake of acting before thinking things through.

no photo
Fri 03/07/08 08:51 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 03/07/08 08:53 AM

Yes but there were those WMD's...oh...I guess not....but the terrorists are in Iraq...oh, no there not...hmmmm...what were we there for???

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

We are there for the gold,
there for the oil
there to protect Israel.

(They called it a land without people
for a people without a land.)

(Oops! There were people there after all.
No matter. Let's do as Joshua did to Jericho. )

Its a holy war after all!

(Set this to music.)

I know it is Iraq, but it is all about Israel.
Iran... well maybe that is the next one that will have WMD's.

or terrorists

no photo
Fri 03/07/08 09:00 AM

I still say we could have purchased Iraq for about 2 trillion oil and least it wouldnt have been blown all to hell

Speaking to your Icon picture:

You're pretty smart for such a young little thing!

Dragoness's photo
Fri 03/07/08 09:10 AM

im more concerned with lives than money myself... believe it or not there are more important things. i agree with toast, stop focusing so much on how bad the situation is and try to seek a solution. When it gets resolved THEN we can address other issues. Lets try to avoid making the mistake of acting before thinking things through.

Again, make the mistake again.noway huh

no photo
Fri 03/07/08 11:20 AM
We are there for the gold,
there for the oil
there to protect Israel.

is that what your cards told you?...

it's the first time I heard gold is in Iraq but I do know that the only ones making money from Iraqi's oil is the Iraqi people...and I have no idea how you think Israel is involved.....maybe you didn't shuffle your cards well enough...noway

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