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Topic: the Bill of rights
IndnPrncs's photo
Thu 02/14/08 04:42 PM

"using spellchecker" IndPrnc's -- so since you just answered my point for me, is that you do go by looks of another person.

Physical Attraction + Looks ='s going by another persons physical appearence. It's just common sense and simple math equation for my life's experience.

And going by another person's physical cover. You might be catching somebody that's fake to begin with and evil all at the same time.

By the way.... Happy Valentines Day IndPrnc's!!!

Thank you for the Happy V-day..

BUT YOU just don't get it you're so stuck on the looks part that you did not read the INTELLIGENCE part nor the sense of HUMOR part which are just as high as what I AM ATTRACTED TOO.... Example... About every woman thinks Harrison Ford is gorgeous.. I DO NOT... Brad Pitt is cute but not totally drop dead.. Soooooooooooooooo you see BEAUTY/LOOKS are in the EYE OF THE BEHOLDER... Some men find me attractive others don't.. Should I go around knocking them b/c they might prefer someone more girl next door plain or hot vamp?? NO that would be dumb!!! I'm getting a headache from the circles here...


lilith401's photo
Thu 02/14/08 04:42 PM
Edited by lilith401 on Thu 02/14/08 04:42 PM
Is this about the Bill of Rights or is this about what women find physically attractive?

Misogyny, anyone????flowerforyou

Totage's photo
Thu 02/14/08 04:43 PM

but anyways! does anybody here know about their Bill of Rights? let's stick to the topic please...thanks!!!

Basically, coporations have BOUGHT our government and are eliminating our RIGHTS, for their own private agendas.

The second amendment is constantly under attack.

Blue laws clearly attack our first amendment.

Can anyone explain to me how buying wine on Sunday is any worse than buying wine Saturday or Monday?

Totage all that is great but WHAT does it have to do with JSH do you know????? That was his original point.. Now I'm just a sterotyping hot man seeking woman...

huh It's a discussion.

IndnPrncs's photo
Thu 02/14/08 04:43 PM

~~Jim~~Princess~~ Sappnin' drinker smokin


no photo
Thu 02/14/08 04:44 PM

"using spellchecker" Jim519 -- 1st of all buddy. I know what the Bill of Rights is and if you would like to kindfully debate about this issue. We can debate it here infront of everyone.

2nd -- IndPrnc's said right there in her comments that she has to be Physically Attracted to the person she would like to be with. Now for somebody in my experience in being stereotyped out by women my whole life. Women have made me understand in return that it's all about looks. So from my life's experience being mistreated by women. I've learned that if you are going by a person's physical

appearance...you still are going by looks of what you see. If a person doesn't have the looks, appearence or physical taste of another person's eye contact. Then you are going by looks and Physical Attraction is still going by looks. Noticing most of the women you have as friends on your list Jim...it appears you have some lady friends that have looks. So that means you are going by the looks of
person instead of who they are. I mean...would you date a lady that did or did not have looks in order to be physically attracted to her?

Okay so, what does your opinion on the human mating rituals and preferances have to do with our first amendment rights? You have a pretty good audience here so lets stay on topic and have a discussion about it.

no photo
Thu 02/14/08 04:44 PM
"using spellchecker" IndPrnc's -- yes all that is great about what Totage over there posted. But you failed to realize a point that's in what Totage posted thru a mainstream news source. That our government funded the feminism movement.

"using spellchecker" so Totage has made my point for me as you can see everyone!!! Totage is awake and understands what's going on in our nation. But you ask me... what does this have to do with JSH you ask??

Because this website JSH is supposedly in the United States...correct?? so do you all live in another country where there is NO Bill of Rights whatsoever to keep you free

or do you live in the United States where our founding fathers have died for us all in our nation to have these freedoms to begin with. My point is our founding fathers...died for me and you all in our nation to have these basic rights to live free from tyranny and oppression.

IndnPrncs's photo
Thu 02/14/08 04:44 PM

Is this about the Bill of Rights or is this about what women find physically attractive?

Misogyny, anyone????flowerforyou

we're still not sure Lilith

IndnPrncs's photo
Thu 02/14/08 04:45 PM

"using spellchecker" IndPrnc's -- yes all that is great about what Totage over there posted. But you failed to realize a point that's in what Totage posted thru a mainstream news source. That our government funded the feminism movement.

"using spellchecker" so Totage has made my point for me as you can see everyone!!! Totage is awake and understands what's going on in our nation. But you ask me... what does this have to do with JSH you ask??

Because this website JSH is supposedly in the United States...correct?? so do you all live in another country where there is NO Bill of Rights whatsoever to keep you free

or do you live in the United States where our founding fathers have died for us all in our nation to have these freedoms to begin with. My point is our founding fathers...died for me and you all in our nation to have these basic rights to live free from tyranny and oppression.


chopperdan's photo
Thu 02/14/08 04:46 PM
The bill of rights has been trampled by our government repeatly and our rights are being taken from us everyday!

IndnPrncs's photo
Thu 02/14/08 04:47 PM
wow you know what.. I'll let you guys TRY to get to the end of this I've run out of patience.. I'll read it later tonight...

Have fun all!!!!!! Happy V Day...

no photo
Thu 02/14/08 04:48 PM
ahhhhhhhh. wtf did i just walk in to
(slowly exiting)

no photo
Thu 02/14/08 04:49 PM
It is not oppression if you are freely choosing to partake in a specific activity. For example, I may think that some religions are oppresive so I just choose not to attend their churchs. That is my right. Just as you have the right to free will and not attend this web site.

Jim519's photo
Thu 02/14/08 04:50 PM

The bill of rights has been trampled by our government repeatly and our rights are being taken from us everyday!

I have to agree with Chopper

But at the same time I love and respect my country and wouldnt want to live anywhere else. I am grateful for what everyone does to support this country of ours, even though I dont agree with everything the goverment does, it's still the best place to live on this whole earth..

So the point is?

Jim519's photo
Thu 02/14/08 04:50 PM

wow you know what.. I'll let you guys TRY to get to the end of this I've run out of patience.. I'll read it later tonight...

Have fun all!!!!!! Happy V Day...

Later Princess!!!!

Totage's photo
Thu 02/14/08 04:51 PM
But at the same time I love and respect my country and wouldnt want to live anywhere else. I am grateful for what everyone does to support this country of ours, even though I dont agree with everything the goverment does, it's still the best place to live on this whole earth..

Yes, and we the people need to take back the country. drinker

iceprincess's photo
Thu 02/14/08 04:52 PM
so are you complaining the bill of rights gave us the freedom to have diffrences in matter of attraction. Or are you just pissed it gave someone the right to not find you attractive..............i'm trying to draw a a correlation between your two complaints and i'm drawing a blank

Jim519's photo
Thu 02/14/08 04:53 PM

But at the same time I love and respect my country and wouldnt want to live anywhere else. I am grateful for what everyone does to support this country of ours, even though I dont agree with everything the goverment does, it's still the best place to live on this whole earth..

Yes, and we the people need to take back the country. drinker

drinker drinker Agreed!!!

no photo
Thu 02/14/08 04:54 PM
thanks for your words yes we are being walked on and we need to fight to put a stop to it and take back are rights

no photo
Thu 02/14/08 04:54 PM
my gas bill ain't right----

no photo
Thu 02/14/08 04:55 PM
.....and dacare is WAYYYYYY out of control.laugh

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