Topic: advice about drug addicts that want a friendly relationship.
no photo
Mon 02/25/08 03:27 PM
That sucks.. Because I must be 56 by her formula! I'm old enough to be your grandfather!

lilith401's photo
Mon 02/25/08 03:29 PM
I'm down with that, gramps. :wink:

no photo
Mon 02/25/08 03:30 PM
Slow down dammit... This walker only goes so fast!

Fade2Black's photo
Mon 02/25/08 05:11 PM

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Jistme does have a woman... who thinks his wind playing instrument works just great. :heart:

As to your photos... Publicity? Who on this site is going to see them? Are you even allowed to post their pictures without permission? If so, do it in your own neighborhood, not ours. I do believe a site moderator told you to keep this out of the forums.

Have a great night. flowerforyou

p.s. please feel free to peruse my profile... all of it. :wink:

OOOH OOOH .. I wanna have her peruse mine too .... ALL of it :tongue:

Fade2Black's photo
Mon 02/25/08 05:13 PM

First you are 49, then you are 61 and say you are 49.. because all women do that.
Then you say
well, by the time i get the permit for one and the license for the other, it will be too late.
For a gun and/or dog you might already have?

My trombone and how I use it is none of your business... Contrary to you and your business being a very public spectacle, by your own hand.

I will give you this though.
I'm not sure who is crazier. You or me.
You, for reasons apparent to those who are not reactionary and do not care to feed the issues you already have.
Me, for trying to discuss reality with you.

hmmmmmmmmmm discussing reality IS better than ass-u-ming though dontcha think? DUDE. glasses

no photo
Mon 02/25/08 05:32 PM
From a time management point of view? Nope.. not really.

Cambolaya65's photo
Mon 02/25/08 07:29 PM
i like turtles as well.

Duffy's photo
Tue 02/26/08 01:20 PM
Well this is my last reply on the subject. I am the age I stated in my profile, and I will stick with the answer that most women do not tell their ages, and if they do, it is always less than actual not the real figure. Ask May West about this.

So, if I start out at 61, and work my way to 49, but settle for 39 like Jack Benny, you will understand where I am coming from.

As to the comments about guns and dogs, I am a non violent person, and those things don't work. Pictures do, and in fact, since I said I was going to take some, all perpetrators have disappearred.

About the man with the trombone who plays to women while he is constipated, the same advice remains in effect. Take x lax, and it will remove the constipation, and improve attitude at the same time. He may have to spend some time worshipping the porcelain throne to get the ****z out of his system as well as his anger issues.

To the person, that is in the court system that has a sister that knows the tooth fairy, ........ Tooth fairies and unicorns travel in the same circles.

To the people that like frogs, turtles, and other such animals,
you will never go wrong with nature.

To the people that have expressed their honest feelings, thank you for your support. I will take everything under advisement.flowerforyou

isaac_dede's photo
Tue 02/26/08 04:24 PM
So i have this person...they are in my house...i'm hiding in a closet...I think they might intend to harm me or steal everything from me...but they aren't wearing a i'm going to post thier pic on here and maybe somebody will reckognize them, then that will scare them away...sense it is only a 4 day drive for you to get here and then i'll be able to get out of my closet.....

Fade2Black's photo
Tue 02/26/08 05:01 PM
did you want me to let you out? glasses

no photo
Tue 02/26/08 05:39 PM
As to the comments about guns and dogs, I am a non violent person, and those things don't work. Pictures do, and in fact, since I said I was going to take some, all perpetrators have disappearred.

I'm sure they did vanish from sight! Just as if they were never there!

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Tue 02/26/08 05:44 PM
Edited by cutelildevilsmom on Tue 02/26/08 05:55 PM

Anyone who is 61, always says they are 49 like jack bennie.
ask any woman and she will tell u.:tongue:
then, i told you the truth. believe it or not.

I apparently asked the wrong any woman.

If that is normal.. and I'm not saying it isn't.. then your profile would reflect it.

Here is what I think.

