Topic: Trust...
IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 02/10/08 09:53 PM

I know hon, I hear you loud and clear. I suppose I just want to believe there are some out there yet that cherish love and all that comes with it. Until I find her I'll mbe alone. I did 9yr's knowing my ex was screwing around everytime I left as she continually accused me of doing it. When our kids were gone so was I and stayed there till now.
I nguess I was actually responding to the lesser betrayals and differences in a growing relationship. Far as I'm concerned there is never and acceptable excuse to screw around especially if you have a partner who is committed and true. Yes! I agree emphatically that is the worste type of betrayal!!!!!!!! And yes, it does hurt so far down that I didn't know feelings were that encompassing! Guess that's why I've been single since 1984 except for one special, wonderful woman who left me because of cancer way to soon. After the first nightmare she taught me to love and cherish beyond anything I ever knew before.

I'm sorry for you loss Monkey... I hope that one day you find that again...

Hiker I'm sorry baby girl... smooched

monkey694u's photo
Sun 02/10/08 09:55 PM
"What about the person you trust to love you and be with you not beat you, then they do.. Then they swear they'll never do it again, so you give them another chance and what do they do but beat you again and worse the next time"
Far as I am concerned if any man strikes a woman for any reason he is a pint of piss. A real man can get that mad at a woman at times but will walk away. Scum that hit women (or children) are less than men.

monkey694u's photo
Sun 02/10/08 09:57 PM
Edited by monkey694u on Sun 02/10/08 10:03 PM
unfortunately they seem to be the ones who always get the hot chicks.....go figure a? Maybe you can help me understand waht draws so many beautiful women to these freaks? Drugs, parties, living on the edge? A friend of mines litle sister is hooked up with a piece of sh-t that makes her go sell her body on the street so he can buy drugs. She is a gorgeous young lady. Whats the payoff?

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 02/10/08 10:03 PM

unfortunately they seem to be the ones who always get the hot chicks.....go figure a?

That's not true.. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and it's not just skin deep..

monkey694u's photo
Sun 02/10/08 10:05 PM
Edited by monkey694u on Sun 02/10/08 10:06 PM
ok, so why would a freak beat someone he thinks is beautiful? Jealousy????? I thought we were talking about abuse not beauty, beautiful women are abused continually and always make excuses for the freaks that beat them.

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 02/10/08 10:06 PM

ok, so why would a freak beat someone he thinks is beautiful? Jealousy?????

In my case yes and he was completely insecure but the scary thing is that took 3 yrs to happen and nothing changed between us to make it that way well except I started taking classes "online" mind you....

monkey694u's photo
Sun 02/10/08 10:10 PM
Exterior beauty is only skin deep. Real beauty that comes from the inside and defines the person as a beautiful is the real thing. As long as a woman isn't to hard to look at I am more concerned about who she is on the inside and I don't get that close till I am at least fairly sure.

monkey694u's photo
Sun 02/10/08 10:11 PM
what kind of classes? Is that what triggered him?

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 02/10/08 10:11 PM

Exterior beauty is only skin deep. Real beauty that comes from the inside and defines the person as a beautiful is the real thing. As long as a woman isn't to hard to look at I am more concerned about who she is on the inside and I don't get that close till I am at least fairly sure.

I hear ya! I'm a little too reserved I guess but it's worked well for me I think.. I fully believe "givem enough rope... " always prooves true...

monkey694u's photo
Sun 02/10/08 10:14 PM
you know what worried me for a long time indianprincess? I had heard all my life that if I picked a nightmare the first time I'd continue to pick the same type of person. That means that the betrayal was so bad that it caused me to not even trust bad is that?

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 02/10/08 10:16 PM

you know what worried me for a long time indianprincess? I had heard all my life that if I picked a nightmare the first time I'd continue to pick the same type of person. That means that the betrayal was so bad that it caused me to not even trust bad is that?

We all have scars Monkey.. I do have to believe though, that b/c our hearts are good and true that when the right person comes along we'll know it and give it a chance.. but red flags are red flags no matter what color one tries to paint them...

monkey694u's photo
Sun 02/10/08 10:18 PM
agree with u babe, what that means to me is to let the relationship grow or not before I make any deep committments or move in together. Let the rope do its testing first, then if it's all good go deeper. What do you mean "it worked for me" Have you found a happy relationship?

hikerchick's photo
Sun 02/10/08 10:18 PM

I'm sorry for you loss Monkey... I hope that one day you find that again...

Hiker I'm sorry baby girl... smooched

Hey whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger.drinker

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 02/10/08 10:19 PM

I'm sorry for you loss Monkey... I hope that one day you find that again...

Hiker I'm sorry baby girl... smooched

Hey whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger.drinker

Words I live by...

monkey694u's photo
Sun 02/10/08 10:19 PM
agree hon, I'd say trust your instincts 100% Your heart or your mind will always try to play gamnes on you if it's something you want to be good.

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 02/10/08 10:20 PM

agree hon, I'd say trust your instincts 100% Your heart or your mind will always try to play gamnes on you if it's something you want to be good.

I do... Everyone makes fun of me b/c no one makes it past 1 date a long term relationship for me is 4 dates but hey, I'm cool with that.. lol

monkey694u's photo
Sun 02/10/08 10:25 PM
ya, wonder how many times you thought it had killed you? The betrayal was so hurtin that you felt dead inside, isolated, alone, and defeated.
After all if you give all you got, and the best you got in every way, and still it sucks your value is pretty much elliminated by the statement it makes for awhile.

monkey694u's photo
Sun 02/10/08 10:26 PM
thanks hickerchik and indnprncs, That means a lot

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 02/10/08 10:26 PM
I did years ago but stopped wondering after the last.. I learned that if that didn't then it can't happen..

monkey694u's photo
Sun 02/10/08 10:27 PM
indnprncs, hey that reminds me of the movie "Runaway Bride"......LOL