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Topic: Nice guys finish last.
skeetdawg's photo
Sun 09/03/06 12:18 AM
Now I can't speak for all women, so no one take this personally. From my
experience women say how they want a nice, romantic guy. The minute you
open doors, and give flowers, they say you're too nice and date the
a$$h@le$. Tell me if anyone has experienced this?

mickalainell's photo
Sun 09/03/06 12:31 AM
LOL. sad but true. i don't do that to nice guys coz i actually like
the nice guys. i've only dated one "bad boy" and he was drivin me nuts.
hell, the only reason i even dated him was because he was fine as hell.
my problem is that i usually meet a nice guy, get those damn butterflies
in my stomach, get all guy shy and heaven forbid the nice guy i like is
shy. then we end up being "just friends" rather than something more.
i've often done the sheep in wolfs clothing before and acted like the
bad girl to nab a good guy. coz good guys don't initially like good
girls. if that was the case the world would make sense.

no photo
Sun 09/03/06 12:36 AM
everyone likes a GOOD gurl, with out them how in the H^&L would we know
what a "bad gurl" is/was, so we can go after them, i mean really now.

no photo
Sun 09/03/06 12:37 AM
the thing is, they want the chivalry but they don't want the type of guy
that does that kind of stuff. if the guy that aks like an asshole would
open the door for her everyonce in awhile and compliment her every once
in awhile, they would be happy.(or maybe they wouldn't, some women
arenever happy no matter what you do) it's strange to me but some women
do not want to be treated like a queen. they will say they do, but they
really don't. truth is they like guys that are assholes and they should
quit bitchin about it because nobody is going to be everything you ever

no photo
Sun 09/03/06 12:42 AM
the fact is an asshole is not gonna do that stuff and if that is the
kinda guy you like you have to deal with the parts that you don't like
as well other wise your going to be sittin around being miserable,and
it'll be because she can't except him for who he is

no photo
Sun 09/03/06 11:47 AM
cant say i have but i know the sweeter a guy is the more turned off i
am? weird i like a challenge. thats how i got my dh!

no photo
Sun 09/03/06 11:49 AM
i get it all the time cause i am very sweet by nature but i'm not a push
over so they get what they want when they act rediculous but i don't
want some one who acts like that so it does not generally last long

no photo
Sun 09/03/06 01:58 PM
Not true...I love nice guys.

no photo
Mon 12/04/06 11:57 PM
ya do?

unsure's photo
Tue 12/05/06 04:30 AM
I would rather have a nice guy then a bad boy! If I see a guy that even
resembles a bad boy..I run!! I had a bad boy when I was younger so NO
THANKS!!! It seems to me that no men want a nice girl--they want the
slutty girls--no offense guys!
When you guys are just dating you want the sluts but when you want to
settle down and take someone home to meet mama...thats when you want us
nice ones---so whats up with that???

lonelyteardrop's photo
Tue 12/05/06 04:43 AM
I would rather have a nice guy, but a guy that can open the door for me
hmmmm I'd forget an open the door for him LOL, to me a nice guy is
someone that I can share idea's with and so forth, not that opens the
door, or pulls out my chair,

no photo
Tue 12/05/06 04:46 AM


cookieie's photo
Tue 12/05/06 05:08 AM
IAM, I know your a nice guy so I cant let you finish last on this

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Tue 12/05/06 11:45 AM
I don't want a slut unsure.. I just want her to be MY slut once in a
while lol

no photo
Tue 12/05/06 12:05 PM
i've had to people say i was too nice so i left them then they called me
wanting me back because they got with someone who doesn't respect them,
i think she is still with him and complaining about him making both of
their lives miserable because i don't want her lol......sorry but how
can you be too nice lol

redmange420's photo
Tue 12/05/06 01:29 PM
The women who say stuff like that and do that stuff are probably high
class hood-rats. Real women know they want a gentleman, or somethin
close to it.

no photo
Tue 12/05/06 01:32 PM
want a thug but don't really understand that it's more than an image lol

no photo
Tue 12/05/06 02:11 PM
around here all the NICE guys are Taken..the only ones left are the NOT
so nice guys... and I'd really rather STAY single.. than be in a BAD
relationship.. so if y'all have some extra's ... throw a few this way
please!! our supply is a little beet short... LOL :o)

herewego's photo
Tue 12/05/06 02:17 PM
i like nice guys, but prefer no flowers as i'm allergic to alot of them.
holding doors and a hand on the back (gently that is) to escort them is
awesome. but i do like the nice guys to have just a little bit of a bad
side too.

no photo
Tue 12/05/06 02:18 PM
sorry to hear that effect, hope a boat comes in soon to replenish the
shelves out there for you. you never know maybe one of them bad ones
will turn over a new leaf or something, good luck

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