I don't think a gun, dog, police or any of us are what you need.

jist and lilith i work at home and everyone turns 21 on their birthday..they are 90.I don't see why her making a wee joke about her age makes it okay to be an ass to a scared senior who obviously is at her wits end.And since when can't you bring your problems here?A guy humped a bed,i think a scared woman can voice her fears.
Duffy I would not talk to the 2 guys nor take pictures but I would follow adjs advice and call the police anytime you feel threatened.You should have police reports for each incident so it is documented with them as well as the journal adj suggested.
As for the ex tell him to **** off.

lilith401's photo
Wed 02/27/08 08:40 AM

lilith i work at home and everyone turns 21 on their birthday..they are 90.I don't see why her making a wee joke about her age makes it okay to be an ass to a scared senior who obviously is at her wits end.And since when can't you bring your problems here?

Devil's Mom... If you go back and read all the posts very carefully... you'll see that I (and lots of others) did address her issue. And over and over again, it was addressed by many people that this was not the place to solve her problems. The OP said the police were useless and her solution was going to be to post pictures of the two men in question. All other comments were for naught. Ignored. Just post the pics and that will fix it! The point is... this situation is not a matter to be solved in JSH forums. Discussed, sure. But solved? Nope.

And by the way, I've never lied about my age. Ever. And I don't plan to start. I think from you post that you were inferring you work in a nursing home (?) and that the residents pretended to be younger... that's fine. I don't view the OP as a "senior" as you seem to. If this scenario is true, she is not safely ensconsed in a nursing home, but rather planning on snapping photos of people she suspects are dangerous. I think you are missing the larger point here is that there are many, many, many inconsistencies in what was said in different posts and that was simply a joke made out of that. Have a great day! flowerforyou

wiley's photo
Wed 02/27/08 09:05 AM

drinker It would make a good tv showdrinker

Or at the very least a good episode of Cops...


Duffy's photo
Wed 02/27/08 10:55 AM
Here is my very last reply on the subjects....
Dudes and Dudettes out there, I did go to the police, and filed police reports. IF there are no suspects, they close the case in 3 days. Well, if I knew who did it, I would have a case now wouldn't I......

There were several buggers at work. First an x husband, coming into a house on a criminal trespass. Then, some drug addicts because there are several, and I am in a burglary zone, says the local police, that struck. Within a period of time, they hit Chevron 3x, did armed robbery on Subway, hit Blockbusters,
cut up Ace's fence, hit a shoe place, and a bar....
who is doing this.....well the police won't tell ya. And let us not forget the devils that steal gas out of your car at night. and let us not forget some beatings at the local bar, and this does not include the home burglaries going on in the area. Just a sample of the crime......

Ya can't catch the mothers unless you have a camera. And well daa, do u think I will put one up when I know it will leave?

Inconstitency you say about the reports I posted on JSH? I am not trained in criminal justice work nor do I know how to write a police report. What I do know is that I can't be the only woman bothered by this kind of thing. So I went to the forum to seek some help. I gave you all the information I had.
What I do know is that there is a great deal of criticism on this site, a great deal of disbelief, skepticism, and burying your head in the sand because you don't want to acknowledge, see or hear that a thing like this can go on especially to an older woman.
Nor do you want to see what they look like, because if you see them, they might come and visit you. Again, I say Thank You to all those that bothered to reply, and FYI I was reading and listening. to all the posts. flowerforyou

lilith401's photo
Wed 02/27/08 11:36 AM
Edited by lilith401 on Wed 02/27/08 11:38 AM
Page 2

Well, don't bring it to the forums? And go to the police? I am here to tell you the police look the other way. In fact, the one, John is the son of the x police chief of a local city. Keith's father was a pilot.

Page 3

I told you the truth. believe it or not.
get a gun and a dog?
well, by the time i get the permit for one and the license for the other, it will be too late.
so i am going to take their pix and let u see what they look like.
thanks for the advice.

Page 5

I am still going to reject the advice of getting a gun, and a dog and go with taking a pix, then posting it in "my friends" box so u can see what 2 old aging hippy marijuana, ectasy, meth, men look like. You might need this information at some later date

Later in page 5

Then, about my own problem, I am a very good shot. And I have a dobie....however, this is not the way to solve the problem, publicity is.

Did the "dobie" appear miraculously between pages three and five?

