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Topic: oxycodone
dryxl38's photo
Thu 02/28/08 01:31 PM
those patchs are good but way to many people have been obtaining them and cutting them open either ingesting the gel or breaking it down and injecting it i myself tale dilaudas i had my leg blown off from the knee down if i didnt have my meds id rather die and its harder now to obtain proper meds because so many junkies are tricking dr.s for dope

dryxl38's photo
Thu 02/28/08 01:34 PM
mad this is how i look when in pain and this is after my medsbigsmile

no photo
Thu 02/28/08 01:36 PM

those patchs are good but way to many people have been obtaining them and cutting them open either ingesting the gel or breaking it down and injecting it i myself tale dilaudas i had my leg blown off from the knee down if i didnt have my meds id rather die and its harder now to obtain proper meds because so many junkies are tricking dr.s for dope

yes ive heard of people doing that. i refused the fentanyl because of the patches, if they get slightly damaged, to much of the drug can be absorbed into the body and lots of people have died from that accidently, this isnt people diliberatly trying to get high. plus it didnt suit me, and the patch wouldnt stick to my skin very well, so i said i didnt want them anymore, so i went back to the demerol and df118.

no photo
Thu 02/28/08 01:37 PM

those patchs are good but way to many people have been obtaining them and cutting them open either ingesting the gel or breaking it down and injecting it i myself tale dilaudas i had my leg blown off from the knee down if i didnt have my meds id rather die and its harder now to obtain proper meds because so many junkies are tricking dr.s for dope

whats dilaudas???

Shaden's photo
Thu 02/28/08 01:40 PM
Okay, since you worked as a medic my daughter is having radical scoliosis surgery next month. She can't get hooked as she relies on me to give her, her intake. She is differently abled but can not take Morphine. I'm fairly up to par in knowledge cuz I've had to be. I'm thinking of a codeine-Advil mix, when she comes home. I don't think she'll be allowed Fentanyl Sp?? for home use and Tylenol deregulates her other life saving meds. Thoughts??

dryxl38's photo
Thu 02/28/08 01:40 PM
my spelling might be incorrect but its a very high dose of opiat based pain reliever

dryxl38's photo
Thu 02/28/08 01:44 PM
i really cant make a call on ur daughters case due to the fact ive not got a full understanding of all the meds she takes and all of her medical history but in some cases dr.s will send home patients with iv still in place and a button which when pushed releases meds for pain and yes theres a saftey catch to it u cant get more then what its set to allow within saftey perameters

no photo
Thu 02/28/08 01:46 PM

my spelling might be incorrect but its a very high dose of opiat based pain reliever

try and find the correct spelling, ill look in my bnf

no photo
Thu 02/28/08 01:47 PM

Okay, since you worked as a medic my daughter is having radical scoliosis surgery next month. She can't get hooked as she relies on me to give her, her intake. She is differently abled but can not take Morphine. I'm fairly up to par in knowledge cuz I've had to be. I'm thinking of a codeine-Advil mix, when she comes home. I don't think she'll be allowed Fentanyl Sp?? for home use and Tylenol deregulates her other life saving meds. Thoughts??

i wouldnt go the fentanyl route, they are given here to cancer patients with a few days left to live, i dont know how old your daughter is but she could easily damage a patch and that could kill her. i would stick to oral meds so you know shes having the correct dosage.

hellkitten54's photo
Thu 02/28/08 01:51 PM
Pinky, I had a severe 2rd degree burn on my arm when I was 15 from a BBQ grill. I do know what a burn feels like. I was not given pain medication like you were. I was given burn cream and took something to help swelling. Like motrin or something along those lines. I am no doctor, but have been around enough to know a thing or two in my life.flowerforyou

Shaden's photo
Thu 02/28/08 01:54 PM

i really cant make a call on ur daughters case due to the fact ive not got a full understanding of all the meds she takes and all of her medical history but in some cases dr.s will send home patients with iv still in place and a button which when pushed releases meds for pain and yes theres a saftey catch to it u cant get more then what its set to allow within saftey perameters

Okay thank you. I really have to be careful with her other medicines and interactions!

no photo
Thu 02/28/08 02:01 PM

i really cant make a call on ur daughters case due to the fact ive not got a full understanding of all the meds she takes and all of her medical history but in some cases dr.s will send home patients with iv still in place and a button which when pushed releases meds for pain and yes theres a saftey catch to it u cant get more then what its set to allow within saftey perameters

Okay thank you. I really have to be careful with her other medicines and interactions!

i made a post to you to shaden incase you didnt see it???

Shaden's photo
Thu 02/28/08 02:13 PM
Debbie, thanks! I had not read yours post. I do have to be very careful, with her. The last thing I want to do is cause her more harm. flowerforyou

scttrbrain's photo
Thu 02/28/08 02:19 PM
Edited by scttrbrain on Thu 02/28/08 02:20 PM
I have taken many oxycodones as well as hydrocodone and another codone. If one is indeed in pain enough to need them...then it will do the job with minimal side effects. Maybe a short nap. But, in the event pain is tolerable then it becomes a joy drug. I always knew when I did not need them anymore when I could feel the high effects of the drug.

Dilaudids? Wow, haven't heard of those in a long while. People sell those for about 20.00 a pop. Junkies use them to get high on. Then they keep soaking them and estract all that there is in them and then try and resell them. What a world.


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