Topic: Genuinely Loving Religions and/or Philosophies
iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Sun 02/17/08 03:09 PM

I would like to hear about the truly positive religions and philosophies for a change. Religions and philosophies that genuinely embrace love with out condemning it as a sin.

Religions and/or philosophies that allow for people to express their love via genuine and sincere loving physical intimacy without any need to willfully disobey a deity and be cast out of his grace because of their genuine and sincere love for one another.

I’m tired of hearing about the God who condemns love.

Tell me something positive and upbeat.

I don’t care whether it’s an official religion or your own personal philosophy. I don’t care whether it’s associated with a supreme deity or whether it’s a purely atheistic philosophy. Just share something positive. I’m really getting depressed hearing about the judgmental God who hates love and insists that it be a filthy sinful act that is considered to be willful disobedience.

Where’s the LOVE?

Please share any truly LOVING religions and/or philosophies that aren’t based on condemning love as a sin. I’m tired of hearing about the God of condemnation.

flowerforyou :heart: love :heart: flowerforyou

Fornication is a tough one to understand Abra...It is hard to see it as a sin in a certain light when 2 people love each other and desire to be together without marriage. I have my own fears and reservations about conforming to marriage again also. It's between you and God and yourselves IMO. I can't judge and don't want to.

I doubt anyone likes to feel guilt for it *been there* and it is probably the 2nd highest sin broken just behind lying... maybe IMO. I don't know Abra... I break rules..I am stubborn and selfish at times right along with the rest of us humans...


iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Sun 02/17/08 03:17 PM
I've been told this photo is sinful...

blushing blushing blushing

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Sun 02/17/08 03:31 PM
IMO another person has no right to judge another in that "You're going to hell" mode kind of way. I think those who want to be close to God will be... and he loves us even if he doesn't love what we're doing sometimes... He knows our soul and our intentions and our reasons for doing things...I think it matters to him.

no photo
Sun 02/17/08 03:35 PM
Now many would point out that God has killed children. Which is better: A child dies innocent or the child grows into a man who does evil his whole life and dies without repentance?

I have heard this illogical sick excuse from other fundamental Bible thumper's like you and it makes me think that you have no reasoning ability at all. No thinking mind of your own. You rationalize for your sick idea of a blood thirsty God.

1. The children were robbed of their lives.
2. The children were not given a chance to make any of their own decisions.
3. You are assuming that these innocent children had no other choice but to turn to evil. If that were so, then they were never innocent to begin with.

This kind of sick illogical reasoning proves to me that you are a blind sheep making excuses for an illogical religion.

So why are Christians like you against abortion? Hey kill them while they are still "innocent." Kill the unborn too. Why wait for them to be born?

I am totally disgusted.:angry:

no photo
Sun 02/17/08 03:43 PM
Who said anything about seeing Jesus? Jesus promised to reveal himself, which leads to the unwavering faith that so offends you and Abra.

Unwavering faith does not offend me.

(And I don't consider you to have unwavering faith anyway. You waver all over the place or else you would not be so offended by other people's opinions about your beliefs.)

no photo
Sun 02/17/08 03:47 PM
I'm smart enough to know Christian doctrine. There is a reason why the Bible is called "the Sword of the spirit". A Christian can cut through the lies of Satan using the truth found within the Bible. Satan knows the Bible, but he twists the truth. A Christian who has armed him/herself will be able to cut through the lies to see Satan or his servants for what they are.

You are so full of rhetoric you have built a wall around yourself that keeps all reason and logic and common sense from penetrating. Inside that wall there exist only lies and deception that you have mistaken as truth. May you one day see the light and escape from that mind prison in which you live. Poor soul.


no photo
Sun 02/17/08 06:13 PM
Edited by Spidercmb on Sun 02/17/08 06:23 PM

I have heard this illogical sick excuse from other fundamental Bible thumper's like you and it makes me think that you have no reasoning ability at all. No thinking mind of your own. You rationalize for your sick idea of a blood thirsty God.


This kind of sick illogical reasoning proves to me that you are a blind sheep making excuses for an illogical religion.

"it makes me think that you have no reasoning ability at all"

"No thinking mind of your own."

"you are a blind sheep making excuses for an illogical religion. "

Those are unnecessary personal attacks. Please try to disagree without personally attacking those with whom you disagree.


1. The children were robbed of their lives.
2. The children were not given a chance to make any of their own decisions.
3. You are assuming that these innocent children had no other choice but to turn to evil. If that were so, then they were never innocent to begin with.

1. They were not robbed of their lives. God cannot steal anything, everything belongs to God.
2. Correct.
3. They had other choices, but God had watched Jericho for 400 years and good people weren't produced there. Their society was sick to the point that good people couldn't be produced.

