Topic: Bars Open.....................YEEHAA!!
Morena350's photo
Sun 01/14/07 12:25 AM
badlady where did you find that cat???
shhhhhh don't let no one see the pets
remembet what happened to the guy that came here
with his horse???

GolfBear's photo
Sun 01/14/07 12:27 AM

micheall1313's photo
Sun 01/14/07 12:28 AM
im appaled u like horses!!?im out goodnight

baglady's photo
Sun 01/14/07 12:28 AM
oh oh ...ok i'll take him home...

Sluggo's photo
Sun 01/14/07 01:29 AM
Hi Baglady, you have the sweetist lips I've come across....

micheall1313's photo
Sun 01/14/07 06:20 AM
yeah she has nice dsl lips

no photo
Sun 01/14/07 08:59 AM
*z walks down the stairs.... smile quickly turning to anger as she's now
pizzed enough for her eyes to shoot bullets!!!*

Ya know folks... I can't beLIEVE the childishness that goes on in the
world outside.. the pain people cause.. the crap we suffer at the hands
of so called FRIENDS and back stabbing Families.. and AZZholes in
General!! We tried to create a space FREE of alllll that we abHORE in
REALITY.. yet we have it shoved in our faces repeatedly for NO friggen
REASON at ALL... there's ONE word I cherish above ALL others and that


HOW HARD IS IT FOLKS!!! to have a LITTLE respect for OTHERS.. for our
FRIENDS but MOST of all.. for ONES SELF!!!

this is the 2nd incident that's occurred here... I'm LIVID and shaking
while writing this cuz DAMNIT.. what rite do YOU have to pizz on OUR


we've ALL fought to keep this thread a DRAMA FREE THREAD... and this
just sucks that ONE person can be SUCH an AZZ and try ruining things for
everyone else...

I know.. I'm generalizing here... but now I'm going to be MORE

MIKIE.. that's TWO times something happened in here cuz someone's out
for YOU... instead of encouraging them in HERE you SHUD have listened to
everyone who CARES and taken it OUTSIDE.. but you didn't.. I luv ya
mikie.. but yer pizzin in me cornflakes AND all those who love coming in
here to just ESCAPE and have FUN....

at the moment I'm VERY torn as to what I'm going to do.. I had warned
that if something like THIS happened aGAIN... I'd CUT the thread AND my
profile.. well.. on the other hand.. I'm loving this space SOOOOOO much
that I'm not wanting to throw it all away just YET either...

I don't feel it possible to 'report' that other person cuz of the
language and responses from you Mikie.. it might get YOU bumped TOO and
I'm not into that.. so PLEASE...


last warning.. next time...well.. there WON'T BE a next time.. cuz this

Are we clear now??? DAMN.. I HAVE to REF for my KIDS cuz I'm all they
HAVE.. AND take crap from clients and customers.. and.. and...
and........... !!!!!!!! but SHIZ.. I SHUDN'T have to REF my FRIENDS

BARS OPEN... I need a friggen drink!!!!!!

no photo
Sun 01/14/07 09:04 AM
*z stomps over to the bar and pours herself a HUGE glass of blue juice..
stomps to her fave comfy chair.. throws her legs onto the poof... takes
a long pull of her drink.. puts it on the table then proceeds to roll a
joint.... takes another long pull from the drink then sparks the j*

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... only be a few moments and I'll be back to me own
self folks..

hands are still shaking a bit from the tirade.. LOL.. but the smile is
slowly commin back ...

lionsbrew's photo
Sun 01/14/07 09:05 AM
wow z dont be sad just ignore the drama its soo much easier to be
happy:D how bout some feel good music :D

no photo
Sun 01/14/07 09:06 AM
hey.. Like me new pic???


ok.. smiles back LOL....

I'm not a 'harper' LOL I just blurt out whats on me mind then it's on to
the next.......... :o)

so.. who's up for Sunday Brunch?? :o)

lionsbrew's photo
Sun 01/14/07 09:07 AM
@))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))> here ya go z:D

lionsbrew's photo
Sun 01/14/07 09:09 AM
lol yeah nice pick lol

no photo
Sun 01/14/07 09:09 AM
awwwwww DANG... LMAO

can't see it very well.. it says..



hey (((lion))) not sad.. just mad that people can't RESPECT is all...
sigh... sad sad world we live in though eh?? SOME peoples kids..

so.. what ya got fer music lion... play away... here. have a hit.. I
need a tokin buddy rite now so we can get shized face and giggle
together.. hows that sound LOL

lionsbrew's photo
Sun 01/14/07 09:10 AM
im down:D *puts on easy like a sunday morning by the commadores*

no photo
Sun 01/14/07 09:11 AM
fer SOME dang reason I MUST be on the WEEKEND schedule for Dial UP LMAO
slower than USUAL ...

they must be all at the Brunch LOL

lionsbrew's photo
Sun 01/14/07 09:12 AM
lol thats why i love my cable :D

no photo
Sun 01/14/07 09:13 AM
NICE CHoice Lion.. LOVE it... cool..

*z starts swayin and sing to the music... gets up and starts dancin a
bit...* z gets her groove on...*

WOOOOHOOOO... blue juice and J hittin the spot

(sorry slow.. hands still shakey LOL)

michael1313's photo
Sun 01/14/07 09:14 AM
hold on there Ms Z...
in my defense...I came in here to get away from th ****z...but th homo
followed me in here...
not worried about my profile,do what you gotta do...
my profile has over 6500 posts...
and if folks will look at THAT...
and th mis-spelling of th name...
they will see what I'm talking about...
as will you...

I'm th victim please don't jump on me for this one...

yea I said some things that maybe I should not have,but if th shoe was
on th other foot???

what would YOU do about it???

no photo
Sun 01/14/07 09:14 AM
OK RUB IT IN!!!!!!!!!

I HAD cable Ultra Hi speed beFORE I bought this place... was told I'd
HAVE it installed here the DAY after I MOVED.. well.. 2 years later and


well.. it's less then 2 miles away and SHUD be here within the NEXT
millenium LMAO

lionsbrew's photo
Sun 01/14/07 09:15 AM
its understandable..ive been dealing with a inconsiderate downstairs
neighbor lol. im being good and keeping my cool.