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Topic: Kosovo Declares Independence
smo's photo
Sun 02/17/08 05:35 PM
What is happening in Serbia and Kosovo , would be EXACTLY compared to if Russia comes over here and starts making sure all the Indian reservations are free and at the same time build a few of his army bases on the Indian reservations within this country borders. This is EXACTLY what is happening there as we speak.

We are getting close to a hair trigger of losing this whole Country!!

Remember our thick headed Zionists(leaders) don't know how to take NO for an answer. But some nuclear strikes from Russia and China might Jog our memory a little bit. I hear we have just about completed a new military base in Kosovo. That emergency UN meeting could mean serious consequences for us and for Israel.

no photo
Sun 02/17/08 05:37 PM
laugh laugh laugh
that was supposed to be funny, right?

no photo
Sun 02/17/08 05:39 PM
Edited by Starsailor2851 on Sun 02/17/08 05:40 PM

laugh laugh laugh
that was supposed to be funny, right?

Knowing smo and his past posts, definately not being funny.

Frightenly, he's serious.

smo's photo
Sun 02/17/08 05:49 PM
By the way Russia and the Us both have star wars military equipment that has never been used yet , that we better hope never happens. But they may end up using it on each other. I read that it is more awesome than any star wars stuff that they ever had on the TV shows, more worse than us common people can imagine, probably be nothing much left in the NORTHERN HEMISPHERE!! That is why Bush and his buddies have underground shelters in the SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE.

no photo
Sun 02/17/08 05:51 PM
And people wonder why I don't support the legalization of drugs.

smo's photo
Sun 02/17/08 06:04 PM
We have seriously got to stop the war and bring all our soldiers back from all over the world if we do not wish to lose them, it is that bad!! We are going to need those soldiers right here at home at the rate things are going. If we lose them, then there will be nothing to stop Chinese BOOTS from taking everything over here ,and they too are mad, We have been robbing them blind too with our Private federal reserve money system. They are holding a lot of our worthless money over there, figuring how to get us back for our crimes against them.

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