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Topic: How to let go
no photo
Wed 12/20/06 06:08 PM
Ok hello all after reading some of this I am kind of scared to ask for
advice but here goes anyways. I am in a straind relationship we are no
longer together but we still live together. I am still in love with this
person and they know it yet they don't want to be with me and they keep
saying maybe someday we will get back together how do I walk away or do
I stay like I have been doing because I want to belive that we will get
back together or maybe it's just what I want so badly what do I

no photo
Wed 12/20/06 06:12 PM
well of course if you love him you are going to yearn fo it but you
have to open your eyes and look at it from say a family members eyes if
this was say a sister of yours and you saw what was going on in her
life, what would you say to her?

iceprincess's photo
Wed 12/20/06 06:13 PM
You leave. If they are not committed to you and keep saying mayby then
it's over darling. Don't hurt yourself more in the long run by staying.

BillRoot's photo
Wed 12/20/06 06:18 PM
U R NO 1s dog!Why waste your time when she will probbly go away later.

no photo
Wed 12/20/06 06:25 PM
I know I need to leave but how it's so hard I know I sound like a baby
and I am chasing my own tail so how do you let go when your heart is so
stuck deep in the muck of the sh*t. I know what I would tell my sister I
would tell her to leave but it is so differnt when your on the out
sidelooking in.

no photo
Wed 12/20/06 06:28 PM
well you only have 1 life, do you want to waste it away? or live it?

BillRoot's photo
Wed 12/20/06 06:31 PM
I been there.You get up your things,pull up your pants and head for the
door.Remind yourself always,i will do better than her.If you are looking
for a easy answer,stop!There isnt one.You just have to do what you know
is right.The pain will decrease later.Not fast,Not easy!

no photo
Wed 12/20/06 06:39 PM
Well your all absoulty right but where do I go with no place to move too
and a dead end job you know I keep telling my self they will find
someone new soon and it will finally be all over I will be on my own and
on my way to something new and better but than I think wow this sh*t is
going to go on forever well praying for an end in sight.

Morena350's photo
Wed 12/20/06 06:41 PM
hey girl, if you realy love someone you let them be happy, if you leave
and he feels better with you gone, then leave, because that is no life,
you will hurt more if you stay, how can you deal, living with someone
who lost interest in you
if you are co-dependent of him, that is a problem, because you are not
going to have a life without him,
(do you), it will hurt at first, but God never leave his children
alone!!!!!!!do it and start loving yourself!!!!!!!!!!

no photo
Wed 12/20/06 06:42 PM
only you can end it, and don't stay with someone because you feel you
have no place to go. I have led a very rough life and I pulled through
and you can too.

Morena350's photo
Wed 12/20/06 06:44 PM
get a room, and if you loose your job, get another
you will be ok. that is just an excuse not to leave,,,
love yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!if you don't love yoursel
then you don't love nobody,,,,,is something else but not love
for you to love someone first you got to love yourself!!!!!!!

eash's photo
Wed 12/20/06 06:51 PM
what i have to say is that my mother was in a relationship like that for
14 years and i got her to leave him for good by moving up here with her
and told her that she can live with me.a few months later i moved her
back home to live and now for the first time in years she is happy
losing weight going out and feels better about herself,i hope that you
read this and try will make you feel better about yourself and let
you sleep at night without wondering what may have been
love yourself and kids if you have them first then the erst will fall in

BillRoot's photo
Wed 12/20/06 06:53 PM
No family or friends to share bills with?Most everywhere has rooms for
rent.Check the paper.Look for a job that you can support yourself
on.Keep the job you have till you get a better one.Make yourself able to
support yourself.In this life you are the onlyone you can truely count
on!Wish you well.

no photo
Wed 12/20/06 07:05 PM
Thank you all for the advice the truth is the best policy and everything
you have said here is what I needed to hear I know I have lost my self
some where along the way in loveing and carring for this person and I
have stop caring about a lot of the thing's and people I once did and I
am scared of a lot of thing's the most bigest one is of losing the
chance of being with the one I am love with don't know why I know I
should not give a darn but anywase I know it will be hard and it will
not happen over night but one day I know it once will come down to me
doing the right thing. Thank you again.

BillRoot's photo
Wed 12/20/06 07:08 PM
Your not loosing the one your in love with.Your finding your path to the
one you will be inlove with.

no photo
Wed 12/20/06 07:09 PM

I really like what you said that ring's a lot of truth.

BillRoot's photo
Wed 12/20/06 07:19 PM
Only want to help if I can.Thats what makes me feel good about
myself!Find things to take your mind off!

no photo
Wed 12/20/06 07:22 PM
Yes you were helpful as were all of you if you can think of more advice
just let me know like I said the more truthful the better because sugar
coated truths will not help me.

BillRoot's photo
Wed 12/20/06 07:25 PM
suger coating never helps,only confuses.Help others as you help
yourself.You may just find yourself there!

no photo
Wed 12/20/06 07:32 PM
Don't know if I could help anyone else can't even see past my own pain
but I sure will give it a try.

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