Topic: My Empire
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Thu 12/28/06 04:03 AM
I rule my empire with an iron fist
Slowly it is crumbling with a little twist
Built of s*h*i*t and rust
Crumbling and tumbling down
With but a word written in dust
I pick up my pen and the words do run
Darkness once prevailed
Now the bright light has been hailed
Shining down into the crevices
Thunder rolls and the walls crumble, tumble, rumble,crashing down to the
Mud slicked floors cracking open
SHit and rust turn to dust
Seeds rain down from above
A soft gentle rain comes
Sun shining oh so brightly
A soft angelic voice whispers on the wind
"You will bloom again my friend
Climb from the rubble, push away the dust
Listen to Shadow, a laugh so pure and true
Hold tightly to the Lion's mane
Look into the LoverGirls face
Her smiles become a saving grace
Come little Poet take our hand
Walk across this broken land
Write away your pain
Seek not the darkness
Seek the light from within"
I slowly walk through the meadow amongst the flowers
"You no longer can cower
Your fears and pains are known among friends
Go to the SweetCountryGirl, she will show you the way
Where there is a Will there is a way
You will know no sadness today"
So here I am, searching for my way
My empire built of s*h*i*t and rust crumbled away
With but a word written in dust
As I write to build a new empire today

****This is for TxsGurly, Shadow,Lion, LG, SCG and Will, you all have no
idea what you have done for me, when I was lost, you found me, when I
was angry you soothed me, when I was alone you sat by my side.In a cold
world you gave me warmth, you have given me hope and graced me with
dreams to aspire.****

TheShadow's photo
Thu 12/28/06 05:58 AM
Thank you Poet :) friends are hard to come by just know you got one here

Gryphyn's photo
Thu 12/28/06 06:53 AM
Beautiful way to thank your friends Poet.



ellgee1976's photo
Thu 12/28/06 07:29 AM
thx CCP, you know you can always turn your head, and see me there,
that's what friends do, they stay by your side thru everything :D

luv ya mah jellohead badgurl :D

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 12/28/06 07:39 AM
You have left me not only speechless, but with tears
of Joy. Girl I have told you many times you were a
rose waiting to bloom. I have watched slowly but surely
that rose starting to bloom. I sit here with a smile
upon my face knowing you will come to a full bloom there
is no doubt in my mind! You have started putting more time
in your book. Hummm I expect somewhere in that book to be
a pic of a rose in full bloom. Smiles :)

Love Ya, Girl
Always, your Friend!

sweetcountrygirl's photo
Thu 12/28/06 10:08 AM
I feel priveliged to be a part of your poem, and even more honored to
have you as a friend!
Thank YOU...
and your time will come and see! (*smiles*)


lionsbrew's photo
Thu 12/28/06 01:08 PM
awesome poem c.c. i dont think you could have said anything truer or
more heartfelt i am truly touched and happy to be called a freind.

michael1313's photo
Thu 12/28/06 01:46 PM
wonders...will wonders never stop...M.

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 12/28/06 01:52 PM
Nope wonders and dreams will never stop that is what keeps us all going.
Wondering what tomorrow will bring and dreaming about tomorrow!

karmafury's photo
Thu 12/28/06 05:28 PM
Very nice piece CCP and a nice way to thank your friends.

TheShadow's photo
Thu 12/28/06 05:29 PM
Yeah I'm woundering when I'm going to take my shower LMAO JK Txs :)

no photo
Thu 12/28/06 05:33 PM
*looks into the crystal ball* I'd say within the next 15 minutes Shadow

I needed to express myself to thos who are very special to me and say
thank you for all that they do and have done for me,many times you all
don't even know that you are helping me through a rough time but you are
:) For this I thank you all and love you all.

no photo
Thu 12/28/06 05:48 PM
words of steel ccp/excellent work

no photo
Thu 12/28/06 06:03 PM
thanks JT :)

Gryphyn's photo
Thu 12/28/06 06:28 PM
Seems your smiling again, Its nice to see the real you again,Great work



no photo
Thu 12/28/06 06:37 PM
Thanks G :)