Topic: No negativity please...
anoasis's photo
Wed 02/27/08 04:37 PM

Spreading hate for Jesus’ sake
it’s such an oxymoron
Only those who loathe repose
would use this crutch to lean on

Wow, so positive! I'm really impressed. This is a great thread with a positive message. Love and unity while bashing Christians.

Is this opposite day or what?

It's good to see you too spider. flowerforyou

anoasis's photo
Wed 02/27/08 04:44 PM
(((((DJ)))) flowerforyou

Abra and Spider-

We all know that their are good and bad practitioners of all religions.

Abra has said many times that there was a christian he loved and respected very much- his mother.

Spider, I am glad you love your religion. I hope your faith continues to bring you comfort and joy. Please understand that it does not do the same for everyone...


Tra la la la la... playing with puppies... running through flower filled meadows...

adj4u's photo
Wed 02/27/08 04:48 PM

Tra la la la la... playing with puppies... running through flower filled meadows...

this is not one of them lady commercials is it

:wink: :wink: :wink:

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

anoasis's photo
Wed 02/27/08 05:36 PM

Tra la la la la... playing with puppies... running through flower filled meadows...

this is not one of them lady commercials is it

:wink: :wink: :wink:

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

"Fresh as a summer breeze...." ?!

anoasis's photo
Wed 02/27/08 05:50 PM

"The sun never says to the earth,
'You owe me.'

Look what happens with a love like that.
It lights up the whole sky."

flowerforyou Hafiz

no photo
Thu 02/28/08 12:24 PM
For God (or anyone)to create a universe (or society) that only allowed "happy positive" thoughts, discussions, acts, etc. and disallow or discourage "negative" things would require depriving the residents of their freedom of self expression.

Lack of freedom is a very negative environment.

The same goes for a discussion forum. Love, lightness and happy thoughts cannot be required without suppressing honesty and freedom. Suppressing honesty and freedom are negative.

In this forum, I feel completely stifled, simply because now their must be a judge or moderator who decides who is being "negative" and who is not.

That is all I have to say. You decide if it is negative. I wrote it because it is truth. Truth is not negative.


Shaden's photo
Thu 02/28/08 12:28 PM
Again to no negative thoughts--flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 02/28/08 12:57 PM
Lack of freedom is a very negative environment.

This is true. But I think more to the point is that nothing is absolute. Everyone has their own views on life. And therefore negativity is clearly subjective.

I wrote some lyrics that state:

The devil’s daughter’s spreading love to emancipate her father
The Christians keep condemning her, I don’t know why they bother
Spreading hate for Jesus’ sake is such an oxymoron
Only those who loathe repose, could use this crutch to lean on

I see these lyrics as being quote positive. For me the ‘devil’s daughter’ is an abstraction for any woman who spreads love in the name of life or of God as she defines it.

In this context the “Christians” refers abstractly to anyone who condemns such women simply because they don’t agree with their dogma.

The lyrics is focus on the positive aspect of the women who spread love for humanity in the face of being condemned by religious fanatics. We see this going on in the world everyday.

Only a religious fanatic would see this as being negative lyrics. I think it would be ludicrous to deny the historical bigotry associated with the label “Christians”. The fact is that many people do denounce love and loving spirits in the name of Christianity.

If anyone feels that this is a negative thing they should take that up with the people who practice this kind of bigotry. Not with the songwriters who merely point out this real world behavior.

The point is that the ‘devil’s daughter is spreading love to emancipate “her father”, (i.e. her religion, her philosophy, her life view). She’s not really the devil’s daughter and that’s the whole point!

It’s an abstract song. Not meant to be confined within a box of absolute verbatim literacy. bigsmile

It’s praising love and pointing out the fact that those who can’t see the love because of blind prejudices are being oxymoronic. That shouldn't be viewed as a negative thought.

It represents HOPE! flowerforyou

tinabelle's photo
Thu 02/28/08 01:08 PM

translation- C M sheep ? = see them sheep? get it now ?:tongue:

C D B !

