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Topic: can one be a christian without Jesus?
CrazyPalindrome's photo
Thu 02/21/08 12:41 PM
I like a lot of core beliefs about christianity... love thy neighbor, don't kill people etc. But I just don't get the obsession with Jesus. It just seems weird that God would say "hold no other idols before me" and yet so many christians pray to Jesus directly instead of God... To me, I just don't think he was that big of a deal. I mean, I know he was regarded as "God's son," but aren't we all "children of God?" What if the real reason he was here was just to let us know we could all preform miracles? He says "believe in me" and miricals happen, Peter even almost walked on water... what if by "believe in me" he just meant believe in God, or in a higher power, and you can do anything?

lcjw's photo
Thu 02/21/08 12:44 PM

adj4u's photo
Thu 02/21/08 12:45 PM
Edited by adj4u on Thu 02/21/08 12:45 PM
what are the first 6 letters and what does it spell

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 02/21/08 12:45 PM
flowerforyou Its impossible to be a christian without Jesus !!.flowerforyou If you dont believe in the divinity of Christ then you ARE NOT a christian. flowerforyou Thats why its called Christianity.flowerforyou The mans name is jesus christ. flowerforyou This is a pretty simple concept to understandflowerforyou

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 02/21/08 12:48 PM

I like a lot of core beliefs about christianity... love thy neighbor, don't kill people etc. But I just don't get the obsession with Jesus. It just seems weird that God would say "hold no other idols before me" and yet so many christians pray to Jesus directly instead of God... To me, I just don't think he was that big of a deal. I mean, I know he was regarded as "God's son," but aren't we all "children of God?" What if the real reason he was here was just to let us know we could all preform miracles? He says "believe in me" and miricals happen, Peter even almost walked on water... what if by "believe in me" he just meant believe in God, or in a higher power, and you can do anything?
flowerforyou Those are not just core beliefs of christanity.flowerforyou The 10 commandments are part of 3 different religions.flowerforyou You do know there are other religions right?flowerforyou "Believe in me" means "Believe in me". flowerforyou You need to do a little research or something.flowerforyou

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Thu 02/21/08 12:50 PM
Then what's the in between? Is there an in between? I mean, I think the man probably existed, therefore, in some way I believe in christ... I just don't think he was the one and only. I don't know. I'm just at that "what the heck am I doing with my life?" phase, and I'm trying to figure things out. People usually just shut me down about religious questions, like you're doing, and it gets frustrating.

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Thu 02/21/08 12:52 PM

flowerforyou: Those are not just core beliefs of christanity.flowerforyou The 10 commandments are part of 3 different religions.flowerforyou You do know there are other religions right?flowerforyou "Believe in me" means "Believe in me". flowerforyou You need to do a little research or something.flowerforyou

YES I know there are other religions, I'm not stupid. I just can't figure out which one I fit into, if I fit into one at all. I've tried researching, I just don't know what I'm looking for okay?

Also, what's with all the frigging flowers... they look like they're mocking me.

USmale47374's photo
Thu 02/21/08 01:00 PM
The core religion of both Christianity and Islam is Judaism. They all share the beliefs your referred to. While Christians subscribe to both the Old Testament or the Koran, Jews believe only in the Old Testament. It can all be very confusing, as I learned as the child of parents of different faiths. Personally, I don't possess any religious beliefs. None really makes any sense to me, but best of luck to you. I hope you find what you seek.

KalamazooGuy87's photo
Thu 02/21/08 01:00 PM
lol? are you serious?

USmale47374's photo
Thu 02/21/08 01:02 PM
Sorry. Christians follow the New Testament, not the Old. Brain fart. :)

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Thu 02/21/08 01:05 PM

lol? are you serious?

I am serious about figuring out how I want to look at the world. Do I want to do it through the lense of a certain religion? Or do I want to just give up, because I've been so discouraged by religious assholes who mock my honest attempts to figure things out.

By the way, forget the friggen title here people... that's not what the real issue is about. I know it's stupid. What I'm really trying to ask, is whether there's a religion that believes christ existed without believing that he is the one and only "son of God."

USmale47374's photo
Thu 02/21/08 01:10 PM
Yes, both Jews and Islam recongnize that Jesus lived, and neither of them believe He was the son of God.

KalamazooGuy87's photo
Thu 02/21/08 01:12 PM

lol? are you serious?

I am serious about figuring out how I want to look at the world. Do I want to do it through the lense of a certain religion? Or do I want to just give up, because I've been so discouraged by religious assholes who mock my honest attempts to figure things out.

By the way, forget the friggen title here people... that's not what the real issue is about. I know it's stupid. What I'm really trying to ask, is whether there's a religion that believes christ existed without believing that he is the one and only "son of God."

please dont make a reference to me? Because we are sin and live in sin, we cannot talk directly to god. So therefore jesus is the middle so to say

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Thu 02/21/08 01:16 PM
We can and do talk to God all the friggen time. At least, that was what I was lead to believe... that's what prayer is supposed to be for, right?

