Community > Posts By > elad7

elad7's photo
Fri 07/06/07 09:11 AM
Doesn't seem to be alot of them! But I am looking for you. Post in here if you are a lady in Anchorage. PPPLLLEEEAAASSSEEE!!!

elad7's photo
Thu 12/28/06 10:34 PM
Please, Bob Seger has always rocked.

elad7's photo
Thu 12/28/06 10:31 PM
Prayer is always heard and always responded to in perfect ways. We,
infirm and impatient, narrow minded and short sighted, simply do not see
or understand the answer until much later. Consider the possibility that
your prayer may be answered in ways that helps many others, as well as
you, simply because we are all connected in some way or other. I believe
that Jesus, if we are looking at the Bible for this answer, stated
perfectly exactly what to pray for. He did this to show us that
everything else is beside the point. Nothing is really free, even from
"GOD". If you pray for wisdom, understanding, and knowledge, you may
find that your eyes are opened to just how foolish, short sighted, and
ignorant you really are relative to all things great and small. Even
faith is not really free. We are not blessed with an abundance of faith.
We are constantly holding fast to faith against all tests. Yes, prayer
is always heard.

elad7's photo
Thu 12/28/06 10:14 PM
Well, I think that I am honest. If you ask me how I am doing on a given
day, I will tell you honestly. If you ask me any question, I will answer
honestly with no sugar coating, but the answer will not be hurtful to
you. I answer too honestly for my own good alot of the time, but I would
rather be honest than not. I will answer honestly in feelings as well as
thoughts. If I don't know something at the time, I will say so. I am not
afraid to appear incompetent, embarrassed, or weird. Yes, I believe that
I am very honest. Well, maybe not so open in the presence of the police
or someone in authority that would be able to control parts of my life.
By the way, much of the time honesty equals loneliness, because most
people choose not to deal with truth.

elad7's photo
Tue 12/26/06 08:55 PM
Can't say mine was all that great. Was alone for the Eve and the Day.
Had to get my own gifts. Nobody to give to. Just happy that I am alive,
have a job, am somehow making it okay, and am healthy. Maybe a new year
will be a better one.

elad7's photo
Tue 12/26/06 08:52 PM
I am somewhere in the shadows most of the time. I occassionaly come
forward to speak. Why are you alone?