You seemingly entered this thread to get support for your idea about posting pictures. You got lots and lots of good advice from many people in here. Fact is? We're not law enforcement. Or lawyers. Or victim's advocates. The point was this was an issue for a professional.

Fade2Black's photo
Wed 02/27/08 11:49 AM

lilith i work at home and everyone turns 21 on their birthday..they are 90.I don't see why her making a wee joke about her age makes it okay to be an ass to a scared senior who obviously is at her wits end.And since when can't you bring your problems here?

Devil's Mom... If you go back and read all the posts very carefully... you'll see that I (and lots of others) did address her issue. And over and over again, it was addressed by many people that this was not the place to solve her problems. The OP said the police were useless and her solution was going to be to post pictures of the two men in question. All other comments were for naught. Ignored. Just post the pics and that will fix it! The point is... this situation is not a matter to be solved in JSH forums. Discussed, sure. But solved? Nope.

And by the way, I've never lied about my age. Ever. And I don't plan to start. I think from you post that you were inferring you work in a nursing home (?) and that the residents pretended to be younger... that's fine. I don't view the OP as a "senior" as you seem to. If this scenario is true, she is not safely ensconsed in a nursing home, but rather planning on snapping photos of people she suspects are dangerous. I think you are missing the larger point here is that there are many, many, many inconsistencies in what was said in different posts and that was simply a joke made out of that. Have a great day! flowerforyou

.... what she said. And if you are gonna rag on jist and litith throw me in the mix too.

I came right out and stated I've NEVER lied about my age, I'm 57 and do NOT plan on starting now.

No excuse. Period.

no photo
Wed 02/27/08 11:51 AM
Not to mention.. Now you don't know who they are.. but did know them earlier in the thread.

Funny thing about the written word:
Once you hit 'post topic' and add to it later?.. It is really a pretty good idea to go back and read what you said before, if your memory is failing you.
That way you have an idea of what path you were on..and stay on the same path.
Otherwise? Your stories just manage to go all over the place... Are not believable.

I suppose it is possible that you are going through all this. Not probable though.
Probability speaks loudly to a woman who is attention seeking by playing the victim to a fiction she is spinning as she goes.

Fade2Black's photo
Wed 02/27/08 11:51 AM

Here is my very last reply on the subjects....
Dudes and Dudettes out there, I did go to the police, and filed police reports. IF there are no suspects, they close the case in 3 days. Well, if I knew who did it, I would have a case now wouldn't I......

There were several buggers at work. First an x husband, coming into a house on a criminal trespass. Then, some drug addicts because there are several, and I am in a burglary zone, says the local police, that struck. Within a period of time, they hit Chevron 3x, did armed robbery on Subway, hit Blockbusters,
cut up Ace's fence, hit a shoe place, and a bar....
who is doing this.....well the police won't tell ya. And let us not forget the devils that steal gas out of your car at night. and let us not forget some beatings at the local bar, and this does not include the home burglaries going on in the area. Just a sample of the crime......

Ya can't catch the mothers unless you have a camera. And well daa, do u think I will put one up when I know it will leave?

Inconstitency you say about the reports I posted on JSH? I am not trained in criminal justice work nor do I know how to write a police report. What I do know is that I can't be the only woman bothered by this kind of thing. So I went to the forum to seek some help. I gave you all the information I had.
What I do know is that there is a great deal of criticism on this site, a great deal of disbelief, skepticism, and burying your head in the sand because you don't want to acknowledge, see or hear that a thing like this can go on especially to an older woman.
Nor do you want to see what they look like, because if you see them, they might come and visit you. Again, I say Thank You to all those that bothered to reply, and FYI I was reading and listening. to all the posts. flowerforyou

WTH. If u actually DO live in the hood .. MOVE. And again, pics of your questioned 'thugs' ... don't send them here cuz I do in the hood that is. So I have no need of their photos.

And btw .. you said your last post was your last post. But now we have a new post. Yet another inconsistency .. *rolls eyes and sighs*

countrybumpkin2u's photo
Wed 02/27/08 12:51 PM

Buy the 2 Guys a dime bag and have them beat the s**t out of your Ex.bigsmile

noway noway noway noway noway noway noway
LMDAO!!! RODF!!! OMG!!!laugh laugh laugh