So why are Christians like you against abortion? Hey kill them while they are still "innocent." Kill the unborn too. Why wait for them to be born?

It's wrong for a human to take the life of a human. The only exception is when the human life taken threatens another life. We are all equal and limited in our understanding. We have no right to arbitrarily decide who lives and who dies.

no photo
Sun 02/17/08 06:14 PM

Who said anything about seeing Jesus? Jesus promised to reveal himself, which leads to the unwavering faith that so offends you and Abra.

Unwavering faith does not offend me.

(And I don't consider you to have unwavering faith anyway. You waver all over the place or else you would not be so offended by other people's opinions about your beliefs.)


Would like to provide some evidence to back up that statement?


no photo
Sun 02/17/08 06:17 PM

I'm smart enough to know Christian doctrine. There is a reason why the Bible is called "the Sword of the spirit". A Christian can cut through the lies of Satan using the truth found within the Bible. Satan knows the Bible, but he twists the truth. A Christian who has armed him/herself will be able to cut through the lies to see Satan or his servants for what they are.

You are so full of rhetoric you have built a wall around yourself that keeps all reason and logic and common sense from penetrating. Inside that wall there exist only lies and deception that you have mistaken as truth. May you one day see the light and escape from that mind prison in which you live. Poor soul.



This entire post is a personal attack. There is no need for personal attacks. Personal attacks are against the rules of this forum. Please refrain from personal attacks and stick to attacking the arguments.


no photo
Sun 02/17/08 06:24 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 02/17/08 06:24 PM

Who said anything about seeing Jesus? Jesus promised to reveal himself, which leads to the unwavering faith that so offends you and Abra.

Unwavering faith does not offend me.

(And I don't consider you to have unwavering faith anyway. You waver all over the place or else you would not be so offended by other people's opinions about your beliefs.)


Would like to provide some evidence to back up that statement?


Which statement are you referring to?

a. That unwavering faith does not offend me.
b. I don't consider you to have unwavering faith anyway.
c. You waver all over the place

The first two, a. and b. are statements of my own opinions.
the third statement, c. is my personal perception.

The following is the reason for my personal perception (c.)

or else you would not be so offended by other people's opinions about your beliefs..

Because you are so easily offended by other people's opinions and beliefs, this demonstrates to me that you are not sure your beliefs are true. You have doubts. If you did not have doubts, you would not be so offended. You would just not consider my opinion of any importance to you. If my opinion is of no importance to you, you would not take offense with it.

no photo
Sun 02/17/08 06:31 PM

Because you are so easily offended by other people's opinions and beliefs, this demonstrates to me that you are not sure your beliefs are true. You have doubts. If you did not have doubts, you would not be so offended. You would just not consider my opinion of any importance to you. If my opinion is of no importance to you, you would not take offense with it.

This is called a "False Dilemma" fallacy. You are only looking at a limited number of possiblities. Your religion doesn't offend me, nobody's does. It does not offend me to hear another claim that his/her religion is the only true religion. I only get offended when Christianity is attacked. I love my religion, so I defend it. I believe that Christianity teaches the truth, so I defend the truth as I see it. I believe that Christianity teaches the way to salvation, so I must defend Christianity out of love for others, so that they are not mislead by lies.

no photo
Sun 02/17/08 06:35 PM
"it makes me think that you have no reasoning ability at all"

"No thinking mind of your own."

"you are a blind sheep making excuses for an illogical religion. "

Those are unnecessary personal attacks. Please try to disagree without personally attacking those with whom you disagree.

1.I seem to remember you calling me and my friends "ilk." in a very disrespectful manner.

2. But if you will reread my statement they start with "it makes me think that you..."

Therefore I am simply telling you how I think and why I think it.

I did not make any direct personal statements about you. I simply let you know what I think. This amounts to admitting that it is my opinion.

I did mean for you to understand that I was talking about you personally because I do not want you to get insulted about me attacking your religion or your congregation of Christians that you seem to want to be the spokesman for.

I am sure that under all that programing and psychological group conditioning there exists a wonderful human being. I do have my doubts that you and I will ever speak on the same level however as you are locked inside of a tiny little box.


no photo
Sun 02/17/08 06:40 PM
Edited by Spidercmb on Sun 02/17/08 06:42 PM

"it makes me think that you have no reasoning ability at all"

"No thinking mind of your own."

"you are a blind sheep making excuses for an illogical religion. "

Those are unnecessary personal attacks. Please try to disagree without personally attacking those with whom you disagree.

1.I seem to remember you calling me and my friends "ilk." in a very disrespectful manner.

2. But if you will reread my statement they start with "it makes me think that you..."

Therefore I am simply telling you how I think and why I think it.

I did not make any direct personal statements about you. I simply let you know what I think. This amounts to admitting that it is my opinion.


Now please, I see no reason for this sort of dissembling.

First, "ilk" means "Type or kind". It's not an insult.

Second, if I called you a b*tch...that might be my opinion, but it's also an insult. If your opinion of me is so negative that you believe that I don't think, then you should still stick to attacking the message and not me personally.

And you finish with another personal attack...

as you are locked inside of a tiny little box.

I'm going to get sick of this and then I'll have to take it to the mods. Please, let's not push this any further. I am perfectly willing to forgive and forget the insults you have made so far, but any further insults and I will have to report the posts to the mods. Let's try to keep the conversation going without resorting to insults.

no photo
Sun 02/17/08 06:44 PM

Because you are so easily offended by other people's opinions and beliefs, this demonstrates to me that you are not sure your beliefs are true. You have doubts. If you did not have doubts, you would not be so offended. You would just not consider my opinion of any importance to you. If my opinion is of no importance to you, you would not take offense with it.

This is called a "False Dilemma" fallacy. You are only looking at a limited number of possiblities. Your religion doesn't offend me, nobody's does. It does not offend me to hear another claim that his/her religion is the only true religion. I only get offended when Christianity is attacked. I love my religion, so I defend it. I believe that Christianity teaches the truth, so I defend the truth as I see it. I believe that Christianity teaches the way to salvation, so I must defend Christianity out of love for others, so that they are not mislead by lies.

(False Dilemma fallacy??")You can tag a name on anything if it makes you feel smart But everything boils down to perceptions and opinions. Dissect it anyway you wish.

I do not belong to any religion other than my own. (I guess if you want to call that a religion that is your business.)

I will not ever "attack" Christianity as long as you keep it out of my face. I don't consider expressing my opinion of Christianity an attack. You apparently do.


no photo
Sun 02/17/08 06:47 PM
Edited by Spidercmb on Sun 02/17/08 06:49 PM

(False Dilemma fallacy??")You can tag a name on anything if it makes you feel smart But everything boils down to perceptions and opinions. Dissect it anyway you wish.

"False Dilemma" is an accepted type of logical fallacy. You looked at a situation and you ignored possible explainations in favor of explainations which support your pre-existing conclusion.

I will not ever "attack" Christianity as long as you keep it out of my face. I don't consider expressing my opinion of Christianity an attack. You apparently do.

That's not surprising, as you think that saying I have "no reasoning ability", "no thinking mind" and that I'm a "blind sheep" aren't personal insults either. There is no forum rules against insulting religions, so have at it if it floats your boat. I personally see it as crude and unnecessary. But, no more personal insults, okay?


no photo
Sun 02/17/08 06:53 PM
I'm going to get sick of this and then I'll have to take it to the mods. Please, let's not push this any further. I am perfectly willing to forgive and forget the insults you have made so far, but any further insults and I will have to report the posts to the mods. Let's try to keep the conversation going without resorting to insults.

Since you seem to be insulted by every opinion I express I can take that threat as your attempt to sensor my opinions, thoughts and words. This will be my last post in response to anything you have to say.

no photo
Sun 02/17/08 06:58 PM

I'm going to get sick of this and then I'll have to take it to the mods. Please, let's not push this any further. I am perfectly willing to forgive and forget the insults you have made so far, but any further insults and I will have to report the posts to the mods. Let's try to keep the conversation going without resorting to insults.

Since you seem to be insulted by every opinion I express I can take that threat as your attempt to sensor my opinions, thoughts and words. This will be my last post in response to anything you have to say.


If you think it's a threat, then you should take that immediately to the moderators. Click on the "Report this post" link and write an explaination that I'm trying to keep you from voicing your "opinion" of how stupid I am. Let me know how it comes out. Yes, this post is sarcastic. Hope that's okay with everyone.

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 02/17/08 07:00 PM

Genuinely Loving Religions and/or Philosophies.

It looks like no matter how hard we try we just can’t escape “The Judge”. ohwell

no photo
Sun 02/17/08 07:04 PM
Edited by Spidercmb on Sun 02/17/08 07:06 PM

Genuinely Loving Religions and/or Philosophies.

It looks like no matter how hard we try we just can’t escape “The Judge”. ohwell


What do you call someone who sees one person called stupid and attacks that person for defending himself?


On second thought, "defending himself" isn't the correct term. I was simply asking her (several times, I might add) to stop insulting me.

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 02/17/08 07:07 PM

What do you call someone who sees one person called stupid and attacks that person for defending himself?

I think you should seek professional help, but that's just a sincere suggesting. Please don't take offense at it.