Topic: a bridge for sale? | |
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Mon 03/03/08 05:48 PM
I think Hillary could do a worse job than W ![]() ![]() you really aren't that ignorant are you ?? the whole Barack hussain obamba that is just ridiculous and prejiduce and shamefull ,, racism is not funny .. ever sorry , but..... his middle name really is hussien, its not a jab, or being racist it is his real name. wow, talk about needing to read thru the post before making an idiot of yourself, let me get this foot out of my mouth... ok learned some stuff about this obama guy.. yep says hes a christian, been going to the same church for twenty years, no one is disputing that( ithink) anyway, it is his church and its pator that people have been seeming to have a problem with. they invited luis farakan to their church(the racist anti semite who heads up the Nation of Islam church in america) and presented him with a life time achievement award. His pastor, a guy named wright i believe, is a radical guy where theyre from who preaches some sort of blach advancement thing(dont know the details) but the main deal is the link between farakan and their church. |
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Mon 03/03/08 09:33 PM
I think Hillary could do a worse job than W ![]() ![]() you really aren't that ignorant are you ?? the whole Barack hussain obamba that is just ridiculous and prejiduce and shamefull ,, racism is not funny .. ever how is calling someone by their Birth name prejudice or Shameful ? shoes..... The poster is giving you fact; Obama's middle name is Hussein. This was brought out by former Democratic Senator Bob Kerrey. Note, I am saying Bob Kerrey. He is a Hillary supporter and he gave a news conference concerning Obama spending time in a secular madrassa. During the new conference the former senator kept referring to Obama by his full name, putting very strong emphasis on his middle name of Hussein. Kerrey made the same statement, I don't know how many times, that just because Barack HUSSEIN Obama spent time in a madrassa, it didn't mean he was a Muslim. Of course, the emphasis on Obama's middle name of Hussein and the mention of a madrassa were meant to make you wonder if Obama is/was Muslim. |
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Mon 03/03/08 09:24 PM
I think Hillary could do a worse job than W ![]() ![]() you really aren't that ignorant are you ?? the whole Barack hussain obamba that is just ridiculous and prejiduce and shamefull ,, racism is not funny .. ever sorry , but..... his middle name really is hussien, its not a jab, or being racist it is his real name. wow, talk about needing to read thru the post before making an idiot of yourself, let me get this foot out of my mouth... ok learned some stuff about this obama guy.. yep says hes a christian, been going to the same church for twenty years, no one is disputing that( ithink) anyway, it is his church and its pator that people have been seeming to have a problem with. they invited luis farakan to their church(the racist anti semite who heads up the Nation of Islam church in america) and presented him with a life time achievement award. His pastor, a guy named wright i believe, is a radical guy where theyre from who preaches some sort of blach advancement thing(dont know the details) but the main deal is the link between farakan and their church. armydoc....... Rev. Jeremiah Wright has been Barack Obama’s minister, friend, and sounding board for more than two decades. The Rev. Wright is known for his rhetoric claiming America deserved 9/11 and that it is payback for America's violent policies. Four years later, Wright suggested that the 9/11 and other terrorist attacks were retribution for America’s racism. The Rev. Wright also declared that America keeps ignoring black concerns. Rev. Wright is a key supporter of Louis Farrakhan, and in December of last year, honored the Nation of Islam leader for lifetime achievement. Farrakhan repeatedly makes hate-filled statements targeting Jews, whites, America, and homosexuals. To this day, Obama has not distanced himself from Rev. Wright’s comments. In a statement supposedly issued to address the matter, Obama ignored the point that his minister and friend had spoken adoringly of Farrakhan and that Wright’s church was behind the award to the Nation of Islam leader. I saw a debate between Hillary and Obama last week and she questioned him about Farrakhan's support and forced Obama rather reluctantly to say he denounced Farrakhan. Incidentally, the rumors are that the only reason Obama gave up being Muslim was so he could enter politics. He felt being a muslin would hinder him, so he became a Christian. Again, I have no real verification of this, just rumors. |
Politics broken down....
Poly(many) and tics(blood sucking creatures) so put them together |
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Tue 03/04/08 05:02 AM
thanks leah...
how about congress being instead of voted in with career poly tics we do it like jury duty. there could be exemptions for this or that. legalize pot and tax the hell out of it. good plan, but might hurt the education system more than it already is... or not. |
thanks leah... how about congress being instead of voted in with career poly tics we do it like jury duty. there could be exemptions for this or that. legalize pot and tax the hell out of it. good plan, but might hurt the education system more than it already is... or not. |
no, hey im all for it, the revenue generated would pay for damn near everything this country gives away.