N-R-E S C-P.

O U Q-T. U R A B-U-T!

anoasis's photo
Thu 02/28/08 02:07 PM

For God (or anyone)to create a universe (or society) that only allowed "happy positive" thoughts, discussions, acts, etc. and disallow or discourage "negative" things would require depriving the residents of their freedom of self expression.

Lack of freedom is a very negative environment.

The same goes for a discussion forum. Love, lightness and happy thoughts cannot be required without suppressing honesty and freedom. Suppressing honesty and freedom are negative.

In this forum, I feel completely stifled, simply because now their must be a judge or moderator who decides who is being "negative" and who is not.

That is all I have to say. You decide if it is negative. I wrote it because it is truth. Truth is not negative.


I felt stifled in the many negative threads. So I made my own. For me it is restful.

You are welcome but you are not obligated.

anoasis's photo
Thu 02/28/08 02:53 PM
Jeanie, I was just thinking a bit about your discomfort with my "confining" thread.

And I have to say, perhaps part of it is that you do not know me. Those who do know me- I don't think that they were ever for a second worried that I would kick them out or even judge them for "disobeying".... or coloring outside the lines.

And so even though some of my favorite people are not generally optimistic I do not believe that they felt stifled as you did.

They simply tried to be as positive as they can be while remaining themselves... perhaps they came only to please me... or perhaps they find it restful too...

I like a good debate (although some topics have grown stale for me lately) but I wanted a rest one night from what to me was sounding like the same old bickering and so I made a thread for it... But it's not a whole universe either. Just one little thread.

I often seek peace and harmony. I asked for it here. I ask for it in the middle east as well...

I don't think that I am stifling anyones creativity with that request either.


no photo
Thu 02/28/08 02:55 PM
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........explode i want to be negativegrumble

please let me be negative!!!!!laugh

no photo
Thu 02/28/08 03:04 PM

Jeanie, I was just thinking a bit about your discomfort with my "confining" thread.

And I have to say, perhaps part of it is that you do not know me. Those who do know me- I don't think that they were ever for a second worried that I would kick them out or even judge them for "disobeying".... or coloring outside the lines.

And so even though some of my favorite people are not generally optimistic I do not believe that they felt stifled as you did.

They simply tried to be as positive as they can be while remaining themselves... perhaps they came only to please me... or perhaps they find it restful too...

I like a good debate (although some topics have grown stale for me lately) but I wanted a rest one night from what to me was sounding like the same old bickering and so I made a thread for it... But it's not a whole universe either. Just one little thread.

I often seek peace and harmony. I asked for it here. I ask for it in the middle east as well...

I don't think that I am stifling anyones creativity with that request either.


I know you are a very nice and upbeat kind person. But your thread reminded me of a movie I saw once called "demolition Man" where the society was all "nice" and it was against the law to curse, or eat meat, etc. There was no crime and everyone was encouraged to think happy joy-joy thoughts. Sandra Bollock and Silvester Stallon were the main characters. All of the "negative" people who liked their freedom lived underground in the bowels of the city eating rat burgers. Real sex between a man and woman did not happen because it was "unhealthy." Sex was done electronically, and babies were born in test tubes I guess.

Anyway I couldn't imagine living like that. We all have our dark and light sides. They need to be expressed. That is what makes life interesting. The perfect world could get really boring.


Abracadabra's photo
Thu 02/28/08 03:19 PM
Well anyone who would like to hear my negative lyrics sung to negative music with a negative voice can click on the negative link below. (it's the second song down on that page) Beware! The first song is positive. laugh

Oh, by the way, this music was recycled from the cyber landfill. smokin

no photo
Thu 02/28/08 03:24 PM

Well anyone who would like to hear my negative lyrics sung to negative music with a negative voice can click on the negative link below. (it's the second song down on that page) Beware! The first song is positive. laugh

Oh, by the way, this music was recycled from the cyber landfill. smokin

Wow that was awesome! You are an amazing poet and songwriter.