CrazyPalindrome's photo
Thu 02/21/08 01:18 PM
Meh, nevermind all. I probably won't get the real answers I'm looking for here. I'm just going to live my life by my own code for now, and if I find out I'm wrong in the end... well, let's hope he's as forgiving as they say...

no photo
Thu 02/21/08 01:18 PM

I like a lot of core beliefs about christianity... love thy neighbor, don't kill people etc. But I just don't get the obsession with Jesus. It just seems weird that God would say "hold no other idols before me" and yet so many christians pray to Jesus directly instead of God... To me, I just don't think he was that big of a deal. I mean, I know he was regarded as "God's son," but aren't we all "children of God?" What if the real reason he was here was just to let us know we could all preform miracles? He says "believe in me" and miricals happen, Peter even almost walked on water... what if by "believe in me" he just meant believe in God, or in a higher power, and you can do anything?

I felt the same way as you. You have been let down, because so many explain that Jesus is important, but not WHY Jesus is important.

Jesus isn't just "God's son", Jesus is God. Jesus and God are joined, they share one spirit. Jesus has always been with the Father. Jesus is called "son" and God is called "God" and "Father" because Jesus submitted himself to the will of God. God has never submitted himself to the will of another. John chapter 1 tells us that Jesus has always been with God. Colossians 1:16 tells us that it was Jesus, not God the father, who created the universe. Colossians 1:17 tells us that Jesus holds all things together.

I'm sure this has raised more questions than it has answered, but please feel free to ask any questions you have in this thread or directly through email.

USmale47374's photo
Thu 02/21/08 01:19 PM
You tell 'em, Crazy! Religion is a very personal thing. Igore anyone who tells you differntly.

Just_Say_When's photo
Thu 02/21/08 01:21 PM
Wow....I was raised Catholic and I'm ashamed of all of you... YES, YOU CAN LIVE YOUR LIFE AS A CHRISTIAN WITHOUT BELIEVING JESUS CHRIST IS THE SON OF GOD!
You can be anything in any way you would like because God gave us free will. We all know and acknowledged Christ existed. He started a pretty good gig. Why no one thought of it before the New Testament is beyond me... maybe they didn't want to call it DAVIANITY OR BOBIANITY OR (dare I say) HEATHERANITYlaugh

My advice to you is don't call yourself anything, Just BE.

PJ847's photo
Thu 02/21/08 01:41 PM
Edited by PJ847 on Thu 02/21/08 01:43 PM
Let me help you here, just my story.

I was Catholic, I say it that way because I haven't practiced the religion since I left private school.

I had a step dad for a short time that was Muslim, and have many Jewish and a few Buddhist friends.

At one point I became a non-practicing atheist, because I confused with all of this, Its not like it interfered with my life or anything, I just stopped caring.

It was hard on me to get back to religion because of what I saw as fundamental problems. I like how fundamentally similar most religions are, they have a great message, but then there is the religion itself, the government of.

I haven't figured everything out yet, and it will probably never happen. But I have come to the conclusion that I am spiritual, but not religious. Religion involves participation in rituals, and I am not that kind of person.

Due to my background in Catholicism I feel my spirituality weighs more in that direction. Others I know went more towards Buddhism.

Probably one of the biggest reasons why I don't practice any religion is because I don't necessarily trust the religious governments,the system, people's interpretation of... etc. Humans are fallible. But I do believe in the goodness that religions stemmed from.

Who knows.. maybe I will once again return to a practicing religion...doubtful, but hey. But for right now, feel better believing in something abstract that I haven't figured out yet.

One nice thing about being spiritual and not religious is that you know you believe and its for you and only you.

As far as being Christian and not believing, or not giving Jesus equal recognition as you do God well... technically you can't be considered Christian per se. Because of the Holy Trinity and its weight in Christainity. God=Jesus=Holy Spirit. Its a confusing concept for some. I excepted it as a kid with little problem then later it got me thinking... and it wasn't until modern physics exercised my brain enough to accept that concept again.

I will let you figure it out yourself. I hope this post has given you enough to start.

If anyone wants to comment feel free. Be open minded... being confused about religion is a sensitive topic.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 02/21/08 01:41 PM

Then what's the in between? Is there an in between? I mean, I think the man probably existed, therefore, in some way I believe in christ... I just don't think he was the one and only. I don't know. I'm just at that "what the heck am I doing with my life?" phase, and I'm trying to figure things out. People usually just shut me down about religious questions, like you're doing, and it gets frustrating.

Your very lucky in that beliefs are so abstract that you can just about do anything you want with them. If you want to take the reverence for Jesus out of the equation by all means do it. The matter with beliefs is, if you are at peace and comfortable with it then you are where you should be.

Others will tell you different but I will tell you QUESTION EVERYTHING YOU ARE TOLD IS UNQUESTIONABLE, there is a reason someone wants it to stand unquestionedflowerforyou

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