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Topic: Prayer: does it work?
Ghostrecon's photo
Tue 12/26/06 09:38 PM
The headlines seemed almost triumphal in tone. “Prayer Doesn’t Aid
Recovery, Study Finds.” That was the Washington Post. “Long-Awaited
Medical Study Questions the Power of Prayer.” That was the New York
Both papers were describing a study designed to determine the power of
prayer. Not only did it show that prayer apparently makes no difference,
but some prayed-for patients in the study actually fared worse than the
unprayed-for ones.
From a prayer perspective, here's the point: Before concluding that it
doesn't "work," you need to ask yourself how you've been trying to use
it. I have frequently heard people despair that their prayer wasn't
answered. Perhaps someone they loved was sick, and they prayed asking
God for healing. But instead of getting better, the person died. They
had asked for one thing, but they had gotten another. Therefore, their
prayer didn't "work."
Don't misunderstand. God does answer prayer. I know it from experience.
Besides that, Scripture is full of instances where God's people prayed
and he responded exactly as they had asked.
However, having our requests granted is not the primary goal of prayer.
Prayer is not simply the process of giving God our wish list. Many times
we ask for things that seem to be what we need, but later recognize that
had we gotten them, they would have been far from our best interests.

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Prayer: does it work?
By Mitchell Kahle
People seem to pray for almost everything: health, safety, security,
good grades in school, job promotion, wealth, or for loftier goals like
world peace and an end to human suffering. Prayer is also used for ill,
calling upon "God" for conceit, fraud, or revenge.
But do these innumerable prayers actually work? Does prayer affect
If a person contracts a disease, his or her family may pray for their
recovery. When the patient gets better, the family may think that the
prayers caused the healing.
If a woman becomes pregnant, she and her husband may pray for a healthy
child. When the child is born in good health, the couple may believe
that their prayers were answered.
If a hurricane threatens to destroy a home, the occupants may pray for
their safety. If the house is spared, the residents may assume that the
prayers protected them.
In each of these examples, however, it is unlikely the prayers had
anything to do with the outcomes. Although some claim that prayers give
comfort to believers in distress, this is hardly a reason to presume
they actually affect outcomes.
When someone prays, even silently, it is assumed that the person is
appealing to a "higher power" or an "Almighty God." Christians, for
instance, claim that their "God" is all-powerful (an intrinsic
contradiction <Omni-God_Challenge.html>) and responds directly to
individual or collective prayers.
I will argue, however, that prayer does not work at all; that it is at
best a superfluous mental exercise; a last-ditch attempt to escape from
reality when control of a situation either is or seems to be lost.

no photo
Tue 12/26/06 09:39 PM
it works if you think it does.

songbirrd's photo
Tue 12/26/06 09:40 PM
always,when it should

Ghostrecon's photo
Tue 12/26/06 09:49 PM
In your imagination. If an event happens your way. So you contribute it
to a prayer. If an event happens outside of your prayer. You tend to
think it was Gods will. So you can't question or cures God for not
answering your prayer.

Ghostrecon's photo
Tue 12/26/06 09:51 PM
Observe that prayer is only claimed to work under conditions where the
desired result is probable within reason. In the three examples above,
the absence of prayer would not have changed the outcome

ysrider's photo
Wed 12/27/06 09:22 AM
I might be off base, but I think prayer in general (or what the Pagans
or Wiccan might call spells) is putting positive energy into the
universe for something that you care deeply about. I don't think it can
hurt, but it can't be sceintifically proven. If you have faith in your
beliefs, I think many things can happen that would seem unlikely without
your possive influances. Possitive energy, and thoughts are always a
good thing, and negative energy and concentrating on a bad outcome is
always a bad thing.