no photo
Thu 02/28/08 03:26 PM

Well anyone who would like to hear my negative lyrics sung to negative music with a negative voice can click on the negative link below. (it's the second song down on that page) Beware! The first song is positive. laugh

Oh, by the way, this music was recycled from the cyber landfill. smokin
blushing such negativity fill me with:heart:

anoasis's photo
Thu 02/28/08 04:12 PM

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........explode i want to be negativegrumble

please let me be negative!!!!!laugh

OK but only if you're *positive* that is what you want ...
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

anoasis's photo
Thu 02/28/08 04:24 PM

Jeanie, I was just thinking a bit about your discomfort with my "confining" thread.

And I have to say, perhaps part of it is that you do not know me. Those who do know me- I don't think that they were ever for a second worried that I would kick them out or even judge them for "disobeying".... or coloring outside the lines.

And so even though some of my favorite people are not generally optimistic I do not believe that they felt stifled as you did.

They simply tried to be as positive as they can be while remaining themselves... perhaps they came only to please me... or perhaps they find it restful too...

I like a good debate (although some topics have grown stale for me lately) but I wanted a rest one night from what to me was sounding like the same old bickering and so I made a thread for it... But it's not a whole universe either. Just one little thread.

I often seek peace and harmony. I asked for it here. I ask for it in the middle east as well...

I don't think that I am stifling anyones creativity with that request either.


I know you are a very nice and upbeat kind person. But your thread reminded me of a movie I saw once called "demolition Man" where the society was all "nice" and it was against the law to curse, or eat meat, etc. There was no crime and everyone was encouraged to think happy joy-joy thoughts. Sandra Bollock and Silvester Stallon were the main characters. All of the "negative" people who liked their freedom lived underground in the bowels of the city eating rat burgers. Real sex between a man and woman did not happen because it was "unhealthy." Sex was done electronically, and babies were born in test tubes I guess.

Anyway I couldn't imagine living like that. We all have our dark and light sides. They need to be expressed. That is what makes life interesting. The perfect world could get really boring.


I do understand what you are saying... but you see I have no fear that everyone will become some sort of super nice "pod person".

I know that most of the people who come here are *quite* comfortable expressing their negative thoughts and are rarely shy about disagreeing!

laugh laugh laugh laugh happy

Yes, I never saw that movie but what you were talking about reminded me of two seperate (but similarly themed) Vonnegut stories- I think they might both have been in "Welcome to the Monkey House." In one story overpopulation combined with a theocracy and puritanical morality have led to everyone being required to take a new kind of birth control pill that makes them numb in their groin area. And in the other story the nation in question has decided to do away with competition and make everything "fair" and "equal" because there is no way to make the less intelligent smarter those with greater natural mental capabilities must wear headache inducing devices (e.g. one makes random loud noises at intervals in the persons ear to disrupt thought processes), agile people must wear big awkward shoes, etc. But everyone is "equal"- by sinking down to the lowest common denominatior.

Also, I myself cannot abide anyone telling me what to do and I have a knee-jerk rebellious reaction to their attempts to do so... perhaps you have a bit of this as well?

anoasis's photo
Thu 02/28/08 04:47 PM
Oh yes and BTW, it's ok with me if you want to curse in here but the mods ... hmm... I don't think it's allowed?

For example: (((((((Abra))))))) that is one f***ing awesomely positively song you came up with there.... I hope it's not offensive to you but I think you sound a little bit like Roy Orbison. flowerforyou

but my favorite line of yours evermis still:
"anoasis is just a hole in the ground!!

It is not!!! It is here. It is all the people sitting around my little hole in the ground with me!!!

no photo
Thu 02/28/08 04:48 PM
Also, I myself cannot abide anyone telling me what to do and I have a knee-jerk rebellious reaction to their attempts to do so... perhaps you have a bit of this as well?

I don't know anyone who Likes being told what to do and what to think.. all the time. We might tolerate it for our own reasons for a temporary period, to get what we want... a job perhaps.

But doesn't everyone desire to be their own boss? Or is it just me?...bigsmile