Topic: soft curvy sexy women
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Fri 02/15/08 12:51 AM
happy flowerforyou

JoeCool64's photo
Fri 02/15/08 02:49 AM
Y'all are so CRAZY-goodnight, I'll check U in a minute

no photo
Fri 02/15/08 05:28 AM

Im 6'3 270lb.... Can you picture me with a stick-bone,lool. NOT...
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: KEV I CAN PICTURE YOU NAKED LOVE!!:tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

no photo
Fri 02/15/08 05:38 AM
I'm glad to see this topic. Thanks!

Ezra19's photo
Fri 02/15/08 05:48 AM
curvy is great. just not sickly and anorexic.

marangu88's photo
Sat 02/16/08 12:46 PM
I'm curvy, and I am ok with it. I don't let my weight put me into a sad mood. I am happy with the way I look. It doesn't matter what other people think of you, it is what YOU think of yourself. If you love yourself, then you will definitely love others just as well. Nice to meet you all, by the way. Read my profile if you want to, but what I posted is honest, and what you see is what you get, gentlemen!

Fade2Black's photo
Sat 02/16/08 01:31 PM

ok, so there has to be at least a few guys out there who can appreciate a soft round curvy woman right? you can be voluptuous and be sexy. you can have nice soft thighs and still look good in tight jeans. you can have a full jiggly bust and feel sexy in a low cut shirt. you can sport a big round ass and have a foxy wiggle in yr walk. you can be very feminine and full figured. i love my soft sturdy sensual curves. and i hope that all of my big pretty ladies out there love themselves just as they are as well. i can appreciate every inch of me. can you?

They say 80% of guys love voluptuous over skinny .. aren't we glad :tongue:

Love my hourglass figure. Heck I'D do me! laugh

D_Angel's photo
Wed 10/01/08 07:48 PM
This was a great topic to discuss.
I mean I thought most guys love curvy women, am I wrong?

DDejon's photo
Wed 10/01/08 07:53 PM
You can do sidebends or situps, but please dont lose that butt.

no photo
Wed 10/01/08 08:16 PM
:banana: BIG BOOTY DANCE:banana:

I LIKES ME SO CURVES........biggrin

txmomof2's photo
Wed 10/01/08 08:36 PM

JustAGuy2112's photo
Wed 10/01/08 08:37 PM
<< Much prefers a woman with curves over one with edges. :-)

beautifulsoul08's photo
Wed 10/01/08 08:39 PM
woot im proud of you justaguy!

JustAGuy2112's photo
Wed 10/01/08 08:40 PM

woot im proud of you justaguy!

Why for??? I have been saying that for YEAS now...lmao

You STILL need to be about 15 years older.flowerforyou

beautifulsoul08's photo
Wed 10/01/08 08:41 PM
because ive been having a debate with a guy for a while now about this very issue and its very great to hear a guy who appreciates a full figured woman

guitaedreams's photo
Wed 10/01/08 08:42 PM
as long as the girl can walk without gasping for air then its all good

michiganman3's photo
Wed 10/01/08 08:42 PM
The only one who wants a skinny bone is the dog.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Wed 10/01/08 08:51 PM

The only one who wants a skinny bone is the dog.

Nahhh...even the dog would prefer some meat on the bone. lol

JustAGuy2112's photo
Wed 10/01/08 08:52 PM

because ive been having a debate with a guy for a while now about this very issue and its very great to hear a guy who appreciates a full figured woman

A guy is actually DEBATING the subject with you???

Hell...send him my way and I will impart some wisdom so he can stop being blind. lol

Amagurl's photo
Wed 10/01/08 08:56 PM
Wow..this is better than the trainwrecks that have been started the past couple days!

Yay for curves...I would not want to trade mine for the world!:thumbsup: