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Topic: I need a break
hellkitten54's photo
Sun 02/24/08 02:27 AM
I need a break from my son.:cry: I have taken care of him by myself since well since he was still in my belly. I haven't had a break since and somedays I feel like I'm gonna crack when he starts crying. He loves to wake up at 3 am and Im tired of that too. Doesn't matter what time I put him to bed.grumble Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrindifferent

livelife68's photo
Sun 02/24/08 02:30 AM
you can do it. He's worth it. flowerforyou

hellkitten54's photo
Sun 02/24/08 02:32 AM
He is worth it. But I just feel so overwhelmed. sad

Jess642's photo
Sun 02/24/08 02:33 AM

I need a break from my son.:cry: I have taken care of him by myself since well since he was still in my belly. I haven't had a break since and somedays I feel like I'm gonna crack when he starts crying. He loves to wake up at 3 am and Im tired of that too. Doesn't matter what time I put him to bed.grumble Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrindifferent

Do you have a mum, or aunt or sister or gran, that you can have come and sleep over?

A trusted girlfriend?

I do understand... I have not had a night off from my kids for over two years now.... not that I mind, they are older now...however I have been the only carer of my children for the past nine years and there was four of them...

I am hoping Lulu may know of an organisation like Tresillian, which is a Mother's help group,(here in Australia) for bubs with sleeping challenges, that have accommodation you can both stay in briefly and get a break...perhaps mail Lulu and ask her..

hellkitten54's photo
Sun 02/24/08 02:38 AM
I have nobody to help me. I have tried everyone I know, but too busy for me and my son unless they want something from me.grumble I'm sorry, just need to vent.sad

OrangeCat's photo
Sun 02/24/08 02:39 AM

I need a break from my son.:cry: I have taken care of him by myself since well since he was still in my belly. I haven't had a break since and somedays I feel like I'm gonna crack when he starts crying. He loves to wake up at 3 am and Im tired of that too. Doesn't matter what time I put him to bed.grumble Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrindifferent

(((((((kitten))))))if I lived closer I would of course help u out,I admire u for all u do sweetie,your a true gemflowerforyou flowerforyou smooched

livelife68's photo
Sun 02/24/08 02:39 AM
next time you get a chance try to do something that will get you to relax and relieve stress. Even 10 minutes in the bath tub might help.

scotty1964's photo
Sun 02/24/08 02:43 AM
i love hellkittenn:tongue: sorry iicve been drinkin

hellkitten54's photo
Sun 02/24/08 02:46 AM

I need a break from my son.:cry: I have taken care of him by myself since well since he was still in my belly. I haven't had a break since and somedays I feel like I'm gonna crack when he starts crying. He loves to wake up at 3 am and Im tired of that too. Doesn't matter what time I put him to bed.grumble Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrindifferent

(((((((kitten))))))if I lived closer I would of course help u out,I admire u for all u do sweetie,your a true gemflowerforyou flowerforyou smooched

Thank you sweetie.smooched smooched smooched smooched

hellkitten54's photo
Sun 02/24/08 02:47 AM

next time you get a chance try to do something that will get you to relax and relieve stress. Even 10 minutes in the bath tub might help.

Yeah I do take bubble baths. I should have stock in calgon, but it doesn't take me away.:tongue: grumble :wink:

Jess642's photo
Sun 02/24/08 02:47 AM
Edited by Jess642 on Sun 02/24/08 02:47 AM

I have nobody to help me. I have tried everyone I know, but too busy for me and my son unless they want something from me.grumble I'm sorry, just need to vent.sad

Vent away lovely...

Very few people are prepared to 'fess up', and admit, this single parenting of little people is bloody hard work... and sometimes overwhelming.

Tired, worn out, exhausted, and alone....most times we just get on with it, and then on the rare occasion, it is just all too much!

Have you tried controlled crying, with your little one?

Do you know what that is? maybe google it, and read the methods..

Sounds like bub has created a habit.. it's ingrained in the little one's rhythms...time to break the habit so mum gets some sleep.

In little people sleep creates more sleep... busy in the day time, one nap during the day, after an early lunch.... off to bed, even if just for a rest, then mum off to bed too, to read a mag, or snooze. Create new habits... dinner bath and bed, at a reasonable hour, EVERY day, for a week... and the night time wake up? A nappy change, low lights, no talking, and then a drink, then firmly leave the room, and go to bed.

Little or no stimulation for bub.

Do you have separate rooms? And a set of headphones, an ipod?

hellkitten54's photo
Sun 02/24/08 02:47 AM

i love hellkittenn:tongue: sorry iicve been drinkin

I need some of that!drinker drinker laugh smooched

scotty1964's photo
Sun 02/24/08 02:48 AM
fckn orncatmad i love you manflowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

scotty1964's photo
Sun 02/24/08 03:18 AM
hellcatin you have the most goooorrgeeeeous lips....:tongue:

oldsage's photo
Sun 02/24/08 05:42 AM
If you live in a city with a YWCA, ck there for some help.
Might find a cheap/free care assistance program.
Never hurts to ck.
Poss a group of single mom's,that could swap sitting with eachother.

AllenAqua's photo
Sun 02/24/08 06:01 AM

I need a break from my son.:cry: I have taken care of him by myself since well since he was still in my belly. I haven't had a break since and somedays I feel like I'm gonna crack when he starts crying. He loves to wake up at 3 am and Im tired of that too. Doesn't matter what time I put him to bed.grumble Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrindifferent

Bless your heart:heart: , I sure can relategrumble ohwell

no photo
Sun 02/24/08 06:10 AM
it sure can be tough i pretty much raised my kids on my own, how much napping do you let him do during the day? i used to try to keep mine up for most of the day, it was hard but they sure slept through the night and then i would have the night to myself, it is to bad you have no help, just hang in there it will get better and it sounds like your a great mom

evilolive's photo
Sun 02/24/08 07:23 AM
it does suck not to get a break... i know.
but its good you can vent about it, dont ever feel guilty about that!
you are doing the hardest job in the world and when he grows into an awesome man you will think its all been worth it!

celticpride0280's photo
Sun 02/24/08 07:30 AM
Brad and Angelina could adopt drinker

no photo
Sun 02/24/08 12:52 PM
Hello, I am new to this thing, but...
I have two girls and have had the same problem as you.
how old is he?
you know I tried everything. First of all, relax.
You love him and he knows that. sometimes if you give them a little of the unexpected it can go a long way.
When one on mine would cry and need so much all the time, I sould sometimes catch her completely off guard. I would start crying too. And I would get louder, and louder and louder. She would look t me like I lost my mind. But, she stopped. I would smile at the and cuddle her and told her we both needed that. Then lay down and hold her till she went to sleep. Usually, it was all three of us going to sleep. You can always move him to his place later. Do what you have to, to get some rest.

Another thing you may try is to find someone who has a child close to his age, and start visiting them. Hopefully, you both with hit it off and can provide child care for each other. If only for 1 hour a day. That is what I did, I went out looking for mothers in my neighborhood and started talking, asked if they would be interested in arranging a play date and then go from there.

Good luck to you and my prayers are with you. It is not easy alone, and it will never be easy. If you want to talk and exchange ideas. I am here, I will help in any way I can.

Good Luck and let Calgon take you away anytime you get a minute.

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