i think libs would love it just because of that, could develop more social programs that spent tons more on educating programs for welfare reciepients hopefully getting them up and out in the work force. republicans could stomach it for money to be used for school vouchers. its a good idea. |
no, hey im all for it, the revenue generated would pay for damn near everything this country gives away. i think libs would love it just because of that, could develop more social programs that spent tons more on educating programs for welfare reciepients hopefully getting them up and out in the work force. republicans could stomach it for money to be used for school vouchers. its a good idea. |
okay cool points on the idea, cool points lost on the owl calling ![]() deregulize everything would you, pullout a blank sheet and say okay what did we like, what didnt we like. time for an overhaul |
the only reason that it is not legal now is because they make so much money off the war on drugs .. anything we can fear someone is making a buck off of ...
plenty of money that is made on the war against cocaine and others like it(meth in this country).
not really making bank on the pot heads. confiscating property and money is done at the harder drug level or increased quantity levels for distibuters. as is the increased fines and jail time. potheads, the government makes money on by the little fines associated with possessoin of a controlled substance. or paraphinelia. theres little doubt that taxing pot and all things associated with it like pipes bongs and papers would help out immensly. while at the same time funding more r and d for alternative fuel sources and other industry applications with hemp. some of the best ropes in the world are made from hemp, as well as clothing(which blew me away when reading about its durability) YES MA'AM, I for one surely agree with you, grow it tax it and lets move on to the other more important issues our country has, leaving the potheads alone to veg on the couch playing video games. |
I hate meth .. I think it is distroying this country and we now have a type of living dead walking around with us .. sad but true .. we have got to clean out the prisons too .. to many in there for pot and no room for violent offenders ..
Prison overcrowdedness for fist time offenders of drugs(where talking pot here) or probation violations stemming from it. should be weeded out (no pun intended). meth is the new coke, made with acetone and red phospherous these people are straight killing themselves. the health issues aside for a minute, crime rates in area where meth is previlant has increased more so than in areas where pot or some other drug of choice is. it is definately killer (eventually) to the body and the mind, and Im not being metaphoric, where most other drugs work as opiates inhibiting transmitters in the body or by attaching themselves to transmitters throughout the body, meth (and extasy) are actually deteriorating/eating away live brain cells. CT scans of the head show large gapping holes in all sections of the brain----ITS CRAZY!!! BTW ![]() |
absolutely!!!! Prison overcrowdedness for fist time offenders of drugs(where talking pot here) or probation violations stemming from it. should be weeded out (no pun intended). meth is the new coke, made with acetone and red phospherous these people are straight killing themselves. the health issues aside for a minute, crime rates in area where meth is previlant has increased more so than in areas where pot or some other drug of choice is. it is definately killer (eventually) to the body and the mind, and Im not being metaphoric, where most other drugs work as opiates inhibiting transmitters in the body or by attaching themselves to transmitters throughout the body, meth (and extasy) are actually deteriorating/eating away live brain cells. CT scans of the head show large gapping holes in all sections of the brain----ITS CRAZY!!! BTW ![]() ![]() |
ah shucks
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blushing? ... I thought you army guys were fearless ..
<<<<<<<<<<<<< this guy, fearless
umm just shy. ![]() |
Really I would have never guessed that
Edited by
Tue 03/04/08 07:28 AM
armydoc..... You didn't address the career politicians. The poster is correct in that something should be done about them. When our Founding Fathers originated our way of government, the idea was to have citizen Congressmen. Ordinary men were to serve one term in the various political offices and then go home. Of course, it was okay to serve two terms, but one was the preferred. However, we got away from the wisdom of our Founding Fathers. Consequently, the men and women who are in office today are nothing but career politicians. They are not interested in abiding by the will of our Founding Fathers, let alone the will of the people. Everything these career politicians do is geared toward keeping them in office and giving them power. This presidential election is a big joke. For over a year these men/women, both on the Republican and Democratic side, will neglect the jobs they are being paid for by the taxpayers and do all they can to become president. Also, the reality is that none of them want the position to make change in our country. Each and every one of them want it for personal/political reasons.
armydoc..... You didn't address the career politicians. The poster is correct in that something should be done about them. When our Founding Fathers originated our way of government, the idea was to have citizen Congressmen. Ordinary men were to serve one term in the various political offices and then go home. Of course, it was okay to serve two terms, but one was the preferred. However, we got away from the wisdom of our Founding Fathers. Consequently, the men and women who are in office today are nothing but career politicians. They are not interested in abiding by the will of our Founding Fathers, let alone the will of the people. Everything these career politicians do is geared toward keeping them in office and giving them power. This presidential election is a big joke. For over a year these men/women, both on the Republican and Democratic side, will neglect the jobs they are being paid for by the taxpayers and do all they can to become president. Also, the reality is that none of them want the position to make change in our country. Each and every one of them want it for personal/political reasons. Yes , I agree that these career politicians are not a bit good for our Country, the longer they are in there the further removed they are from WE THE PEOPLE, just not one of us. But from my studying of Obama , I think he is a Constitutionalist, just what the doctor ordered for our sick situation. I think he has those issues high on his list of things to do. I think Obama is ONE OF US!!! |