It is hard to get your head around this thought, but you in reality
control your world more than you think, with or without a god concept.
You decide yourself to feel bad when things are going wrong - no one
else does that to you. They might treat you poorly, but you are the one
who let them effect you that way. You decide yourself to worry about
what other's think. You decide let the past stop you from trying new

This doesn't entirely address the prayer thing, but I think it does

songbirrd's photo
Wed 12/27/06 02:05 PM
u have no faith.everything happens for a reason.God will teach u one day

ysrider's photo
Wed 12/27/06 03:47 PM
Songbirrd said -> u have no faith.everything happens for a reason.God
will teach u one day

If you mean that "I" have no faith, you are very wrong. I have faith in
God. I am a very spirtual person. God and I are very much in communion
with each other. If you meant someone else in this thread you should
make clear to whom you are speaking.

no photo
Thu 12/28/06 05:16 AM
i don't think prayer works but i don't think that it is a bad thing.

no photo
Thu 12/28/06 09:49 AM
Prayer works if you're a non believer then prob not the bible tells you
God does not hear prayers from non believers sorry but that's the case,
and alot of times when you pray it may be answered and for whatever
reason maybe not the answer that you wanted, Satan was given rule of the
earth until christs return so for all of you that asks why god causes or
lets things happen, better read the bible some more.

Tneal's photo
Thu 12/28/06 10:34 AM
I have always believed that unanswered prayers are things that you do
not need. Or there is a different path for the person you are praying
for that needs to happen.

All things happen for a reason. There is a plan, we just do not NEED to
know it.


Karensmiles's photo
Thu 12/28/06 10:40 AM
I read an interesting article once that said when you pray, chant,
meditate etc. you emit a vibration and if several people do it at the
same time it actually can resonate physically within the person you are
doing it toward.. Now wouldnt it be interesting if we did it as a
country and healed ourselves?

no photo
Thu 12/28/06 10:47 AM
don't see that happening just be friends with israel and the country
will be blessed look at the past and all countries that are allied with
israel are blessed and the ones that aren't? look how they
live.........hmmmm coincidence? I think not, but that's my opinion

songbirrd's photo
Thu 12/28/06 02:26 PM
srry i meant the butthead who posted the

redmange420's photo
Thu 12/28/06 02:42 PM
There have been times when it worked out better than I'd asked for, and
times when it bit me in the butt, so........ I guess you could say it
works sometimes. I dunno.

chopperdan's photo
Thu 12/28/06 02:48 PM
You get what the creator thinks is best for you and sometimes it is s
lesson. Faith some times is the only thing that gives us the will to
live. I have had prayers answered. I once prayed for my fathers death,
he was dying of cancer and could not go on. There is a song by Garth
Brooks, Some of Gods greatest gifts are un answered prays.

sushi's photo
Thu 12/28/06 08:04 PM
Ghost, you're much too eloquent and philosophical for me. To
paraphrase, prayer always works. It sometimes comes with a response we
don't want to hear. And generally it's not until later that we
understand why. How many times have we prayed for something and got a
negative response only to realize some years later that it was for the

elad7's photo
Thu 12/28/06 10:31 PM
Prayer is always heard and always responded to in perfect ways. We,
infirm and impatient, narrow minded and short sighted, simply do not see
or understand the answer until much later. Consider the possibility that
your prayer may be answered in ways that helps many others, as well as
you, simply because we are all connected in some way or other. I believe
that Jesus, if we are looking at the Bible for this answer, stated
perfectly exactly what to pray for. He did this to show us that
everything else is beside the point. Nothing is really free, even from
"GOD". If you pray for wisdom, understanding, and knowledge, you may
find that your eyes are opened to just how foolish, short sighted, and
ignorant you really are relative to all things great and small. Even
faith is not really free. We are not blessed with an abundance of faith.
We are constantly holding fast to faith against all tests. Yes, prayer
is always heard.

Ghostrecon's photo
Thu 12/28/06 10:48 PM
I challenge Pagans, wiccans, Christians, Jews. Buddhist, Solitaires,
Hindus, Taoist, etc. To pray for world peace. Will on fact it will
happen if you all do pray or spell rituals? ETTTTT!!!!! NOT!!!

The world will do as it does whether you spell or pray.
So prayer or spells are mere self help tools to you and not a world
I personally think that is where it should be.
Spells or prayer are no more powerful that your own will to change
yourself. So you can't change someone else other then offer advise to a
troubled individual.

Ghostrecon's photo
Thu 12/28/06 11:02 PM
Song ***** then your a ****!

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